creationary mosaic

creationary mosaic

Entrance to my creationary world

creationary adj. of or relating to or produced by creation: creationary biology; creationary perspective; creationary theorist.
evolutionary adj. of or relating to or produced by evolution: evolutionary biology; evolutionary perspective; evolutionary theorist.

You will find the adjective creationary in the following dictionaries: (1) Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, 1986; (2) Funk & Wagnalls New Standard Dictionary Of The English Language, 1959; (3) Random House Dictionary Of The English Language, 2nd Edition, Unabridged, 1987; (4) Random House Webster's College Dictionary, 1991.


creationary Sabbath

[The creationary sabbath is "the 7th day", it is not necessarily Friday night through Saturday night. (This sentence was written by Scott Bushey and was taken from "Puritan Board - Theological Forum - Subject: Change of the sabbath?". {the creationary sabbath = den kreasjonære sabbaten; a creationary sabbath = en kreasjonær sabbat}]

creationary scale

[They may indeed be too far apart on the creationary scale for hybridization to be even possible. (This sentence was written by nonevolutionist Hans-Friedrich Tamke, B.A. (Hons), and was taken from the alt.animals.foxes newsgroup thread "Re: Breeding".)]

creationary scenario

[As with all such theoretical discussions, present day observations yield indirect evidence for the acceptance of the creationary scenario I have chosen, and I am confident that no evidence will ever contradict this general scenario description. (This sentence was written by mathematician and creationary theorist Robert A. Herrmann, Ph.D., and was taken from the webpage "A Personal Statement".)]

[that's what i've been trying to point out here for sometime...all the junk aside, this concept fits well with the creationary scenario :-). (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Anyman and was taken from the news forum post [Jun 05, 2001] entitled "Re: The speed of evolution".)]

[Which is really saying that uniformitarianism doesn't work in the creationary scenario. I think I knew that! (This sentence was written by Australian young-earth creationist [australsk ung-ord kreasjonist] Philip J. Rayment and was taken from a "Creation-evolution_controversy/archive_4" webpage at http://www.gateserver.net/.) (a creationary scenario = et kreasjonært scenarium) (Added 2006.04.13)]

creationary scenarios

[Herrmann refers to the approach used by Dembski, Behe et al. as Restricted Intelligent Design theory (RID), which does NOT point to specific creationary scenarios. (This sentence was written [Date: 2004-08-24] by Canadian creationist David Buckna and appeared in a Talk.Origins newsgroup thread entitled "Re: Wonder why there is no scientific evidence for Creationism?".) [I removed the period after the Latin et "and" that appeared in the original sentence.] (Added 2004.09.06)]

creationary scene

[Young-earth creationary theory has dominated the creationary scene, while old-earth creationary theory has been struggling to be heard. (This sentence was written by Canadian old-earth creationist Jadon Slade Androsoff and was taken from a post he made to the alt.talk.creationism newsgroup.)]

creationary scheme

[That is why God in His infinite wisdom laid down the creationary scheme of the first day to include all of these principles. (This sentence was taken from an anti-triunitarian online booklet entitled "LET THERE BE LIGHT".)]

[This is why my theory which alleges that evolution is one aspect of a more general creationary scheme is The Unified Theory of Evolution. (This sentence was written by creationary evolutionist Moaiad A. Kanaan and was taken from the Talk.Origins thread "The Unified Theory of Evolutionary Creation".)]

creationary schemes

[Had this happened, I think there would be far fewer supporters of most current creationary schemes. (This sentence was written by agnostic evolutionist Tim Ikeda and was taken from the post "Re: Sin Abounding".)]

creationary schemework/scheme-work

[Many scientists are deeply spiritual/religous people; I know lots of Evolutionary Biologists who have no problem fitting e[]volution into the biblical account of creation: One does not have to read the [B]ible literally, nor is it unimaginable that any creationary schemework eliminates further evolving of species. (This sentence was written by Barry, who is a theistic evolutionist, and was taken from the "Useless Facts Daily" ezine for Monday, October 8, 2001.)]

creationary science

[It does seem, however, that creationists and evolutionists alike seem to ignore the very real possibility that entropy should be a major phenomenon in creationary science. (This sentence was written by creationary biologist Michael Brown, Ph.D., and was taken from the article "Pseudogenes: a Description of the Problem".)]

[What you will find is the best of creationary science - real, peer-reviewed scientific literature of studies done by evolutionists! (This sentence was written by old-universe creationist Richard L. Deem, M.Sc., and was taken from "The Evolution Pages at GodAndScience.org" website.)]

[In 1980, not having any knowledge of the actual beliefs of any of the organizations that claim to deal with creationary science, I joined the American Scientific Affiliation (ASA). (This sentence was written by mathematician and creationary theorist Robert A. Herrmann, Ph.D., and was taken from the webpage "THE Miraculous Event".)]

[Until I could find another appropriate publication source, my public activities in creationary science were at an end. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Robert A. Herrmann, Ph.D., and was taken from the webpage "THE Miraculous Event".)]

[This site tells about Dr. Herrmann's background and includes articles about intelligent design, cosmology, the ministry of Hugh Ross, and about what creationary science is. (This sentence was written by creationary writer Wayne R. Spencer and was taken from his webpage entitled "Creationist World Wide Web Sites".)]

[I emphasize issues in creationary science that relate to the physical sciences, especially astronomy, physics, and some geological topics, but I have spoken on all kinds of creation/evolution topics. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Wayne Spencer, M.S., and was taken from "Creation[ary] Research and Ministry Report [-] November 1999".)]

[[Michael] Behe is concerned with his form of design theory being classified as part of creationary science. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Robert A. Herrmann, Ph.D., and was taken from the webpage "A Comparison: General Design Versus Restrictive Design Theory".)]

[Is there already or can there ever be such a thing as "creationary science" (or "evolutionary science")? (This sentence was written by old-earth creationist Hans-Friedrich Tamke, B.A. (Hons), and was taken from a post entitled "What is science? What is religion?", made to the Talk.Origins, alt.atheism newsgroups.)]

[Below: Dr. Kurt Wise lectures on Creationary Science. (This sentence was taken from a page entitled "Summit 2001 Photo Album II", located on the Bryan College website.]

[Concerning the time afterwards, the Russian State actually developed a form of creationary science called "Lysenkoism", where a higher Will, (God, the Devil, etc.) molded evolution. (This sentence was written by RyanS2 and appeared in a thread in the "First Church of Satan" religious debate forum entitled "Re: A religionless world?".)]

[These mechanisms of genetics are just as important and significant in creationary science as evolution. (This sentence was written [on 26 September 2005] by creationist Doug Rebok and was taken from some comments he made on Carl Zimmer's proevolutionary "doublet analogy" article entitled: "The Steps of the Puzzle". (Added 2005.10.25)]

["All of these mechanisms were discovered by evolutionary scientists and fit into evolutionary theory. They're only 'important and significant in creationary science' because they're obviously real and observable in real time, and creationists would be perverse to pretend they didn't exist." (These comments were made [on 28 September 2005] by Nick, an evolutionist, in reply to Doug Rebok's earlier comment.) (Added 2005.10.25)]

[There is no doubt that creationary science is at complete odds with much "historical science". Creationists recognize two classes of science, operational and historical. Operational science is the highly reliable repeatable science that has a tremendous reputation. It’s the science of medicine, aviation, computer chips[,]etc. Historical science isn't repeatable because it deals with events in the past. Evolution, radiometric dating, etc. deal with reconstructing the past. So they requires quite a few assumptions to fill in the gaps. (These sentences were written [on 29 September 2005] by creationist Doug Rebok and were taken from some comments he made to other readers of Carl Zimmer's article entitled: "The Steps of the Puzzle". Go to Carl Zimmer's blog [A Blog About Life, Past and Future] to read more on this top. (Added 2005.10.25)]

creationary scientific community

[I believe that the creationary scientific community has a much more solid foundation -- the Biblical record -- from which many assumptions are gleaned for their paradigm. This does not make the creationary scientific community immune to needing to make changes in their paradigm. Sometimes, assumptions are made from misreadings of the Bible, or from mistranslations, or purely ignorance. (This paragraph was written [on 28 November 1998] by American creationist Allen Roy and was taken from the christnet.christianlife newsgroup thread entitled "Creationary Paradigm".) (Added 2004.10.24)]

creationary scientist

[It does puzzle me, however, that you should assume a creationary scientist would not use the scientific method. (This sentence was written by recent-creationist Timothy Wallace, MCSD, and was taken from the webpage "Feedback from August 1999".)]

[The Norwegian creationary scientist [kreasjonær vitenskapsmann] Peder Tyvand has already translated my article into Norwegian. (This sentence was written by old-earth creationist [gammel-jord kreasjonist] Hans-Friedrich Tamke, B.A. (Hons), and was taken from "Submitted Reactions - to the 10 main arguments against Creationism".)]

[This sort of background alone would be enough for evolutionists to dismiss it if it were something presented by a creationary scientist. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist David Bump and was taken from an article entitled "A Probably Fraudulent Dinobird: What Shall We Make of It?", which appeared in Creation Matters (Volume 5, Number 1, January/February 2000).)]

[Despite its position as a keystone of Darwinian fundamentalism it was refuted only a year after it was published, by the creationary scientist Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith. (This sentence was taken from the Creation[ary] Resource Sheet entitled "ORIGIN OF LIFE", on The Revolution Against Evolution website.)]

[His commentary on the complete Book of Genesis is the only one written by a creationary scientist. [His = Dr. Henry Morris] (This sentence was taken from the Associates for Biblical Research online catalog.) (Added 2003.09.26)]

[The most prominent theory today concerning the mechanism of the Genesis Flood is that of Catastrophic Plate Tectonics (CPT). Its chief proponent is leading creationary scientist Dr. John Baumgardner. (These two sentences were taken from an article [December 30, 2004] entitled "Waves of sadness - Tsuname terror raises age-old questions" by Carl Wieland, AiG–Australia.) (Added 2004.01.25)]

[There is nothing oxymoronic about "creationary scientist", and if calling your opposition names is the level of your argument, you obviously don't have an argument. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Philip J. Rayment and was taken from the pharyngula.org website.) (Added 2005.06.15)]]

creationary scientists

[The creationary scientists are preparing textbooks for use in these courses. (This sentence was written by C. Wm. Anderson, Editor, The Creationist, and was taken from page 125 of the book Report on Evolution by George McCready Price. 1971 - Christian Evidence League, Malverne, NY)]

[In a somewhat broader sense it has been the aim of the Creation Research Society (CRS), which was founded in 1963 to organize creationary scientists and to address the scientific community. (This sentence was written by creationary herpetologist Wayne Frair, Ph.D., Past President, CRS, and was taken from page 1 of Vol. 35, June 1998, No. 1, of the CRSQ.)]

[These assemblies have engaged leading creationary scientists from the United States and an increasing number from many foreign countries. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Wayne Frair, Ph.D., and was taken from page 1 of Vol. 35, June 1998, No. 1, of the CRSQ.)]

[The scientific community and even the community of creationary scientists, despite its obvious implications, have largely ignored this problem. (This sentence was written by old-universe creationist Richard Deem, MS, and was taken from the article "The Non-Universality of the Genetic Code (And Its Implications)".)]

[A recent Nature article on spontaneous multi-layer formation shows that the secular journals have finally caught up with the creationary scientists, who published evidence like this 10 years ago — so much for the bigoted evolutionists' claim that "creationists do no scientific research." (This sentence was written by creationary scientist Jonathan D. Sarfati, Ph.D., and was taken from his article "Problems with a Global Flood?".)]

[Many creationary scientists are based in Europe, Canada and Asia. (This sentence was written by Jovanne Jake and was taken from the post "Re: The straw man is burning indeed.")]

[While evolutionists demand that creationary scientists explain the general "order" of fossils in the geologic record, creationary scientists, in turn, must demand that evolutionists explain not only the lack of transitional organisms, but also the paucity of fossils in the geologic record over the times when these organisms must have survived. (This sentence was written by Canadian young-earth creationist Raymond Strom in the article "Fossils — Missing, Missing, Missing", which appeared in the creationary periodical Creation Matters.)]

[ Creationary scientists, on the other hand, seeing the structure or organization of the structures, might have a better reason for choosing to explore the nature of the time aspect of this problem. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationary scientist Michael Brown, Ph.D., and was taken from one of his webpages dealing with the subject of astronomy.)]

[Creationary scientists have no problem with speciation, which has been observed. (This sentence was written by John of Melbourne and was posted on the website "AAA Matilda - Letters To The Editor : Religion".)]

[Mr. Baugh has a number of [ ] unique views of the preflood Earth that do not agree with the work of creationary scientists who have more credentials in science. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Wayne Spencer, M.S., and was taken from the article "Creationism and the Paluxy Controversy" [Part II].)]

[Evolutionary scientists are 100% biased. Creationary scientists are 100% biased. So, “which bias is the best bias to be biased with?” (These sentences were written by Professor Gary Locklair and were taken from the webpage entitled "FIL Doctrine of Creation Bible Study" [FIL = First Immanuel Lutheran].) (Added 2003.09.25)]

[Thus, creationary scientists have the responsibility of critiquing this theory both scientifically and biblically.(This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Andrew S. Repp, Ph.D. and was taken from the paper entitled "The Nature of Redshifts and an Argument by Gentry" in Volume 39, March 2003 (p. 269) of the Creation Research Society Quarterly.) (Added 2004.06.27)]

[Publishing papers critical of a particular aspect of creation doesn't count as supporting Evolutionism, because creationary scientists do that themselves. (This sentence was written [on 2004-08-19] by Canadian creationist David Buckna and was taken from the Talk.Origins newsgroup thread entitled "Re: Wonder why there is no scientific evidence for Creationism?".) (Added 2004.08.20)]

[As creationary scientists and Christians we know why the Sun is so well behaved, while providing life giving warmth to the earth and its inhabitants. (This sentence was written by Ronald G. Samec, Ph.D. (Physics) and was taken from the webpage "Archives - Evolution/Creation: The Truth 7/12/2004".) (Added 2004.01.25)]

[I'd like to begin this article by describing one example of Carbon-14 dating, performed by one of the leading labs in the dating field. Their carefully done report is a classic illustration of the controversy that exists between most secular scientists and most Biblical creationary scientists. (These two sentences were written by young-earth creationist Curt Sewell ["I worked as an Electronics Design Engineer from about 1944 until I retired in 1988, and all of this was in nuclear labs.] and were taken from the article "Carbon-14 Dating Shows that the Earth is Young".) (Added 2005.10.25)]

[Since creationary scientists believe in a relatively recent creation, they said that Libby was unknowingly agreeing with the Bible's account of a recent creation. (This sentence was written by YEC Curt Sewell and was taken from the article "Carbon-14 Dating Shows that the Earth is Young".) (Added 2005.10.25)]

[Then creationary scientists began a careful study of this problem. The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) sponsored a project they called Radioactivity and the Age of the Earth (RATE), and it's beginning to show some solid evidences that support the Biblical time scale -- support with scientific evidences, not just religious arguments. (These two sentences were written by creationist Curt Sewell and were taken from the article "Carbon-14 Dating Shows that the Earth is Young".) (Added 2005.10.25)]

[On the other hand, creationary scientists reject the "Geologic Column" time scale, and say that this lush vegetation and prolific animal life must have been just before the Great Flood of Noah, between 4 and 6 thousand years ago. Both sides agree that this period furnished the material for most of the fossil fuels -- coal, oil, and natural gas (even though they disagree drastically on the age of that luxuriant period). (These two sentences were written by young-universe creationist Curt Sewell, author of God at Ground Zero, and were taken from the article "Carbon-14 Dating Shows that the Earth is Young".) (Added 2005.10.25)]]

[This is what creationary scientists mean when they claim that transitional fossils have not been found. A transition is inferred based on an evolutionary interpretation of the evidence, but is not actually represented by a fossil. (These sentences were written [on 23 September 2005] by Doug Rebok) and were taken from some comments he made on Carl Zimmer's proevolutionary "doublet analogy" article entitled: "The Steps of the Puzzle". (Added 2005.10.25)]

[The idea was developed and debated in subsequent issues of Ex Nihilo and then in CEN Technical Journal, but in the end most creationary scientists rejected the idea. (This sentence was taken from the CreationWiki webpage entitled "Sceptic arguments".) (The rejected idea was that "The speed of light is slowing down".) (Added 2006.04.01)]

[Denying speciation was done by some creationists of Darwin's time, and some amateur creationists still do today, but speciation is accepted by all the current leading creationary scientists. (This sentence was taken from the CreationWiki webpage entitled "Sceptic arguments".) (I changed "amateur creationist" to "amateur creationists" in the above sentence.) (Added 2006.04.01)]

[True, but how many evolutionary scientists ever question evolution? They may question certain aspects of evolution, just as creationary scientists question certain aspects of creation, but just as anticreationists like to accuse creationists of not questioning creation, evolutionary scientists don't question evolution itself. (These sentences were written by creationist Philip J. Rayment and were taken from the webpage "Pharingula::Tyrannosaur morsels".) (Added 2006.04.12)]

[No scientists are creationists This has never been true. Most founders of the various scientific disciplines were creationists, and today there are many thousands of scientists who are creationists. See lists (with qualifications and biographies) of selected creationary scientists on CreationWiki and on the web-sites of Creation Ministries International, Answers in Genesis, and the Institute for Creation Research. (These sentences were taken from the CreationWiki webpage entitled "Sceptic arguments".) (Added 2006.04.01)]

[I would define "leading creationary scientists" roughly as any that are associated with the main creationary organisations (ICR, CRS, AiG). (This sentence was written by Australian young-earth creationist [australsk ung-ord kreasjonist] Philip J. Rayment and was taken from a "Creation-evolution_controversy/archive_4" webpage at http://www.gateserver.net/.) (Added 2006.04.13)]

noncreationary scientists

[Since there is proportionally such a small number of creationary geologists, for example, they sometimes have no choice but to examine the empirical data produced and published from the field work of other (non-creationary) scientists. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Timothy Wallace, MCSD, and was taken from the webpage "Feedback from August 1999".)]

creationary semantics

[Finally, I am convinced that once we have perfected Autorelational Trans-Tertiary Autodynamic Creationary Kinetic Semantics [ATTACKS], we will at last achieve the ultimate solution to Creationary Reconstructive Urban Dynamics [CRUD], the most common postmodern application of SAUCE. (This sentence was written by proevolutionary and anticreationary scientist Timothy John Thompson, Ph.D., and was taken from the "Tim Thompson Research" webpage.)]

creationary seminars

[ [Dr. Andy] McIntosh's Creationary seminars were primarily focused on the complexity and design inferences illustrated by flight capabilities of organisms. (This sentence was taken from the Creation Association of Puget Sound [CAPS] website.)]

creationary sequence

[I am not advocating an "evolutionary sequence" but a *creationary sequence"! (This sentence was written by Australian mediate creationist (creationary evolutionist [my term]) Stephen E. Jones and was taken from a message he posted to the Yahoo! Group: "CreationEvolutionDesign".)]

creationary sequences

[Consequently, one should expect compar[a]tively much less literature to be devoted to such tasks (unless one wishes to demand creationary "non-transitional" sequences[?]). (This sentence was written by short-age creationist Timothy Wallace, MCSD, and was taken from the talk.origins, bionet.info-theory newsgroups thread "Subject: Re: debate challenge".)]

creationary series

[People that enjoyed the creationary Populous series of games won't be disappointed with this new version. (This sentence was taken from the webpage entitled "Redwood's E3 1997 Review".)]

creationary services

[The CSR owns and moderates several creationary news and discussion services including a bulletin board used to archive origins news, and two email groups; OriginsTalk which is open to everyone, and CreationTalk which is restricted to Biblical creationist participants. (This sentence was taken from the webpage entitled "What in the World is CSR?" [About the Creation Science Resource].)]

creationary set

[But, I have ob[v]iously based my knowledge of why life exists around a set of beliefs. Whether evolutionary, or creationary, or any other -ary...unless you believe that the world just magically appeared in the state that it is in, you must have a certain idea of why you think everything is here, and what purpose it is here for. (These sentences were written by the MadHatter and were taken from a newsgroup post "Re: should coppola be indicted as a movie war criminal?".)]

creationary shop

[In house prop and creationary shop located at Lighting Services, Inc. (This phrase was taken from an advertisement from the Art Factory.TV, on the "Colorado Production Resource Guide/Online" website.)]

creationary side

[I only hear it called things like "difficult obstacle for the flood hypothesis" by evolutionists who haven’t bothered to study the creationary side—and those who speak primarily from ignorance are seldom the most reliable sources on a given matter. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Timothy Wallace, MCSD, and was taken from the webpage "Feedback from October 1999".)]

anticreationary site

[Talk.Origins Archive [--] The largest Anti-Creationary site on the Web. (These words were written by old-earth creationist Allen Roy and were taken from the webpage "Creation/Flood Geology links".)]

creationary sites

[Nevertheless, the creationary paradigm is articulated in some measure elsewhere at the TrueOrigin site, as well as at other creationary sites and in the creationary literature. (This sentence was written by antievolutionary writer Timothy Wallace, MCSD, and was taken from the webpage entitled "Tim Wallace Answers Wayne Duck".)]

[Old Earth Creationary sites: 1. Reasons to Believe 2. Mere Creation Homepage 2. Naturalism, Theism and the Scientific Enterprise (This phrase was taken from creationary catastrophist Allen Roy's website "Another Viewpoint".)]

[Featuring links to creationary sites renders the TalkOrigins website no more balanced or objective than does it's pretense to be "exploring the creation/evolution controversy." (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Timothy Wallace, MCSD, and was taken from the webpage with the caption "A TrueOrigin FAQ".)]

creationary skills

[Still utterly lacking said creationary skills, I attempted to draw a representation of one of the Goddesses presented in my project (Hestia). (This sentence was taken from the webpage entitled "Silver Midnight v2.0 - Summer 2001".)]

creationary something/something creationary

[Ergo, they have problems when science says something is one way, like heliocentric or evolutionary, when their way says that it is geocentric or creationary. (This sentence was taken from a webpage entitled "Science vs. Religion".)]

creationary source

[It is possible that in some cases I didn’t recognise a reference as being to a creationary source, and misallocated it, but I doubt that this happened enough to make a significant difference. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist "John of Melbourne" and was taken from the OCW Discussion Board.)]

creationary sources

[The number of references to all creationary sources (including AiG, excluding the Bible) was 69, or 20%. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist "John of Melbourne" and was taken from the OCW Discussion Board.)]

[If you consider AiG papers referencing other creationary sources as being "incestuous", what would you consider evolutionary papers referencing other evolutionary sources? (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist "John of Melbourne" and was taken from the OCW Discussion Board.)]

[http://www.cs.unc.edu/~plaisted/ce/links.html This is a comprehensive list of creationary sources and documents. (This sentence was written by creationary catastrophist Allen Roy and was taken from the post "Re: Personal paradigm shifts".)]

noncreationary sources

[That is, nearly 79% of all references were to non-creationary sources! (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist "John of Melbourne" and was taken from the OCW Discussion Board.)]

creationary spectrum

[In the creationary spectrum, there is a probability that life arose over time and there's a probability it was a "turn-key" package. (This sentence was written by evolutionist John Turmel and taken from the newsgroup thread "TURMEL: Jesus Christ Bankfighter Stream #3 72k".)] ]

creationary spirit

[With their leading scientific skills, qualified talent, improved management and creationary spirit, they are forging hard to put the group into a high speed, good quality, high efficiency development track. (This sentence was taken from a Chinese website promoting "Shangdianlvye Group Corporation".)]

creationary staff

[Feel free to post anything you like in our guestbook: requests for assistance, jobs you would like, a job you are hiring for, items for sale, friendly messages to the creationary staff of WWPN, special events announcements, suggestions, anything. (This sentence was taken from the WorldWide Pagan Network website.)]

creationary stance

[In each he begins with asking common questions and providing balanced answers, noting both the evolutionary as well as the creationary stance. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Dan Schobert in his book review of Dr. Donald DeYoung's book Dinosaurs and Creation, and was taken from the ETCSA (East Tennessee Creation Science Association) October 2000 newsletter (Volume 2, Issue 10).)]

creationary standpoint

[In college, I took a Concepts of Human Evolution class. It was interesting but as most are, I was brought up and taught the creationary standpoint of religion. (These sentences were written by Glabres and were taken from the Kneecap Mafia forum.) (Added 2005.06.15)]

[The purpose of this paper is to view snake biosystematics from the creationary standpoint and to initiate an investigation of snake baraminology upon the premise that God produced life according to specific created kinds (Genesis 1:24-25). (This sentence was written by young-earth creationary baraminologist and educator Tom Hennigan, B.S., M.S., and was taken from the CRSQ (Volume 42, December 2005) paper entitled "An Initial Investigation into the Baraminology of Snakes: Order Squamata, Suborder Serpentes".) (Added 2006.12.13)]

creationary statements

[This ministry actually rejects almost all of the creationary statements made throughout the Bible and, yet, claims that they are establishing the Bible creation scenario. (This sentence was written by mathematician and creationary theorist Robert A. Herrmann, Ph.D.( colorized photo of RAH), and was taken from the webpage entitled "Important Comments on the Ministry of Hugh Ross, Ph.D.".)]

creationary steps

[One problem with this theory is that the creationary steps outlined in Genesis 1 are very different from the accepted order of fossils in the rocks representing the geological ages. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Frank L. Hoffman [who advocates a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle] and was taken from one of his webpages entitled "The Time of Creation".)]

[I followed the creationary steps specifically from Todd Grimes' setup tutorial at http://www.evil-plan.com/CS_01.html which looks great and makes sense. (This sentence was written by Christopher T. K. and was taken from the newsgroup "comp.graphics.apps.lightwave".)]

[For example, what reliable information do you have about the creator to distinguish between evolutionary and creationary steps? (This sentence was written by evolutionist Tim Ikeda and was taken from the Talk.Origins newsgroup thread "Re: Special Creation, a definition of".)]

creationary story

[Does the creationary story of how things came to be add to our knowledge of how things work in the present? (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist "John of Melbourne" and was taken from the OCW Discussion Board.)]

creationary stories

[Evolutionary scientists make up evolutionary stories to explain the fossils, while creationary scientists make up creationary stories to explain the fossils. (This sentence was written by John of Melbourne and was taken from "AAA Matilda's Letters to the Editor : Religion".)]

[BruceHa asks, "are you saying that we should teach evolution in such a way as to highlight that creationary stories are "parables" and "myths"?" (This sentence was written by B. J. Berquist and was taken from "Subject: [K8sci] 2001/10/11 7-12 Science Forum - Evolution Resources".)]

creationary students

[Don't you wish Nature would print letters from creationary students, pointing out how ridiculously extreme it is to extrapolate into the billions of years from data gathered in a few hundred or fewer? (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist David Bump and was taken from the blog "A Creationist Comments" at www.godcreatedthat.com.)(I changed _Nature_ to Nature.)]

creationary study

[The same empirical data and (sometimes) interpretations produced in the context of these organizations and publications is frequently the subject of much creationary study. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Timothy Wallace, MCSD, and was taken from "Feedback from August 1999".)]

[Radioisotopes & the Age of the Earth, ICR scientists (2000, 676 pages, ill.) A progress report on the creationary study of radiometric dating processes and problems. (The preceding phrase was written by Canadian Garry Miller, a creationary leader of Creation Science of Saskatchewan Inc. and was taken from a CSSI webpage entitled "Post-Secondary (Technical) Books".)]

creationary studies

[While we are not a museum, we can provide an exciting look into the ongoing research projects which relate to scientific and Biblical creationary studies. (This sentence was written by John R. Meyer, Ph.D., Director, Van Andel Creation Research Center, and was taken from page 69, Vol. 36, No. 2, Sept. 1999 of the CRSQ.)]

[Objective and logical methods can be used in creationary studies as well as evolutionary ones. (This sentence was written by Kram News and was taken from the talk.origin thread "Re: How many types of animal do exist?".)]

[That kind of concept of Creator building life would not be considered "Creationism" in my humble opinion, however, seeing the tene[ ]ts of Creationary studies. (This sentence was written by evolutionist Phoebus Apollo and was taken from a webpage with the subject "Is Creation the only alternative?".)]

creationary stuff

[Also Try: Creationary Stuff for Kids - Introduction to Creation Science (These words were found at the bottom of this CSR Creation Science Resource webpage.)]

selfcreationary style

[Self-creationary style and personal style might both, outside of Newsweek's world, be read as politically powerful gestures constituting some kind of refusal of, or opposition to hegemonic culture. (This sentence was written by William S. Lewis and was taken from the article "Ready, Set, Stutter, Consume - Newsweek Magazine and the Myth of Style".)]

creationary subversion

[The profit flow is bi-directional: it flows back to the one who instigated the moment of subversion, as an overwhelming affirmation of positivity, and it flows "into" the general milieu of "cultural capital," the memory of the masses, as it provides a further example of creationary subversion for others, acting as catalyst for further action and the affirmation of positivity in others, through experiencing in some way the subversive event. (This sentence was written by online activist Tobias van Veen and was taken from the article "The Silence of Solidarity".]

creationary systematics

[For those people (especially creationary and noncreationary theorists) who are interested in obtaining more information on the terminology (i.e., "baramin(ic)", "monobaramin(ic)", "holobaramin(ic)", "apobaramin(ic)", etc.) as used by various creationary theorists in the emerging field of baraminology (creationary systematics), please consult the references below. (This sentence was written by old-earth creationist Hans-Friedrich Tamke, B.A. (Hons), and was taken from a post to a newsgroup thread with the subject "Re: Skeptics choke on frog".)]