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Tournament of Doom: Online Editions
October 2004
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December 2006

Tournament of Doom 4: The Clobbernating

News Flash!

This just in: strange events have begun taking place since Sunday afternoon at around 2pm. At that time, strange beings from all over the known universe began gathering at specific locations across the globe. Their targets seem to be small remote islands, but their goal is unknown.

The actions of these aliens, creatures, and various beasties (thus far) seem to be limited to renting hotel rooms and setting up vending stations. We will keep you updated as to the continued development of their actions.

Also, familiar terrestrial beings have begun acting oddly. Reports of bands of glowing green raptors engaged in artillery target practice have been pouring in. There have also been sighting of well-known celebrities such as Brad Pitt and the Trix Rabbit involved in intense Mui Tai Kickboxing training. What all of this could mean of the future of mankind and media-centric entertainment is yet to be seen.

Keep your eye on this publication

Tournament Opens!

After months of preparation, the Tournament of Doom IV: The Clobbernating has announced its first match up of the season. This year's combatants are in a whole new category than in previous years. The Clobbernating will pit god-like fighters against each other in combat so vicious that a 10-count knock out rule is in effect in the event that a fight to the death is improbable.

So who is kicking off the season this year? It is none other than the mighty Thundercats versus the rascally 2005 Luther College Upward Bound staff. It promises to be a bloody and ferocious contest that will whet the appetite of any Tournament fan. Here is a quick run down of the strengths and weaknesses of each set of fighters:

Pros: Fast, well trained, good weapons, strong as a team, many very strong fighters
Cons: Prone to comic mishaps and may stop to groom themselves during the fight

UB Staff:
Pros: Excellent teamwork, bloodthirsty nature, 3x as many fighters, Colletta
Cons: Often tired and cranky, sometimes skittish if approached too quickly

The winner of this preliminary fight will continue on in the main brackets until they are either defeated or declared this year's champions. So tune in or head to the stands and check out all the action. As always, keep your eye on Tournament of Doom News for all Tournament related updates.

First Fight Finishes Favored Felines
In a stunning turn of events last night, the 2005 Upward Bound Staff finished off the highly favored Thundercats. It was a battle that will no doubt find itself a place in Tournament history.

Rarely have Tournament fans witnessed such utter brutality and carnage. The Thundercats themselves took a heavy toll among the Staffers, but were eventually taken down by sheer force and savage brutality. Here are some highlights:

Tim Zick and Snarf went to the ground for over 10 minutes of vicious wrestling resulting in several painful dislocations.

Sam Love showed no affection when her flying side-kick finished off an invisible Tigra. She said that she was able to spot him because of the floating blood splatters.

Six unidentified staffers were pummeled by Wiley Kit and Wiley Kat, who threw fruit at them with deadly accuracy. Dave Hunt was annihilated by a mango to the groin.

It was fierce. It was bloody. It was a raucous start to what may possibly be the greatest Tournament of Doom that the world has ever known. The fights have just begun, so keep your eye on TOD for the latest, the greatest, and the potentially most biased Tournament news available!

Letter to the Editor

I write this letter in protest. Evidence of my annihilation is premature. The mango actually only grazed me and I am back to 100% fighting strength.
Dave Hunt - Decorah, Iowa

Dear Mr. Hunt,

As most entrants in the tournament know, any fighter or fighters who win their match return for their next fight at 100%. I am confused as to why you felt the necessity to write us and explain such a basic facet of the Tournament structure. My staff and I have compiled a possible list of why this may be:

1. You are a kooky nut who likes to draw attention to himself.
2. Refer to #1

Although it may not be much of a list, the Tournament of Doom news Staff and I feel that this is a fair and balanced view of your situation. We hope that you continue to feel free tow rite us with your concerns, as they are very important to our readers and us (and it's always good for a laugh).

We wish you the best of luck in the year's Tournament.

The Tournament of Doom News Staff and Goon Squad.

Fighters Get Fired Up

This year's tournament includes some of the Universe's most powerful and fantastic combatants. Entrants like Godzila and Superman are in a class unlike any in Tournament history. So what do these kings and queens of the universe do to get psyched up for a fight? Tournament of Doom News decided to ask heavily favored combatant Thor about this.

TDN: So what gets you ready to mix it up with another fighter this year?
THOR: I find that a 16oz bottle of Gatoraid, you know, the kind they sell at the 7-11, gives me a little boost before I lay down my savage justice.
TDN: Any particular flavor?
THOR: I like ambrosia flavored, but it's hard to find around here so I usually drink fruit punch.
TDN: Are you excited about your first match?
THOR: Such petty emotions as "excitement" are beneath me.
TDN: So you're saying that the rumors of your giggling the a schoolgirl when you were chosen for this year's brackets are unfounded?
THOR: Loki was using some sort of mind control on me at the time. Really. I wouldn't make something like that up.
TDN: Um, sure. So, is there anything you'd like to tell our readers out there before your first match of the Tournament?
THOR: Yes. I ask that you please also drink Gatoraid and purchase Nike merchandise.
TDN: That seems a little inappropriate.
THOR: What!? Do you wish me to smite you down for your insolence?
TDN: And that will wrap it up for this interview. No smiting will be necessary.

Spotlight on Rayquaza

A virtual unknown to Tournament goers this year is the mighty Rayquaza. This bad boy is a Pokemon trainer's dream-come-true that every TOD fan should be familiar with.

GENRE: Pokemon
TYPE: Sky High (Dragon/Flying)
HEIGHT: 23 feet
WEIGHT: 455.2 pounds

Rayquaza is quite possibly the most powerful of the legendaries besides Mewtwo. His size and fierce appearance intimidate his foes, but he's got a lot more than looks going for him. A graceful flyer, Rayquaza can rain down deadly arctic ice beams, thrash enemies with bolts of lightening, and rip open the very earth with mighty quakes. If he gets bored calling upon the elements to defend him, his teeth and claws could shred a Sherman tank.

Here are some comments from various Tournament Combatants who had the pleasure of meeting Rayquaza for dinner in the Luther College Cafeteria Tuesday night.

She-Hulk: He is just the sexiest shade of green I've ever seen!
Mighty Mouse: Rayquaza reminds me of a big snake. I'm not very comfortable with that.
The Tick: He's about as "spoon" as you can get.
General Grievous: Cought! Wheeze! Huh? Caugh!
Kalyn Cody: He's just one more chump for me to crush like a paper cup.
Underdog: There's some cause to fear! Underdog will stay clear!

Rayquaza's first match is against the formidable team of Master Yoda and Loren Havens. It's sure to be an exciting and possibly disturbing match, so keep your eye on TDN for all of the gory details.

Underdog Under Investigation

The just in: famed superhero and idol to millions, Underdog is under investigation for chemical abuse and ingestion of performance enhancing drugs.

Those fans of the old Underdog shows of the late 60's and early 70's know that Underdog is actually very weak and mild mannered. On when he consumes the "super vitamin pill" from a secret compartment on his ring does he gain the strength, fury, and raw power of the Underdog that viewers expect to see in the arena this summer.

This case is reminiscent of the Gummy Bear trials that took place earlier this spring that Council Member Tim Zick presided over (see Tournament of Doom Online Edition for the full story). Will Underdog be allowed to compete given these new accusations? The verdict is still out, but with his first fight taking place tonight, the answer needs to be quick and decisive.

Although Underdog himself could not be reached for comment, his attorney released this statement, "Mr. Underdog is not now nor ever has been a junkie. The super vitamin pills that he takes are obtained via a legitimate prescription and serve only as a dietary supplement and energy booster. This is no different than when Doctor Doom consumed a Red Bull before his fights last year."

Keep an eye on TDN for more as this story breaks.

Public Service Announcement

Last night's first round of fights was phenomenal. Viewers cheered when their favorites won and sobbed when their champions crashed painfully into the unforgiving earth. That is the glory and the sorry of the Tournament of Doom.

Unfortunately, because of the scale of this year's battles (covering the entire surface of an island rather than a contained arena), there have already been more fan fatalities than is usual at this point. As a public service to our loyal readers, TDN is providing this list of safety tips to keep in mind if you are in live attendance at any of this year's fights.

1. Do not drive around during the fights. All vehicles are subject to being thrown, eaten, or stepped on by this year's combatants.

2. Wait until the pause between fights to purchase concessions. An entire music camp was annihilated by Godzilla last night, as they rushed to get nachos in the midst of the battle.

3. Be aware of the force field. In the past, fights were more closely contained, with the spectators safely located behind the generated shield. This year EVERYTHING is located within the shield, so be careful not to walk into it when you reach the edge of the island.

4. Watch your step while navigating the stairs. They may be slick from the tropical humidity. The infirmary is filled with Jawa's with dislocated hips thanks to this hazard.

Most of all, just use common sense. If you are attending a life fight, you probably have a death wish anyway, but there is no use in tempting the fates. With that said, enjoy the carnage and keep your eye on TDN who sincerely cares about its readers and their money.

The Will to Survive

Everybody loves the big fights. When Godzilla went down, the stands were in chaos. When the Incredibles put the hurt on Supergirl, the very earth shook. But what about those lesser fighters whose victories are no less spectacular, if only on a smaller scale?

One of the greatest, but least celebrated, battles of the first round was the epic struggle that took place between the Trix Rabbit and Twinkie the Kid. Rarely do two elemental forces clash with such raw and unbridled fury.

Twinkie, his face grim, opened the fight by stomping with his cowboy boots and using his lasso to whip, strangle, and generally harangue the Trix Rabbit. The usually energetic rodent was battered and bruised only minutes into the battle. White fure was quickly stained an unsettling shade of crimson.

The Rabbit, however, had an inextinguishable lust for victory that brought him back to his feet, fall after bloody fall. In the blink of an eye the tables turned and Twinkie caught a roundhouse kick to the face, sending a chunk of yellow sponge cake into the sparsely filled stands. With Twinkie stunned for the moment, the Trix Rabbit focused his very essence and released a dragon punch into his sugary opponent's mid-section that splattered cream filling for yards in every direction. The kid was down.

No one called him a silly rabbit that night. No, not even those bratty kids who keep teasing him with his own cereal. So let us celebrate all of our victors, be they cosmic heroes or humble vendors of sugar-frosted corn puffs.

Saipan Taken by Surprise

When the High Council of the Tournament of Doom decided the locations for the various fights that would take place this summer, many dozens of islands were considered. Of those chosen, a particular gem of the batch was Saipan; a tiny island located in the Philippine Sea.

An ideal location for battles involving giant monsters, the Council contacted Amanda Armstrong, the Tournament representative in that region of the world. Miss Armstrong seemed enthusiastic about the publicity that the Tournament would bring to her little island, and welcomed the bloody competition with open arms.

Unfortunately, the information packet that was prepared for Miss Armstrong was lost among the paperwork and bureaucracy that makes the TOD function. As a result, the good people of Saipan were totally unprepared when the fights began, resulting in all of the screaming and running through the streets that many fans thought was simply part of the show.

The High Council of the Tournament of Doom would like to offer up its sincerest apologies to the people of Saipan and hopes that the shipment of licorice old comic books that it sent will help to sooth the hurt feelings caused by the near total destruction of their wonderful island home.

Weapons of Mess Destruction

The stench was unbearable. I nearly wretched onto my agent as he helped me into my trailer." These are the words of Hercules after his epic battle with the primate collection of the San Diego Zoo last week. The legendary fighter was coated from head to toe with multiple layers of feces as he held his mighty fist up in triumph when the fight was ended.

Although some fans and fighters considered the fight to be tacky, the Council stands by its decision to allow the chimps, apes and various other primates to be a part of this year's tournament. "For monkeys," Lord Vader released to the press, "flinging poo is akin to my own mastery of the force."

Kim Uhlenhake, one of the colonels of the UB Staff fighters, was less impressed. "We teach the students we work with to keep themselves clean. What kind of example does it set when the fighters they respect use poop as a weapon. This has got to stop!"

And stop it has, at least for this year's tournament. But this argument will continue to be debated as fans and fighters alike consider whether the sweet smell of victory is worth the fetid aroma of monkey turds.

Second Round Matches Tonight!

Fans are already lined up for tickets to tonight's fights and they are nearly pulling their hair out in anticipation of this evening's combat. If you thought that last week was out of this world, you ain't seen nothing yet. Now that some of the fat has been trimmed away, much more solid and difficult-to-call battles lay ahead. This is what a true Tournament fan lives for.

Will the Tai Fighter blast the god-like marshmallow man into gooey bits, or will he knock the space pilot out of the sky like a pesky fly? Does the 2005 Upward Bound Staff have the brawn and brains to take down the Terminator, or will they be minced into bloody confetti? By morning these questions will be answered and the masses' hunger for destruction will be sated for another week.

The High Council has made itself available to the common folk this year, answering questions over the phone from pay-per-view customers across the galaxy. With this year's level of fighters, the press is abuzz with questions and speculations, but the real answers come only when two sides meet in the center of the island and go for broke.

Keep you eyes on TDN for the latest and greatest of Tournament highlights and stay part of the action!

Marshmallow Man Goes Out With a Bang

The fights last night were nothing short of amazing. Fans were on the edge of their seats as the universe's most powerful fighters went toe-to-toe and claw to claw. There were some easy calls and some upsets, but few of the matches were as spectacular as that of the Stay-Puffed Marshmallow Man and the Tie Fighters.

In the beginning it looked like the god-incarnate was going to take the fight as he viciously swatted at the hovering spacecrafts. There were a few close calls, but the rapid laser fire continually blew flaming chunks of gooey sweetness in all directions. In a matter of minutes the mighty white giant resembled a cross between the Michelin Tire Man and Jabba the Hut. The fight was finally called when the weakened and severely shrunken combatant staggered blindly into the concession stand, coating his sticky body with chocolate bars and graham crackers, and collapsed. A colony of giant ant people who were attending the battle quickly picked apart the tasty remains and took them to their queen.

It was a fight that will go down in the history books, and not just because thousands of fans were severely burned by the massive wads of smoldering sugar-fluff that few all over creation. To Mr. Stay-Puffed, we salute your vigor and admire the skill and determination of the Tie Fighter Pilot who somehow managed to take you down.

Interview With Mewtwo

It's been a hectic Tournament this year and, as such, the fighters have been much busier than usual. An unfortunate side effect of this phenomenon is that there have been few combatants wiling to provide interviews. One of the more accommodating fighters, however, is Tournament hopeful Mewtwo. TDN sat down with him after his stunning victory against wonder Woman Tuesday night.

TDN: Thank you for talking with us today. So, how do you feel after two successful victories in this year's brackets?
MT: I was told that competing in this tournament would help me to liberate abused Pokemon. So far this has not been the case.
TDN: Really? That's weird. Anyway, with your amazing psychic abilities you can anticipate your opponents' moves, blast them with mental energy, and crumple their feeble minds like dry paper bags.
MT: And?
TDN: And…nothing. I just thought it was cool to say all of that.
MT: Do you have any serious questions for me? My schedule is rather busy at the moment.
TDN: Yeah, how do you talk without a mouth? That is wicked cool.
MT: *sigh* I just have very dainty lips.
TDN: So, your victory against Wonder Woman was nothing short of brutal, leaving her little more than a drooling vegetable. How do you feel about the Green Lantern?
MT: I've beaten him in Racquetball, so I'd imagine that this challenge will be little different.
TDN: Thank you so much for your time today. It's been a real pleasure.
MT: I've enjoyed our talk. It's given me the chance to incorporate many of the techniques I learned in my anger management classes.

And that's that. Mewtwo is really a classy guy and we all wish him the best as he continues to battle his way to victory and possibly towards some obscure personal agenda. Keep your eye on TDN where the champs come to sing when they're not in the ring.

Tournament Shuts Down for Obsucre Celebration

Although many of the competitors in this year's tournament are unfamiliar with the American Revolutionary War, the TOD nonetheless closes down to celebrate the 4th of July. Although a welcome respite from the action for fighters and sanitation workers alike, some fanes, especially those who have traveled light years to attend this year's tournament, are not happy with the break.

Hank Berrnerd from Nebulon XII make this comment, "I am so primlerxed about this that I could just splortch. And no in the good way either! It is costing me a fortune to stay on this planet and they have the gall to delay the fights for four days!" Hand was so angry that he indeed splortched just as we was slithering away. A flock of pigeons pecked up his remains with seconds.

Celebrity host and commentator Natalie Portman had calmer words for us. "Although I wasn't born here, I love America. I think that all of those crybaby aliens need to suck it up and try to enjoy a few days away from their sick obsession with carnage and wanton destruction. Would it kill them to buy a little flag and wave it around for a while?" Miss Portman was attacked by an angry crowd of hobbits just after making this comment. The same pigeons took care of the mess.

Those pigeons are beginning to wig people out.

Anyway, whatever country (or planet) you're from, the 4th of July is a good time to let the blood dry and the arena repair begin. So kick back with your family and we'll see you again right here on July 6th.

Sugar Bear: Invincible?

Over the break, TDN caught up with the one-an-only Sugar bear, who has torn through the Advertising Mascot bracket so far. We asked him about the secret to his success.

"It all boils down to a strict schedule and a nutritious diet," said the muscle-bound bear. "I usually get up around 5:30, eat a warm-up bowl of Super Golden Crisp, work-out for an hour, have a breakfast of Super Golden Crisp, and then go for a five mile jog. Between maintaining my lucrative PR company and foiling crime, I eat at least twenty bowls of Super Golden Crisp a day."

Sugar Bear happily recounted his decimation of Cap'N Crunch for us. "That Cap'N thought he was quite the swashbuckler, but I've never seen a sailor so inept at buckling swash. It was more like Bashswuckling. At first he came at me with his telesc--uhm, excuse me."

Sugar Bear then leapt out of his chair, ran across the street, and stopped a bank robbery while it was in progress. "Silly criminals, money is for banks," said Sugar Bear when he returned.

When asked about his upcoming battle with the Trix Rabbit, Sugar Bear simply laughed. "It's logical, isn't it? I'm a bear, he's a rabbit."

Only time will tell if this bear has what it takes to break the bunny.

Terminator Takes Time To Talk

The Terminator, a brutal killing machine from the future, has done fairly well in the brackets this year. Despite his uncanny likeness to the governor of California (pronounced kal-ee-forn-ee-ah) fans have really warmed up to the psycho cyborg with a murderous agenda. But who is this fearsome fighter really?

TDN managed to track down the Terminator between fights and asked him how he felt that he was doing, and what his plans were for the future. Surprisingly gentle and polite out of the arena, he was fairly eager to talk with us.

TDN: What has been your most satisfying fight to date?
TRM: Popping the heads off of the UB Staff was therapeutic. Like when I was a child playing with the dandelions.
TDN: It's surprising to hear you say that.
TRM: How so?
TDN: I wasn't aware that you had feelings on that level. Or that you were ever a child.
TRM: Uh, I meant to say that it was like when I was a little microchip.
TDN: Oh. Well, that makes sense. Hey, are you sweating?
TRM: Of course not. That is only run-off from my internal cooling system.
TDN: Right. Right. So, do you feel ready for your upcoming battle against the Flash?
TRM: I will open him like a can of pork and beans and squeeze out all of his insides.
TDN: That's a very graphic image. Have you ever faced a challenge like him before?
TRM: He can be no tougher than taking the pivotal leadership role of America's most heavily populated state while it is on the verge of economic disaster.
TDN: That's an interesting analogy coming from a machine programmed only to kill.
TRM: Why don't you shut your face girly-man.

And that's when his pager went off and the interview came to an end. What a fine guy. We wish him all the best tonight, and we'll see whether it's fast flesh or cold calculating steel that wins out in the end.


The cleaning staff of Tournament of Doom IV has had its work cut out for
them this year. Unlike past tournaments, where the carnage was contained
to a single arena-sized area, this year's sanitation workers have had
entire islands to pick up after.

Grounds Keeper Willy, head of the TOD cleaning staff, was so busy
scrubbing burnt marshmallow out of bleachers that he couldn't even spare a
few words for us this year. One of his assistants, Rosemary, insisted
that although it was a lot of work, it was nothing compared to maintaining
Olson Hall during an Upward Bound summer.

What have been some of the biggest and most obnoxious messes to clean up
this year? Obviously the Marshmallow Man's remains continue to be a
nuisance, but there have been others. Groundskeeper Beauregard (of
Muppets fame) explained that the 2005 UB Staff left a stain big enough to
cover four city blocks. The only easy part of that job, he went on to
tell us, was several of the staff members had been trying to hide in a
dumpster when they were finally finished off.

Other examples include the Trix Rabbit managing to get fluff and sponge
cake ground into the carpet of his 4 star hotel room, collecting bits of
the Submariner from various treetops, and cleaning up a lake of nacho
cheese that resulted from a group of drunken Stormtroopers opening fire on
a concession stand.

There is still plenty of mayhem left and that means even bigger and more
elaborate messes to be cleaned up. So, if you see someone with a big
cartoonish-looking broom sweeping away the butchery, be sure to give her
or him a grin and a big thumbs-up. We couldn't do the Tournament without


This just in! Mewtwo has finally been released from the Pokemon Clinic
after his titanic battle with the green lantern last week. While treating
his injuries, doctors discovered that the almost god-like pokemon had been
heavily medicated during his previous fight.

Hydroximalinationaphenothol (or Doofoxe as it is known in stores) is a
medication used to sooth the migraine headaches associated with immense
psychic powers. Mewtwo, not used to whooping as much consecutive butt as
tournament participation demands, began to feel a bit under the weather.
Unfortunately his trainer administered a heavy dose of Doofoxe in order to
help alleviate the discomfort. The most common side affect of Doofoxe:
drowsiness. The second more common: red-green color blindness.

Obviously a heavily sedated Mewtwo, lacking the ability to see the color
green, stood no chance against a fighter like the Green Lantern.
Regardless of these setbacks, the pokemon powerhouse put up a fight that
will go down in tournament history as the most brutal and simultaneously
awkward looking battle ever to hit the brackets.

Although Mewtwo could not be reached for comment, previous tournament
combatant Pikachu had this to say about the outcome, "Pika-pikachu.
Pi-pika. Pi---ka---CHU!" This reporter couldn't have said it any better.

Badder than the Baddest

"They're faster and stronger than Superman, as big as the Hulk's pinky
toe, and cuter than the Wonder Twins." This is a direct quote from the
Internet Movie Database, perhaps the premier internet site in the world
for film and celebrity information. It's accuracy and thoroughness is
without peer.

So who is the IMDB talking about? The Powerpuff Girls of course. If
you're ever in the city of Townsville, you'll no doubt see them fighting
crime and trying to save the world. They're generally just in time. Here
are the Powerpuff Girls:

Blossom: As a Powerpuff Girl, she has the powers of laser vision, super
strength, ability to fly, ice breath and fire breath

Bubbles: She is the sensitive Powerpuff Girl. Her role is to cheer up the
Powerpuff Girls and to come up with alternate plans. She has the powers of
flight, laser vision, and super strength.

Buttercup: She is the toughest Powerpuff Girl. She has the powers of
laser vision, super strength, and the ability to fly.

Taking out this titanic trio would be about as easy as knocking the moon
out of the sky and fans are chomping at the bit to see if anyone has what
it takes to do just that.

The Tournament is quickly reaching its climactic conclusion, so keep your
eyes on TDN for the latest, the greatest, and the most questionable news
on your table each morning.


10. The Bob-ombs fiasco with airport security
09. Godzilla trashes his hotel room…followed by everyone else's
08. UB Staff gorges itself on the still beating hearts of the Thundercats
until even the raptor finds it distasteful
07. A Drunken Mr. Clean mixes it up with Tournament Facilities Staff and
goes down hard
06. Cerebus and Underdog caught sniffing each other at Tournament banquet
05. Again this year, Raptor + pay toilet = disaster
04. Traces of werewolf remains found in nacho cheese from concession stands
03. Hungry Hippos terrorize island locals while riding mini Shriners
02. Mewtwo somehow managed to not win the Tournament. What a rip!
01. Marshmallow Man soaks too long in nearby hot spring, polluting local
water supply with his chewy-sweet brand of ancient evil incarnate-ness.

Victory is Super Sweet

In a stunning victory this week, Golden Crisp mascot Sugar Bear took out
the mighty Hawaiian Punch guy, Punchy, in what is perhaps the most violent
and bloody battle the tournament has ever hosted between two product

In the opening moments of the fight, the two terrible fighters circled
each other menacingly. Punchy would feint a jab while Sugar Bear calmly
bobbed and wove. Then the first blow was landed. A powerful straight
punch from Punchy smashed Sugar Bear square in the solar plexus. The
hulking cereal-hocker went down to one knee before launching himself
towards his opponent in retaliation.

For the next several minutes the fans screamed and hollered like
banshee-howler monkey hybrids as punch after vicious punch was met with
tooth and claw. It seemed that the two product packaging powerhouses were
evenly matched when suddenly Sugar Bear had Punchy's neck between his
powerful jaws. Golden Crisp's golden boy shook the Hawaiian hero like a
puppy with an old slipper. As quickly as it had begun, the fight was

The crowd fell silent as the Sugar Bear stood triumphant over his foe,
sweet fruity liquid flowing about his feet and dripping from the corners
of his muzzle. By way of tooth and nail, the champion has been chosen and
another chapter in the Tournament of Doom has closed.


When the smoke cleared and the dust settled, Superman lay buried face down
in the hard unforgiving asphalt. It was only for a few seconds, but long
enough for the fight to be called. The chaos of the battle had been
unprecedented and amidst the flurry of flying fists and eye beams, it was
hard to tell exactly what had happened and to whom.

At first a hushed awe fell over the stunned crowd. The Powerpuff Girls
had always stood a chance in the battle, but no one actually believed they
would pull it off; least of all, the Freakin' Raptor. Incensed by the
lost of $20 he had wagered on the Man of Steel, the Raptor leapt into the
fighting area and began an enraged screeching before kicking over trash
cans and smashing store windows.

Within moments the streets of Manhattan had exploded into full scale
rioting. Both fans that had attended the fight, as well as those watching
at home, fell into a violent and destructive mob mentality. A reasonable
person might assume that with four of Earth's greatest heroes located in
the center of the turmoil things would have quieted down rather quickly.
Such was not the case, however.

Superman, being the Boy Scout that he is, had joined Buttercup and Blossom
as they took the severely wounded Bubbles to the emergency room. The
super group had left too quickly for fans to even notice. Rumor has it
that Spider-Man was seen lifting a large screen TV amidst the chaos,
rather than engaging in any crime fighting.

So, loyal readers, the island of Manhattan is ablaze with violence and
destruction, just days before the final battle between the Powerpuff Girls
and the Incredible Hulk to determine the winner of the ultimate title in
the Universe. This is as good as it gets.

Tournament of Doom 3: The Explodening

First TofD Match is Total Upset!
June 17, 2004

Tournament goers were stunned last night when the highly favored Aquaman went down beneath the savage blows of Tarzan and his companion apes.

Aquaman started off strong, hammering the jungle man and his minions with apparent ease, and it was not until the DC hero turned to chastise his see-otter soldiers that things turned ugly. The otters, sunning themselves on nearby rocks, became agitated by the harsh words and flung themselves angrily at their former master. As the mighty sea king struggled to regain order, he was struck on the back of the head by a dilapidated washing machine that the apes had salvaged from the debris-strewn arena, dropping him to his knees. Their confidence renewed, the battered Tarzan and apes made short work of the otherwise occupied otters and their stunned leader.

After the match fans swarmed the victorious Tarzan for autographs, startling the apes so badly that they had to be tranquilized and returned to their trailer. The apes refused our request for an interview, but their agent assured us that they will spend some time recuperating by practicing Tai Chi and eating each other's lice.

There is plenty of action ahead so keep your eye on Tournament of Doom News to stay in the know!

June 18, 2004

The range of combatants in this year's tournament is as diverse as ever. Among the many unique and powerful warriors is the matchless duo of Strongbad and The Cheat. Although we contacted The Cheat for an interview, we weren't able to understand enough of what he said to set up a time. So, this is what arena-mate Strongbad had to say during our phone interview:

TDN: How do you feel about being in the tournament this year?
SB: Pretty good. I mean, it's all cool and stuff.
TDN: Do you have a strategy for your first battle?
SB: My first WHAT?
TDN: Your first fight. Against the 5 raptors.
SB: Raptors!? I have to fight freaking raptors!?
TDN: Um…Yes.
SB: Well, in that case, I'll just sit back and let The Cheat do all the work. He's pretty good at that kind of stuff, especially after a bowl of Cheat Commandos O's brand cereal .
TDN: So you're not going to help him fight?
SB: I figure I'll spend most of my time waving to the ladies.
TDN: It's going to be a pretty tough fight, so don't you think you-
SB: Look, I gotta go. I've got to meet my "people" out by the stick.

Well folks, it sounds like The Cheat is the fighter to keep your eyes on. This reporter doesn't think you'll want to keep them on him once the raptors are finished with him however. Let's just hope that those Commandos O's do the trick. Until next time.

June 21, 2004

In an unusual turn of events, tournament combatants (both past and present) have expressed anger and disgust with the newly implemented Tournament of Doom Jr. Tournament executive and past champion Darth Vader noted that, "Destroying children can be a good way to relieve stress, but it is shameless to do so for entertainment and profit. I had to clean vomit out of my respirator after I heard the news. I mean, when the Pilsbury Doughboy went down it was funny, but come on, those Muppet Babies are really sweet."

Other combatants voiced similar concerns. "I hunt people for sport," explained the dismayed Predator, "and I can tell you that taking them out at such a young age makes for embarrassingly small trophies."

Not everyone is as upset about this as Vader and his peers, however. A flustered McGruff the Crime Dog spoke up by explaining, "Hey, these kids signed-up for the tournament just like everyone else. It's bloodlust, pure and simple, that put that crayon scribble on the contract."

These concerns have not fallen on deaf ears, however. Tournament officials have assured us that, because of the tender age of the warriors in question, a knockout will also be accepted as a victory, rather than the fatality required in standard bouts. Special referees will be present at TofD Jr. matches to watch for tell-tale "birds and stars" floating over contestants' heads. At that point, the match may be called.

That's all from Tournament of Doom News, where if there's hurt, we've got the dirt.

Behind the Scenes With the Fruit of the Loom Guys
June 22, 2004

What can an apple, some grapes and a pile of leaves do when they work together? TDN has the answer. Not only can the fine gentlefruit who make up the Fruit of the Loom Guys keep your nether-region from chafing, they can also whoop a little butt when it comes down to the line.

Only days after having their application for the tournament approved, the Fruit of the Loom Guys (or The Fantastic Flora as they like to be called) were in the gym getting in shape and honing the combat skills that proved to be so effective for them during the Iowa State VIESHA riots earlier this spring. Their unique blend of ancient fighting arts and extremely intense wedgies make them a force to be reckoned with.

The leader and unofficial spokesfuit for the group, Cory Applebee, had this to say when we asked him how he thought he'd fare in this years tournament: "I am confident that we will be raisin' hell and beating our opponents to a pulp. Our strength stems from a solid core of discipline and training that is very down to earth, peeling away weakness while juicing up our individual strengths."

Well there you have it. These fellows certainly pack a deadly fruit punch, but only time will tell whether they'll be hailed as champions or hoed as compost.

Keep your eye on TDN, the most fertile source for Tournament information in the known universe.

June 23, 2004

Only hours have passed since the amazing string of first round battles came to a final bloody close, and yet contestants and fans alike are already discussing favorites for the next set of matches. There is nothing like the Tournament of Doom to inspire passionate excitement.

Despite that special charge that the air seems to take on around Tournament time, spectators in the arena seating areas should remember to treat each other and their surroundings with respect. Here are some basic do's and don't's for good arena conduct during this year's exciting matches:
·Do enjoy the many fine concessions that our vendors supply.
·Don't stuff your empty wrappers under the seats. Doing so may result in the arena being closed for several days.
·Do cheer riotously for your favorite fighters.
·Don't throw garbage at the force field. Nothing you can project will penetrate it, and the resulting splatter is annoying to other fans.
·Do wear Tournament sanctioned merchandise.
·Don't distract combatants by flashing your naughty bits at them during a battle.
·Do tell your friends what a great time you're having.
·Don't speak ill of the Tournament, its governing bodies or sponsors. Doing so may result in your being removed from the arena and never being seen again.

And that's the news from TDN where we are totally impartial and our views are in no way influenced by the Tournament, it's governing bodies or sponsors. But we'd like to be, because they are really great.

June 24, 2004

Thousands of munchkins and flying monkeys filled the stands last night to view the highly anticipated match between the Wicked Witch of the West and the mighty Decepticon leader Megatron. When the results were in, the ensuing riot left the arena seating area littered with empty liquor bottles and splattered with primate feces.

Although Vegas called even odds for this match, it was a quick and vicious slaughter. The battle began with uproarious laughter on the part of the Witch, quickly put to and end with a deafening blast from Megatron's massive arm cannon. The crisped pile of witch-ash left behind did little more than sizzle in retaliation. It was at that point that munchkins in the stands, drunk on victory and cheap bourbon, began to sing and dance. Enraged by the display, over seven thousand flying monkeys attacked out of loyalty to their fallen master.

When the smoke cleared, there were 357 casualties, including several Jawas who had been waiting to see family members involved in the later match against Heihachi Mishima. Dorothy Gale, present during the chaos, refused to comment, but the subtle smile that tugged at the corners of her mouth spoke volumes.

That's all for todays TDN, but there are plenty of fight recaps to come. So keep reading Tournament of Doom News where if monkeys throw poop, we've got the scoop.

June 28, 2004

Fans of the Tekken series of fighting video games know Heihachi Mishima like Skippy knows peanut butter, but many tournament goers consider him to be a virtual unknown. Just who is this mysterious and reserved crime lord who can take out a band of band of Jawas as if they were wet piñatas? TDN sent ace reporter Amanda Armstrong to find out.

Unfortunately, shortly after Ms. Armstrong attempted to interview the Iron Fist fighter, she was sent hurtling through a plate glass window. Although she probably should not have opened the interview with, "What is the deal with your hair?" there is no excuse for the abuse and mistreatment of legitimate members of the press. Thankfully, via special permission, we were able to access for Amanda the same technology used to rapidly heal winning combatants between matches who are grievously injured during their battles. She was back on her feet within a few hours.

Although TDN is a totally impartial third party with regards to the Tournament of Doom, we want to see this steaming bag of puke go down. With that thought in mind, we have arranged for a special exhibition match between Amanda and Mr. Mishima. Mishima will be armed with a rickety antique tennis racket, while Ms. Armstrong, armed with a light saber, will be assisted by five enraged Kodiak bears hurling hives of trained Heihachi-hating poison bees. Although the results of this fight will not affect Mishima's standing in the brackets, it should be a good match.

Keep your eye on TDN where we love our employees way more than Wal-Mart does.

June 30, 2004

The buzz among tournament goers has centered around the unprecedented match between battered reporter Amanda Armstrong and martial arts blowhard Heihachi Mishima. Professional combatants participating in the tournament are generally forbidden to engage in any non-bracket battles, however, because of Mishima's outlandish behavior towards Armstrong during an interview, the governing body of the Tournament allowed for a special exhibition match to settle the grievance. Mishima, armed with a rickety tennis racket, faced down a light saber wielding Armstrong with five Kodiak bears launching beehives for assistance. This is how the fight, held in Ylvisaker's main lounge, went down:

As soon as the okay was given, both combatants marched towards the center of the room. A scathing look from Armstrong warned the bears not to interfere and, unbelievably, she threw her light saber aside without a second glance. Mishima laughed at the display of bravado, but his mirth quickly turned to rage as Amanda pulverized his tennis racket with a quick yet powerful back-fist.

The grizzled old fighter rapidly launched into a flurry of savage punches and kicks aimed at the supple young reporter, but was unable to land a single blow. Amanda, evidently toying with the crime lord, dodged in and out while poking and slapping at her opponent seemingly at random. An enraged Heihachi eventually prepared to unleash his devastating energy blast towards the remarkably spry reporter, but in the brief pause required to charge up the attack, Ms. Armstrong struck with a massive spinning dragon uppercut that sent her opponent sailing into a cooler full of juice boxes and out of consciousness.

While Amanda was being carried away on the shoulders of her Kodiak companions, she was quoted as saying, "I didn't complete all those years of figure skating without learning how to whoop some serious [censored]."

Could this loss have affected Heihachi's confidence his upcoming match with the Avengers' Hawkeye? Keep your eye on TDN, a totally impartial news source for more.

July 06, 2004

When a "stars and birdies" KO was announced as a legitimate victory in the 12 and under bracket this year, most tournament goers were pleased. Even the most bloodthirsty of combatants and fans agreed that it was the right thing to do (with the exception of those sick puppies McGruff the Crime Dog and council member Zick ). An unfortunate side affect of leaving Tournament entrants alive after a losing battle, however, is that it exposes the Tournament and its governing bodies to potential litigation. This morning at an impromptu press conference, Bam Bam drove that point home.

Bam Bam himself did little more than wield his club at reporters and scream "BAM BAM!" while his partner Pebbles cooed and gurgled. Representation for the disgruntled cave-baby (attorney Lindsay Neal) had this to say, "Those Simpson's kids cheated to attain their victory pure and simple. There is no other feasible explanation. Even a brain damaged chimp could have predicted the outcome of this match up, and only foul play could have lead to the current result."

When TDN asked the Simpsons themselves about the situation, Bart declared that Bam Bam and his lawyer should "get bent" while Maggie simply jabbed viciously at the camera with her pacifier to signify her displeasure with the controversy. The Simpsons' father, Homer, noted, "I wouldn't put it [cheating] past the boy, but Lisa is usually something something *quiet muttering*." When we asked him if he thought his youngest daughter Maggie could have been involved in any shady activity, Homer did not appear to understand who we were referring to.

Stay tuned to TDN for the latest where if it involves the law, we've got it all.

July 07, 2004

The tournament has always been about the fighting. People fill the stands because they want to see the smoke unfurl and the entrails fly. So why is there suddenly such an overwhelming need for merchandise? Could it be that the fans are more interested in being associated with the glamour of and style of the Tournament than in the raw power and fury of the battles? If so, the Tournament of Doom could quickly become nothing more than a glitzy party for the super powered and the super rich.

Signs of materialism encroaching upon the revered significance and underlying values of the Tournament began before the blood had dried from the original set of brackets. Fans began shelling out big bucks on Ebay to purchase the original t-shirts worn by Tournament staff, while bootleg copies circulated freely at disreputable gatherings such as rave parties and the Republican National Convention. Corporate America was quick to take advantage of the trend and it was not long before Tournament posters, coffee mugs and bobble-heads were available at every shopping mall and liquor store in the United States, Canada and Uruguay.

So what can a loyal fan do to make sure that the Tournament remains about the rending of flesh and not the raking in of dollars? First of all, make sure that when you're in the stands you scream obscenities, throw garbage at the fighters and start brawls whenever possible. Anyone dumb enough to have brought their limited edition Franklin mint "Grimace in Tatters" statue will definitely be going home in tears. Next, debate the fights and keep people's attention on the beauty of the violence rather than on the sparkle of the 18k gold Fossil limited edition Kresser/Griffin pocket watch. And lastly, if anyone asks you to sign up to buy a Tournament of Doom t-shirt, don't hesitate to rip him a new corn-shoot because, man, he's got it coming.

The Tournament will be better for your efforts.

July 08, 2004

One of the many notable but less well-known fighters in this year's Tournament is the fierce yet strangely beautiful Alien. Tournament of Doom News decided to take a closer look at this fantastic creature so that fans could have a better understanding of this mysterious fighter from beyond the stars.

Although the origins of the Alien race are unclear, they were introduced to humanity when a group of "space truckers" stumbled upon a downed alien craft transporting a shipment of strange looking pods. These pods each contained a face hugger whose sole biological task is to implant an embryo into a host body. Once the embryo matures, it bursts violently from the host's body and quickly achieves adulthood after molting a series of times. Madcap antics generally ensue shortly afterward.

The Alien's strengths include high speed, agility and aggression coupled with a heavily armored exoskeleton. Strong enough to rend a person in two like a fortune cookie, the Alien is also filled with a blood so acidic that it can eat through the bulkhead of a space cruiser within seconds. Although preferring to attack in packs, even a single Alien is powerful and cunning enough to be a worthy adversary.

How far a single Alien can advance in a Tournament of this year's caliber has yet to be seen, but rest assured, people scatter when this bad boy enters the locker room. So fight on you plucky carnage-bringer from far away, we'll be watching.

July 09 2004

The arenas are surprisingly peaceful the morning after a ruckus night of carnage and mayhem. This is the time when the empty peanut bags are gathered up and the blood spatters washed away so that the next set of matches will be as enjoyable as possible for the diehard fans who are so eager to fill the stands.

Although Groundskeeper Willie was too busy for an interview this year, we were lucky enough to have a few words with Robyn Grussing, a junior member of the Custodial Staff. We caught up with Robyn while she was scraping gum out of a pay toilet stall.

TDN: So *gag* what is the most rewarding part of your work here?
RG: Oh, that's easy! I get to keep anything I find while I'm working.
TDN: You mean like the gum your scraping now?
RG: Gosh no! I mean like loose change and the gold fillings that get knocked out during brawls and such. The gum is kind of a bonus though.
TDN: Fascinating. And what is the most interesting thing you've ever found.
RG: I found a pair of pants once.
TD: A pair of pants is the most interesting thing you've discovered while cleaning here?
RG: They still had legs in them.
TDN: As disturbing as that is, is there anything you'd like to tell the fans? This is your chance to enlighten them.
RG: They ain't really so heavy as I need to lighten 'em. These stands is pretty strong.
TDN: Good point. Anything you want them to know?
RG: Umm...I could use a good man to keep me warm at night. Besides Willie I mean.

That's going to do it for today's article, so remember the hard work and dedication of the custodial staff here at the Tournament. Show them a little love, because it sure sounds like they could use some. Until next time, keep your eye on TDN where we've got the dirt on all of the umm...dirt.

July 12, 2004

Those wild and insanely hyper Animaniacs were considered by many as shoe-ins to win this year's Tournament. They seemed almost untouchable. With their rubber physiques and bag of outrageous tricks, they took out the heavily armed Punisher in a bout of comic mayhem filled with pratfalls and cream pies that lasted only seconds. So how could they be gone so soon?

Their final match opened with the impressive Predator alien throwing a bladed disk which, true to the creature's marksman-like aim, sailed in a deadly arc at the cartoon trio. What the hunter did not expect, however, was that all three siblings tucked their heads dramatically into their torsos, barely avoiding decapitation. Undaunted, the Predator proceeded to activate his invisibility camouflage while spending a full ten minutes trying to flank the Animaniacs and shoot at them with his laser-guided shoulder cannon.

Yakko, Wakko and Dot appeared to be toying with the deadly warrior the entire time, jumping in and out of mysterious "holes in space" and lobbing farm animals carelessly. That is, until their fatal mistake. When a stray sheep made contact with the Predator, his camouflage temporarily malfunctioned. During that brief moment of visibility, Yakko leapt onto the alien's shoulder and stole his armored wristband while screaming, "I've got his watch! I've got his watch!" The siblings immediately stared fighting over the item, unaware that the wristband was actually the Predator's self-destruct device. The amused hunter watched and waited from a distance until a deafening explosion rocked the stands reduced the Animaniacs to dust. Unfortunately for them, their fantastic physiques were not immune to the high-powered alien technology, tragically leaving the Predator with no trophy with which to prove his victory.

Thanks all for today, but keep your eyes on TDN. Where we've the spiel on the totally unreal.

July 13, 2004

In a gala ceremony last night, fighters from across the universe gathered to celebrate the induction of the first ten members of the Tournament of Doom Hall of Fame. TDN was present to obtain a quote from each of the inductees, despite the fact that most of them were thought to have been brutally killed in the arena during past Tournaments.

Darth Vader: I am glad that it's me here, instead of that jerk, Windu.
Donkey Kong: I'm so thrilled I feel like lobbing barrels at random fans.
Freak N. Raptor: Indeed it is a privilege to have even been nominated. The Tournament of Doom is as fine an institution as ever there was.
Grimace: Duh, I don't like them big-teeth cats no more.
Jim O'Hollearn: Man, I got so screwed before. This whole thing sucks.
Kool-Aid Man: Oh Yeah!
Odie: (no quote, just a lewd gesture aimed at our reporter)
Rainbow Brite Coalition: We will fight corruption in the tournament wherever we find it. We are also asking for large cash donations to our cause. Rainbow Brite forever baby!

The TofD website will soon contain a page dedicated entirely to the Hall of Fame, so be sure to check it out in the future for unique character bios and a chance to win a vintage 1996 Toyota Corolla (may not be available in all areas).

July 14, 2004

The secret Tournament of Doom Anthem has been circulating all over the internet for a while now, but since TDN has finally been able to get its hands on a copy, we've provided it for you here.

Tournament of Doom Anthem
Sung to the tune of "The Middle"

Hey, don't count those votes up yet
Don't worry if you feel
Trashed talked
Or crapped upon.

Just fight your best
Kill everything you can
Ignore the screams
You hear called out
From angry fans

It just takes five votes
Little fighter in the middle
Of the fray
Everything will be okay
Everything will be okay

Hey, don't wipe the blood off yet
Remember that the
Raptor's tough
To put away.

Keep your spirits up
And talk to TDN
It's only popularity
That gets you saved

It just takes five votes
Little fighter in the middle
Of the fray
You know the council's on your side today
If not you're better off to pray

It just takes five votes
Little fighter in the middle
Of the fray
Everything will be okay
Everything will be okay

July 15, 2004

Although TDN is dedicated to reporting only serious and unbiased stories related to the Tournament, it is a tradition during the final week to include a list of mishaps and blunders that have occurred during this illustrious event. These are the headlines you didn't get to see:

14. Fluffy and McGruff caught sniffing each other's behinds in locker room
13. Muppet Babies mix it up with stormtroopers in Cho Sun's Chinese Restaurant brawl and win
12. Riot erupts in cafeteria when Yosemite Sam announces that there is no more mint soft-serve ice-cream left
11. Alien chest-burster puts an untimely end to Punky Brewster during initial match with Pebbles and Bam Bam
10. Council member Zick is compared to a brain-damaged chimp by press
09. Count Chocula is dipped in milk and feasted upon by Family Circus kids
08. Trogdor "burninates" peasants in the arena audience
07. Big Bad Wolf caught huffing and "puffing" by group of diligent Upward Bound students and is nearly disqualified
06. Predator trashes its hotel room in a desperate search for an elusive cockroach
05. Cobra Commander chokes on throat lozenge during opening ceremony
04. Five raptors become trapped in five separate pay toilets
03. Fruit of the Loom Guys pun-ished for repeated use of poor play on words
02. Iron Man delays fight due to chafing caused by iron-undies
01. Darth Vader mistakes John Shaft for Mace Windu and cuts him down in the parking lot outside of the Duckburg Bowl-o-Ramma.

July 16, 2004

Amidst the broken bones and spilled entrails, the agony and the horror, the laughter and the pratfalls, a beautiful thing called the Tournament of Doom 3: The Explodening has matured and blossomed. With a single crystalline tear coursing down his cheek, this reporter announces the bittersweet coming of the final battle. Here is what you, beloved fan, need to know about the last two warriors before their awesome and climactic confrontation:

IRON MAN: Iron Man's armor allows him to lift about 70 tons under normal operating conditions. The suit incorporates various offensive weapons, including repulsor blasters and a uni-beam and grants its wearer a degree of invulnerability and the power of flight.

STORM: Storm is a mutant with the ability to manipulate weather. She can simulate any form of precipitation, generate winds in varying degrees of intensity, raise or lower humidity and temperature in her immediate vicinity, induce lightening and other electrical atmospheric phenomena and disperse natural storms as to create clear change.

This information was acquired directly from the Marvel website, home to the most accurate information on these two fighters in the known universe. The ability charts for these warriors show a huge discrepancy, with one fighter having a vast advantage over the other. It's not enough to guarantee a win, however (nothing really is), so root for your favorite and LONG LIVE THE TOURNAMENT OF DOOM!



Tournament of Doom: Mascot Madness


Mace Windu Opens All-Mascot Competition!!!
16 Sports Icons to Fight to Their DOOM!!!
San Diego Chicken cites injury, withdraws from Tournament

Special Report by Clark Kent 10/29/03

CORUSCANT-Tournament of Doom chairman Mace Windu has announced the opening of Tournament of Doom Special Edition: Mascot Madness, a special off-season competition featuring 16 of sports most revered representatives in a traditional single-elimination Tournament of Doom-styled fight to the death.

"Last week, the San Diego Chicken said any mascot who entered the Tournament of Doom would win it," Mr. Windu said in explaining the rationale for the special round. "As the chairman who is responsible for setting up next year's tournament, I can't include every worthy mascot, but I want to make sure the best mascot is represented in the competition. That's why I'm giving these mascots-including the San Diego Chicken-the opportunity to show their stuff against one another."

Mr. Windu announced the winner of the 16-mascot field would be entered in next year's Tournament. "Given the Chicken's comments, I think the winner of this Tournament would have to be considered a favorite in Tournament of Doom III."

Mr. Windu added that a special mascot bracket also eliminates the criticisms of the Tournament leveled by Mr. Chicken. "The winner of Mascot Madness will have half a year to train for Tournament of Doom III. They should be in peak physical form to take on such fierce competitors as the Green Goblin, Rambo, and Mark Kresser."
Unfortunately, the San Diego Chicken will not be competing in the Special Edition. When reporters approached Mr. Chicken in the middle of his daily jog with the news of Mr. Windu's announcement, Mr. Chicken quickly grabbed his leg and limped away to his car. "Oh, I'm hurt. I think I made an owwie," Mr. Chicken said before peeling away in his Volkswagen Bug. Reporters have been unable to locate him since that time.

Mr. Windu acted quickly to fill Mr. Chicken's place in the bracket. "I felt it was important to replace poultry with poultry, so the Chicken has been replaced with the fine representative of South Carolina University, Cocky the Game Cock….What's everybody laughing at? What's so funny? That's his name, Cocky! He's a Game Cock! I'm serious! He's up for CapitalOne's Mascot of the Year Award!"

Experienced Tournament of Doom competitors approved of the field of contestants. Donkey Kong gave the early edge to fellow primate the Rally Monkey of the Anaheim Angels. "Monkey go banana smash smash win banana!" Mr. Kong confidently said, although he remained cool to the prospects of the Phoenix Suns Gorilla. "Gorilla no Kong, Gorilla Man…maybe…me want smash banana!"

Chucky from Child's Play singled out the Duke Blue Devil. "If you think a doll possessed by an evil spirit is an intimidating opponent, how are you going to deal with the devil, huh? And he's blue. Blue!"
The winner of this past year's Wuss Bracket, Odie, thought the bracket looked tough but thought the inclusion of Harvey the Hound from the Calgary Flames was odd. "Take it from a fellow tongue-wagger, there's some incriminating pictures out there of Harvey that have to lead some to question his physical toughness. Look it up on your own. I'm just saying it wouldn't take much more than the Hamburger Helper Oven Mitt to take the bite out of that dog's fight."

Former chairman Darth Vader was impressed by the diversity of the field. "Monsters, ancient Greek warriors, a walking nut, Academy Award winning actors-this special edition of the Tournament of Doom has it all. Oh, and the Chicken's a chicken."

Upon looking at the bracket, Pac-Man expressed confusion. "What are these things? Are they people dressed in foam suits. Or do they possess the powers of the objects they represent. Are they some weird combination? What are they?"

Mr. Windu responded with a short laugh. "Yeah, whatever. Look who's talking, you yellow semi-circular eating…thing. Like, what are you?"

Mr. Windu also announced that Herky the Hawk and Cy the Cyclone would be serving as special advisers during the competition. "Although sometimes bitter enemies, these two legends represent the best the world of mascots has to offer. Their insight into the Tournament should be extremely useful."

Be sure to check out the full Mascot Bracket to see the first round pairings!
Click HERE to download your copy!

Mace Windu calls emergency council session to deal with crisis
By Clark Kent 10-22-03

SAN DIEGO, CA-The San Diego Chicken today vigorously defended his assertion that Darth Vader had misled him into participating in the Tournament of Doom.

"Contrary to what Vader has said about my character, I am not a chicken," Mr. Chicken said. "Well I am a chicken, but not that kind of a chicken, not a yellow-belied chicken because after all under my shirt I have red plumage on my belly, not yellow feathers, although I have yellow feathers around my neck-anyway, the point is I am not a chicken in the metaphorical sense although I am one technically."

Asked to respond to Mr. Chicken's statement, Mr. Vader replied, "Naw, he's still a chicken."

Upon hearing word that Vader once again called him a chicken, Mr. Chicken exploded in anger. "I AM NOT A CHICKEN! I am a fierce warrior, defender of the San Diego Padres, and the most beloved of all mascots in the land, one of those great beacons of spirit and triumph who reign proudly over sporting venues from Fenway Park to the Rose Bowl. I AM CHICKEN, HEAR ME CLUCK!"

Watching the Chicken's speech live from the Death Star, Vader turned to reporters and said, "Yep, he's still a chicken."

Vader's comments sent Mr. Chicken into a raging flurry of unintelligible cawing. Finally regaining his calm, Mr. Chicken smoothed over his feather, looked into the camera, and directed his comments to Vader. "Listen here my fellow piece of poultry, you pathetic wheezing turkey: I'm a mascot. A mascot. Mascots, unlike Sith Lords, don't back down from fights. We only win them."
Mr. Chicken continued, "You pit [any mascot] in a one-on-one fight against any opponent you drag into the ring-whether it's a gang of four-inch tall blue elves or a starving dinosaur in need of a pedicure-and we're going to take them down. All we need is fair warning to prep ourselves for the fight, which is something [Vader] was scared to give me because he knew I'd win and overshadow his stature in the Tournament. If he was a real cyborg, he'd give me a redo, but let's face it, Vader's scared of mascots, especially a mascot like myself."

Mr. Chicken dismissed the comments of Eric Cartman, Grimace, and other underdogs who said they were not misled into the Tournament of Doom.

"Vader's got them under some sort of mind control. Either that or he's threatening to sic a division of AT-ATs on their hometowns. Vader can't get to me. I'm standing up for all of us who were unduly sent to our destruction in the Tournament with the hope that I can prevent such a massacre from happening again in the future. Maybe it's funny for Vader to see a chicken like myself pummeled to death, but it's not so funny to see that same chicken dispose of a Jedi Knight on his way to the championship title. That's the motive behind Vader's lies."

Mr. Vader was shortly spotted after Mr. Chicken's rebuttal measuring Mr. Chicken's height on a life-size television screen. "He is a really big chicken," Vader said.

Tournament of Doom II: The Rebloodening champion and honorary chairman of the Tournament of Doom Mace Windu sprang into action following today's tense exchange between Mr. Chicken and Mr. Vader. Mr. Windu summoned the five Tournament council members to his home planet of Coruscant for an emergency meeting apparently called to defuse the crisis. "We're just here to look at all the options on the table and to settle the dispute between Vader and this…I don't know, he's a chicken, right? I mean he says he's not a chicken, but he's a chicken, so what is it exactly?" said council member Katie Crooks. "Also, Mace has a new brownie recipe that we all wanted to try out so we made the trip."

In a late breaking development, Luigi and Hermione Granger were spotted arriving together at the Coruscant space port late Tuesday night. This coincided with the arrival of Jabba the Hutt at the Jedi temple earlier in the day. It should be noted that Ms. Granger, Mr. Luigi, and Mr. Hutt all served on the selection committee for Tournament of Doom II: The Rebloodening.

Council member Scott Zierath did not comment on the apparent reassembly of the selection committee on Coruscant but did make one final announcement before press time: "Stay tuned. Expect a major announcement by next Wednesday. Hopefully this will settle the whole mess once and for all."

What could possibly be up Mace Windu's sleeve?
What secret plan is in the works?
Be back here Wednesday, October 29 for a major Tournament of Doom development!!!

Grimace, Gargomel, others claim Vader didn't mislead them
By Clark Kent 10-15-03

SOUTH PARK, CO-Many of the competitors singled out by the San Diego Chicken as being lured into the Tournament of Doom by lies perpetrated by Tournament officials have stepped forward and denied Mr. Chicken's claims.
"That chicken's a &*$%@$#* wuss," said Eric Cartman, one of the kids from South Park. "He's just &!$$#@ off he got beat by a girl.
"We [the kids from South Park] knew what we were getting into when Vader asked us to fight," Mr. Cartman continued. "We saw the first Tournament, and it was kick @$$. I was like, 'Let me fight! I'm a beefcake! BEEFCAKE!' But we got a bad draw."
Mr. Cartman admitted to some miscalculations. "Yeah, Kenny probably isn't well-suited to playing a game where the point is to kill or be killed. And I was unable to utilize the satellite dish jammed into my, ahem, anus as a weapon. Sure, it may have looked bad when the Uruk-Hai warriors tore me to pieces joint-by-joint as I screamed and cried for my mommy in agonizing pain, but I'd do it all again in a second cause it was cool. (Pause) BEEFCAKE!"
Grimace from the McDonald's fast food franchise did not say he would be up to participating again but did confirm that he was asked by tournament organizers to participate as a fighter. "If you look at the video, you can clearly see that I'm pumped and ready for combat. And I was doing all right until the sabretooth tiger jumped on my back, dug his teeth in, and began clawing away at my muscular physique, at which point I realized that my life as an oversized partially gelatinated non-dairy gum based humanoid beverage was coming to a horrible, horrible end. I still have nightmares."
Snapping out his fear-induced daze, Grimace continued. "Some dweebo in a Cubs jersey asked me up front and honestly if I wanted to fight in the Tournament of Doom. I said yes. I've never heard of anybody misleading anybody into fighting. The San Diego Chicken is just embarrassed. He thought
he had a chance but he lost. Even I thought I had a chance, but hey, who's going to win-a purple blob or a Pleistocene era cat with foot-long fangs?"
Another group of combatants who fell to a prehistoric creature also said they entered the Tournament well aware that they would have to fight in it. Appearing together at a press conference, the chickens from Chicken Run broke ranks with their fellow member of the poultry family.
"As much as we support birds of a feather such as the San Diego Chicken," a spokes-hen began, "we cannot say that we were lured dishonestly into competition in the Tournament of Doom. Mr. Chicken can speak for himself, but he does not represent our experience. We would however like to ask tournament organizers and Mr. Vader especially to remind our former opponent-Mr. Raptor-that the Tournament has concluded and that Mr. Raptor no longer needs to hunt as down as prey."
Later, as the chickens fielded questions from reporters, the Raptor burst into the press conference, captured four chickens, destroyed the podium and stage, and sent the rest of the flock scurrying away.
Gargomel and Azrael issued a statement to the press reading, "Contrary to popular rumors, Darth Vader did not string the both of us up by our feet over a cauldron of boiling water to pressure us into participating. We decided to fight on our own. We regret not getting a better draw to prove our worth as fighters. Finally, the San Diego Chicken is a loser and Darth Vader rocks."
Mr. Vader was buoyed by the show of support. "What these former fighters have said today proves what I've been saying all along: The San Diego Chicken is ashamed that he lost the way he did and is now trying to cover up the fact that he is actually a big fat chicken."

Sith Lord Calls San Diego Mascot's Allegations Untrue
By Clark Kent 10-08-03

THE DEATH STAR-Darth Vader, winner of the inaugural Tournament of Doom and chairman and organizer of Tournment of Doom II: The Rebloodening shot back at accusations made by the San Diego Chicken that many tournament participants had been misled into fighting in order to satisfy the Sith Lord's insatiable blood lust.

"I don't deny it: I live to see fearsome fighters like Conan the Barbarian skewer and roast opponents like Huey, Dewey, and Louie on his broad sword, but no competitor has ever been entered in the Tournament of Doom without knowing full well that their chances of being slaughtered are as high as the chance that I'll be able to turn on my lightsaber."

Immediately following that comment, Vader's lightsaber, which was resting on a control panel in his private chambers, blazed to life and flew across the room into his hands.
"Here's the scoop: 99% of the participants in the Tournament of Doom believe in their heart of hearts that they can really win the thing. Let me give you an example-Buzz Lightyear begged me to let him in. I told him 'Buzz, you're just a toy with a blinky light on your wrist. You don't stand a chance.' But you can't tell that to Buzz. So I let him in. And man, he didn't stand a chance. Lion-O just…." Vader could only shake his head as he recalled the outcome.

"The San Diego Chicken had full knowledge of what the Tournament of Doom was about," Vader said. "He went into his fight well aware that he was going to have to kill Elektra or be killed. And boy, did Elektra do her duty."

Following this comment a few nearby Stormtroopers attempted to conceal their laughter. At first one appeared to be choking back some snickers before it became apparent that he really was choking and collapsed to the was considerably harsher. Upon hearing the Chicken's accusations, Vader immediately instructed Death Star operators to set a course for Earth and warm up the facility's blaster ray. Sources inside the Death Star said Vader was also desperate to find maps of California.

Vader denied claims he intended to obliterate San Diego off the face of the Earth. "That's not true. I only wanted to learn more about this Schwarzenegger guy, who seems very qualified to compete in the Tournament of Doom. I don't know about his qualifications for governor, but he seems to be quite the fighter. That's all."

Vader was hard-pressed to answer one question: If the San Diego Chicken had been killed in the Tournament of Doom, how could he possibly be making comments about it now?
"Duh, that's obvious," Vader said. And he left it at that.

Famous mascot claims he was misled by Vader's "cockamamie lies"
By Clark Kent

SAN DIEGO-The outcome of the 2003 Tournament of Doom has been thrown into controversy as the world-famous San Diego Chicken claimed many competitors, including himself, were deceived into participating.
Mr. Chicken, appearing at the final baseball game in Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego over the weekend, said that honorary chairman Darth Vader and other organizers of Tournament of Doom II: The Rebloodening lured competitors to the event without telling them they would actually be fighting in it.

"I always assumed Vader wanted me to appear between fights to keep the crowd entertained as they cleaned dismembered body parts off the field," Mr. Chicken said. "Next thing you know, I'm in the ring fighting this ninja lady who's got these sharp pointy things that she's ridiculously determined to jam into my eye. I mean, come on, do you know how much that hurts!?"
Mr. Chicken stated he could have won the whole tournament if he had known what he was training for. "I'm a first class warrior. [Eventual winner] Mace Windu wouldn't have stood a chance against a physically fit poultry specimen like myself. But I assumed I would only be depantsing people, not fighting them. I didn't win because of Vader's cockamamie lies." (For the record, Mr. Chicken did depants numerous patrons who attended the Tournament of Doom, including Skeletor and councilmember Tim Zick.)

Mr. Chicken blamed Mr. Vader. "He's a sadistic freak. He knows an unprepared chicken wouldn't stand a chance against a ninja
in training. It was bound to be bloody, but, frankly, that's what he wants to see.
"[Vader] gets a huge kick out of setting up matches that lead to one of the opponents just being slaughtered. That's how the Southpark Kids and Gargomel and Azrael ended up in this summer's Tournament-Vader was just like, "Hey, why don't you help with the clean-up," and the next thing you know they're being torn to pieces. And I know the people who organized the first Tournament lured Grimace and the Chicken Run Chickens with the same kind of lies."

Mr. Vader was unavailable for comment at press time.

Representatives for Elektra, the ninja who skewered the San Diego Chicken last summer, issued a statement defending her victory. "Ms. Natchios won her bout decisively. She is confident she would have been able to defeat that Chicken regardless of time, place, additional training, or the number of hands she had tied behind her back."

Of the other competitors named by Mr. Chicken, only the Chicken Run Chickens broke the collective silence, issuing only "no comment" to the question of whether they were misled into competing in the first Tournament of Doom.

"I'm a winner," Mr. Chicken said before hopping on top of the home team dugout to do the chicken dance. "I've always been a winner. If you tell me I'm going to have to fight a highly trained ninja to the death, I'll win. The only way I came out on the down side of that fight was because of Vader's lies, plain and simple."

Tournament of Doom 2: The Rebloodening

June 17
Guest Host Gives First Word On ToD2

Guest Host Buffy Summers

Darth Vader has invited several of last years fiercest competitors to join him as guest-hosts of this year's Tournament of Doom. One of these special guests is Buffy Summers, vampire slayer and college student. We caught up with Buffy on her way to the cemetery and asked her how she felt about this year's competitors:

"It looks like a good group but nothing I couldn't handle if I was in the arena again. I mean, I know I got wiped out early last year because of a twisted ankle, but I'd pretty much clean up without breaking a sweat in any bracket this summer.

We weren't aware that Buffy was injured last year when she entered the arena. A brief investigation turned up a clean bill of health for the vampire slayer turned gladiator which prompted us to ask her if she wasn't using an imaginary injury to save face. Unfortunately we couldn't save the face of the reporter who asked her that.

It's going to be a good tournament this year folks and you can always count on Tournament of Doom News (TDN) to bring you the latest buzz about what's hot in the grass square and what's being carted away.

June 18
CEO of High Council Under Investigation

Computer simulation of the reclusive Stonerook

Tournament of Doom promoter and head council member Jason Stonerook has been charged with soliciting and accepting bribes from this year's competitors. The CEO was aledgedly photographed accepting a bulky manila envelope from four poorly drawn children in winter coats who obviously have no business competing in the tournament. Much of the evidence in this case depends on whether or not these mysterious kids find there way into the brackets.

Donkey Kong, a previous competitor and long time favorite of Stonerook, will be the council member's defense in this case and stated, "These charges are completely false," he paused at this point to jump up and down and smash his fists against the floor, "and I am confident that my client's good name will be restored within a matter of days if not hours."

This scandal may well rival the famous bust of the gambling ring found to be operating last year under the guise of an AS2G group. Either way, you can count on TDN to keep you in the know.

June 19
A Classy Gentleman

The East Region of this year's tournament is filled with some fierce competition, but few combatants are as genteel and sophisticated as the Muppets own Swedish Chef. TDN was able to snag a few minutes with the Chef as he was preparing some cutlery for his first match against a Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.

TDN: What appeals to your most about
mortal combat?
Chef: Dehurshta floogen-boogen.
TDN: Ha ha! Of course. And how do you
feel about the quality of the
combatants in this year's tournament?
Chef: Hemmen hatsa shleben.
TDN: It's nice to hear that you have
such respect for your opponents.
What do you think your chances are for coming out of this competition as the ultimate champion?
Chef: Blah hicken-shricken de perly
whoopa. Snogloppin shedditta floog.

I don't think this reporter could have said it any better. Our hats go off to you Swedish Chef. Fans of gleaming cleavers and bizarre unintelligible languages will be watching this first-round match closely (as, no doubt, will the vultures).

More tomorrow from TDN where win or lose it's news!

The Swedish Chef engaged in an exhibition match

June 20

What the Heck is a Cassowary?

The cassowary is a large, flightless bird from Australia and New Guinea. It is the second-biggest bird in the world (only the ostrich is bigger). The cassowary's life span is about 40-50 years. For those of you who may be wondering how this majestic bird will do in the tournament, here is a list of potential strengths and weaknesses that a cassowary might display in an enraged state during a battle to the death:

A full grown cassowary is larger than most adult humans and kicks like Jet Li
Their three-toed feet have sharp claws; the dagger-like middle claw is 5 inches long.
Cassowaries can run up to 32 mph and jump up to 5 feet
They can breath fire at will - unconfirmed
It's a big angry bird

It's a big angry bird

That's the scoop from the TDN science and medical division. We hope that you are as excited about the Cassowary/Gimli fight as we are and will join us at the celebratory barbeque that follows.

June 23
Contestant Thought to Have Massive Weight Problem

Rumors have been spreading about the loveable but innocent android Lieutenant Commander Data of the federation ship USS Enterprise. Anonymous sources have indicated to TDN that the robot may be extremely heavy and have a freakish advantage in the arena. Some reports suggest that Data weighs in at as much as four tons!

Although the android was preparing for his first match with Beast (from Beauty and the Beast) and was not available to comment, his friend and trainer Brent Spiner said a few words in Data's defense. "I'd just like everyone to know that Data is very happy with his body. No matter what his weight, he knows he was just made that way and has no plans to make any significant changes to his physical structure. Data knows that it's what's inside that counts and he's very pleased with the new Pentium processor that's inside him right now."

TDN could not find any significant evidence to either prove or disprove the rumor of Data's tremendous weight. What we can tell you, however, is that he has had no problem using standard Tournament provided furniture and, aside from unpredictable bouts of explosive gas, he has been a perfect gentleman as a contestant.

June 24
Bloodening in Full Force

The Universe is abuzz with excitement as the results of the initial 32 bouts of the 2003 Tournament of Doom are soon to be tallied. Members of the High Counsel will oversee the process personally so that the results will be as quick and accurate as possible. As this milestone is passing, TDN checked in on Tournament host Darth Vader to ask him how he feels ToD2 is going.

TDN: How do you feel about things now that the tournament is in full swing?
Vader: I'm really beginning to feel the pressure of hosting such a large event. Sometimes I get so stressed that I start breathing funny.
TDN: Have you been pleased with the performances of the combatants so far?
Vader: More or less. There really isn't much time to watch the fights between calling the caterers, dealing with various contestant complaints, and generally running the Galactic Empire. The Deathstar doesn't manage itself you know.
TDN: How do you feel about the whole Stonerook scandal?
Vader: I'm very pleased that Jason has taken the time to pervert the otherwise fair and upright process of qualifying for the tournament. I just don't have the energy to make a mockery of justice and order and it's great to know that I can count on Mr. Stonerook to pick up the slack.
TDN: It sounds like you're very busy. What do you do to relieve stress?
Vader: I do Tae Bo every morning and sometimes crochet with the raptor if I have time.
TDN: Is there anything else you'd like to say to our readers?
Vader: Have a good time, buy lots of merchandise, and behave yourself in the stands or I'll crush your skulls like grapes. Remember, it's you that makes the tournament so special.

It's obvious that the pressure of the job is taking its toll, but there is no doubt that Lord Vader is up to the task. As the matches continue and the results unfold, the excitement will mount, so until next time, keep cheering for your favorite fighter and turn to TDN for the last tournament dirt. Remember, if it's about the fights, TDN's got it right.

June 25

When the High Council met to discuss the results of the preliminary matches, the press was inexplicably excluded. Not even members of TDN, the premier source for tournament news and updates, were allowed to enter the sacred Hedrezz meeting chamber once discussion was underway. In fact, one of our novice reporters was blasted by two storm troopers as she attempted to sneak into the restricted gathering hidden beneath a desert cart. We hope to have Dolly back with us soon.

Although TDN was unable to provide coverage of this event, interviews and breaking news will otherwise continue on a regular basis. Tigger, just before his match against the Care Bears, was quoted as saying, "I'm going to live forever or die trying!" That pretty much sums up our attitude with regards to tournament news as well. Until next time, if there's blood and gore, TDN gives you more.

Tournament results released today! Fans are
Excited and TDN will have interviews with the winners all this week!

June 26

Although a lesser known fighter, the soft-spoken Transformer Bumblebee has proven that he is a force to be reckoned with during his first match up. The classic VW Bug/Robot was a little embarrassed by all of the attention he has suddenly found himself with, but he was willing to spare a few minutes for TDN during his victory celebration.

TDN: So, how does it feel to have made it to the second round?
BB: To be honest, I'm a little surprised by all the fuss. After all, it was only the preliminary match and it was against a pretty weak opponent.
TDN: So you're saying that your victory in the arena was as effortless as it looked?
BB: I don't want to sound arrogant, but let's be real. Angry baboons? What did the fight coordinators thinks was going to happen?
TDN: You were pretty vicious out there, did you feel insulted by the match-up?
BB: Not at all. I was surprised by it, but I had originally intended to go easy on the primates. Once they starting flinging poo all over my new paintjob, however, I got angry. They didn't like me when I was angry.
TDN: What do you think about your next fight with Tony the Tiger?
BB: (eyes rolling) I think I'm going to have a talk with my agent.

And there you have it, straight from the horses, um… vocal synthesizer. Another exciting interview tomorrow from TDN, where if they've been hit by poop, we've got the scoop.

June 27

TDN has received word from an undisclosed source that one of the major match-ups in the Wuss bracket may have been fixed. In a gory victory that took mere seconds to attain, Toucan Sam annihilated crowd-favorite Rainbow Bright. Although rainbow colored in the beginning, the result of this match was definitely blood red. So why the controversy?

Members of the newly formed Rainbow-Bright Coalition (RBC) have made statements to the affect that the fight was fixed and that Bright did not stand a reasonable chance against the Kellogg's mascot. Photos were sent to TDN depicting what appears to be a small blue creature donning feathered wings and one of Sam's trademark follow-your-noses. The RBC claims that it was this imposter that got into the arena and not the mascot himself.

Who could this fraud be? It is believed that it was likely Disney's own Stitch, of Lilo and Stitch fame. If this is true, Bright would have stood no chance against the nearly invincible alien. Neither Lord Vader nor the High Council appears very concerned with the matter, however it is suspected that one of the council members may have actually founded the RBC.

Whether this is a breakthrough or a hoax remains to be seen, but rest assured that TDN will stay on top of it.

July 01

Prince. Skilled pastry chef. Tournament combatant. This young but commanding fighter has had his share of good fortune so far in the grass square. When TDN asked Prince Lion-O how he felt about his first battle in the arena, this is what he had to say:

"Oh man that was cool! First I was a little afraid because this Buzz guy had wings and he was flying all over. I was like, 'no way' but then I punched him and his arm flew off so I knew I had a chance. The scariest part was when he shot this little red light in my eye and I was all, 'I'm freaking blind!' but I then I just shook it off and started swinging like crazy. I don't think I actually hit him with my sword, but at some point I heard this loud crunch, sort of like the time I sat on Wilykit's Lego fort, and when I looked down at my feet Buzz was way broken. It was a total rush."

We look forward to seeing more from this up and coming fighter. Whether he will bring glory and honor to he people is yet to be seen, but his first fight certainly confirms that grossly mismatched fights and dumb luck can be, a total rush. Keep your eye on Tournament of Doom News where we've got the backside of every story.

July 02

Vader has called a for a pause in the tournament matches to celebrate an obscure little holiday on a relatively unremarkable planet in a Galaxy that, to him at least, is far far away. What is this about? TDN decided to ask.

TDN: So what's the deal?
Vader:Well, although I'm relatively well known in this area as a Sith Lord and high-ranking official in the Galactic Empire, my universal career really didn't amount to much until I made some contacts with a Mr. G. Lucas of the United States of America.
TDN: And this holiday is important to him?
Vader:Him specifically I don't know, but in the States, the Fourth of July is a big deal. In honor of what Lucas and that little country have done for my image, I'm calling for all fighting to stop for four days so that we may celebrate appropriately.
TDN: Sounds fair. So what do you have in mind?
Vader:There will be revelry like you wouldn't believe. The debauchery and lasciviousness committees have been busy planning some great activities. For example, there will be an Ewok roast, orphan toss, and Pictionary tournament. Also, since it is traditional for Lucas' people to explode dazzling chemicals in the air, which of course won't work out here in space, we will probably fire up the old Death Star and take out a few of the more colorful planets to wow the crowd.

It sounds like a good time. We hope all of your loyal readers can be a part of it, but if not, have a great break anyway and we'll be back with more news just as soon as the action picks up again.


July 03

In a spectacular battle far beyond the expectations of any fan, Conan of Cimmeria totally annihilated Doctor Octopus during the second round matches last week. The broad shouldered barbarian with eyes like blue fire and a pantherish gate wasted no time when the match began, quickly shimming up one of Doc Oc's mechanical legs and spitting him like a barbequed chicken. TDN asked the Hyborian hero what his feelings were on the match.

TDN: How does it feel to come out on top after being considered the underdog?
Conan: Dog? Who do you call dog, nave? I have brained men for less.
TDN: Umm…heh. So how did this fight compare to your last?
Conan: I remember no previous battle. When I arrived in the arena there was no opponent so I spent a few moments dispatching three ducklings to feast on upon my return to camp. Shortly thereafter, the magical barrier around the field vanished and so I went about my business. I was not pleased by this waste of my time.
TDN: I see. So how was it fighting Doctor Octopus?
Conan: The wizard with the steel arms? I have never seen one like him by Crom! I was certain he would blast me with some mystical bolt before I could reach him, but fortune smiled upon me that day. It took less effort than I thought to reach his tender underbelly and send his bloody gizzard spinning through the air.
TDN: Ugh. I think I'm going to be sick.
Conan: You're civilized ways have made you weak, scribe. Now away with you. I go prowling for the fairer sex this night. I hear tell of a wench named Xena. I am told she is a worthy prize.

What a class act. It seems that the mighty Conan knows no fear and that may take him very far in the tournament. What will it take to stop perhaps the fiercest and most cunning human ever to whirl a broadsword? Keep your eye on TDN to find out.

THIS JUST IN: Just minutes ago, Conan was injured in a local tavern by some sort of flying metal disk. Tournament doctors have assured us that the drunken barbarian will recover fully before his next match.

July 08
Know-It-All Nick's Top Eight Picks

For those of you who want the scoop on the Sweet Sixteen, here are the predictions of TDN's own Nick Kahplowski, professional bookie and author of three vegetarian cookbooks.

Okay folks, I know what's what in the tournament so listen up and listen good. Here's how it is:

Obi-Wan vs. Hyenas: This is a no-brainer. I've seen hyenas beat dogs at poker (and there are countless paintings dedicated to the card-prowess of canines), which is a feat no Jedi has ever accomplished. I say the Hyenas take Obi between laughing fits at 3 to 1 odds.
Hagrid vs. Bullseye: Hagrid and I play racquetball, so I figure I gotta go with him. 10 to 1.
Xiou-Long vs. BumbleBee: Considering what Xiou-Long did to my buddy's arm after he accidentally made inappropriate contact with her fanny, I'm gonna pick her for the win.
Mace Windu vs. Gimli: Mace looks a lot like Samual L. Jackson, who played Shaft in the movies, and Shaft is way too smooth to go down in the arena. I say Mace 2 to 1.
Uruk-Hai vs. Nightcrawler: Ooo-roo-kah-ee? What the heck is that?
Sabretooth vs. Skeletor: Wasn't Sabretooth the guy that took out Grimace last year? Man, I didn't think anybody could take that big purple goop down. I say Sabretooth at 4 to 1 odds.
Spider-Man vs. Xena: Spiderman's got the edge, but if I was him I'd be totally distracted by the warrior princess's feminine wiles. Even odds if you ask me.
Samus vs. Conan: It is my firm belief, under no coercion from the editor of TDN, that Conan will be successful in his next tournament combat endeavor.

So there you have it: scientific and impartial predictions by a professional gambler. Who could be more reliable? So keep your eye on TDN where we bring you the latest on who's fought the greatest.

July 09
Behind the Scenes at the Tournament

Discussion of possible tournament candidates

For the fans, the T of D is little more than wholesale slaughter broken down into easy to check-off brackets. But to the folks behind the scenes, it's a job that begins over a year in advance and requires unending hours of dedication and planning. For those of you who may have wondered just how this tremendous event comes together, TDN has compiled a list of a few of the major tasks to give you an idea of what kind of effort is involved.

First off, the high council discusses candidates who did not make it into the current year's brackets who might be viable for the coming year. For example, there has already been talk about how a knife-wielding orangutan might fare.

At some point, a final list is compiled and double-checked by tournament officials who judge the over all balance a bracket would have if the list were used. Sometimes errors in judgment are made, such as this year's Huey, Dewy, and Louie fiasco.

Invitations are eventually sent out to selected candidates and interviews are conducted. Those candidates who are judged worthy (and accept their placement) are issued official registration forms, while the others are laughed at and given derogatory nicknames like Loser-boy, Trumpet-head, and T-Boz.

Once the brackets have been filled, a tournament host is selected, fight locations are chosen, and accommodations are arranged for the many contestants, their families, and the throngs of unruly and destructive fans. Arenas must be built, copyright laws must be carefully skirted, and of course T-shirts must be printed.

The notion that the tournament is pulled off by some obsessive recluse in a Cub's jersey is a ludicrous rumor. Obviously the thousands of people required to pull off an event on such a grand scale could each add to this very limited list, but hopefully you've got a better idea of what goes on before the blood and teeth fly. So keep your eye on TDN for all the latest in contestant interviews and tournament dirt.

July 10
Spider-Man Tangled in Own Web of Lies

Your friendly neighborhood wall-crawler might not be the boy scout he has been made out to be both by fans and the media. Last night he was caught in a compromising situation with fellow tournament combatant and cyborg Samus. The relatively quiet woman in power armor, who gained fame when her exploits against the evil Mother Brain spawned an entire series of Nintendo games, was fairly speechless when camera flashes lit up her tournament-provided hotel room. During that time, Spidey came storming out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel and his trademark mask shouting curses at the paparazzi.

So what is the problem with two consenting adults having a little nocturnal soirée? It is stated very clearly in the tournament contract that contestants are to have no extra-combat interaction with other contestants that they could possibly face in the arena. Although Spider-man and Samus may have otherwise been excused for their little indiscretion, the web-head later denied the event ever occurred and that Samus simply has a hero-fetish that she was acting out with, of all people, a TDN correspondent. As a journalist I have to say that I am just appalled that Spidey would suggest such a thing and I'm a little weirded-out that he dug through the dumpster outside my window and fished out an old Batman cowel and bottle of armor polish.

Until next time, this is….um, never mind who I am, just keep reading TDN for the latest and greatest in the tournament.

July 11
TND Correspondent Demoted for Misrepresenting Facts

If you read yesterday's Tournament of Doom News, you already know about the Spider-Man/Samus scandal. Our own ace reporter, Steve Smith, was close by when the story broke. Little did we know just how close.

Smith, best known for his gardening articles, was famous in journalistic circles for parading about press conferences in his Superman Underoos or showing up to interviews wearing green body-paint shouting, "Steve SMASH!". It all seemed quite harmless until the day he met a woman who found his behavior a little too exciting. In the midst of his attempts to impress this female ToD combatant, Smith lost sight of his journalistic ethics and did the unthinkable. At some point his passion got the best of him and, when caught by fellow reporters, he claimed to be the real Spider-Man before fleeing the scene in a red mask and monogrammed bath-towel. What is worse is that he then reported the incident falsely, in this very publication, in order to cover his tracks.

"I'm totally disgusted," claimed one angry baboon participant, "I mean, sure I fling my own poo at times, but I least I have some dignity." A baffled Conan of Cimmeria asked, "By what foul magic was this scribe enchanted?" That's pretty much how the rest of us feel here at TDN, but if there is one thing we are it's faithful to our employees. Although Mr. Smith will no longer be allowed to cover tournament events, he will be writing up horoscopes and pet obituaries along with former combatant San Diego Chicken (who, coincidentally, also likes dressing up in costumes).

We would like to apologize to all of our readers for this terrible breach of your trust, and hope that you will continue to read TDN, or, at the very least, patronize our sponsors.

July 15
Wuss Bracket Champion Announced!

In a stunning victory last night Odie overcame the odds and slaughtered his opponent, Pinocchio. So what is in store for this toughest of the weakest? Here's what tournament Host Darth Vader had to say:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am somewhat amused to announce that Odie has proven to be an adversary as worthy of my respect as the old chewing gum stuck to my boot. As such, he has earned the following prizes:
- An autographed photo with the tournament host
- An official Tournament of Doom 2 staff jersey
- A lifetime supply of ace bandages
- And a place on a modest plaque in the ladies room on level 2457B of the Death Star

What an amazing honor! In addition to these prizes, Odie will also partake of a special bonus battle to determine whether or not he is worthy to compete as a regular participant in Tournament of Doom 3 next summer. Who is the lucky combatant to meet Odie in the grass square? It's none other than 20th Century Fox's own Predator Hunter, straight from an expedition in the Amazon rainforest. This terrible and ferocious alien is geared up to prove himself and is ready to show no mercy. A great surprise for us all and what is sure to be a epic battle. Until then, keep your eye on TDN for the best and bloodiest.

July 16
Tournament of Doom 2: The Rebloodening
Top Fourteen Tournament Mishaps

14. Blue chips a tooth after biting Barbie's bony behind
13. Raptor receives serious electrical burns after snapping fiercely at a running vacuum cleaner that disturbed his Tai Chi session
12. Skeletor blasts TDN photographer after being photographed loosing at arm-wrestling to Funshine Bear
11. Guest host Kool-Aid Man shatters while trying to leave tournament cafeteria through complicated turnstile
10. Chucky and Pinocchio engage in drunken brawl after heated debate over what constitutes being a real boy
09. Agitated Cassowary pecks at Lord Vader's mask during welcome speech and dislodges crucial breathing apparatus
08. Pac-Man, having forgotten to remove his reading glasses, mistakes Oompa Loomas for colored marshmallow squares and consumes 17 of them before being restrained by tournament security
07. Ducktale's ducklings set firecrackers off in Deathstar conference room, inadvertently starting a 45 minute firefight with a troupe of startled stormtroopers
06. Two of the original fourteen soccer hooligans decapitated before their first match while going on a women's undergarment raid in Xena's quarters
05. A-Team crashes van into porta-potties while racing with Bumblebee in docking bay
04. The kids from Southpark were admitted into the tournament at all
03. Wile E. Coyote destroys himself with faulty Acme gadget only seconds into his first match
02. Chewbacca mistakes Dave Hunt as long lost younger sister, Chewbecky
01. High Council escorted from arena in handcuffs after streaking the field

July 17
It's Been Bloody, But it's Been Fun

Gentle readers, I would like to take this time to thank you on behalf of myself, and the rest of the Tournament of Doom News staff. Your readership has made all of our work and madcap adventures worthwhile, and the few fatalities we've suffered hardly seem significant compared to the smiles on your bright shining faces as you read our column.

Although the Tournament is down to its final epic battle between Spider-Man and Mace Windu, we want you to know that you are in our hearts and minds each and every stinking day of the year. Of course you may be thinking that this is a sad good-bye, but it doesn't have to be!

I am pleased to inform you that, thanks to Rock Castle productions, the official Tournament of Doom website is up and running. There's not much to it now, but soon it will contain back issues of TND as well as new stories and info on Tournament of Doom 3. Please take some time over the next year to check us out for potential updates.

Until then, take care and keep your hands to yourself mister! You too young lady.

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