creationary mosaic

creationary mosaic

Entrance to my creationary world

creationary adj. of or relating to or produced by creation: creationary biology; creationary perspective; creationary theorist.
evolutionary adj. of or relating to or produced by evolution: evolutionary biology; evolutionary perspective; evolutionary theorist.

You will find the adjective creationary in the following dictionaries: (1) Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, 1986; (2) Funk & Wagnalls New Standard Dictionary Of The English Language, 1959; (3) Random House Dictionary Of The English Language, 2nd Edition, Unabridged, 1987; (4) Random House Webster's College Dictionary, 1991.


creationary journal

[Question for Statistician Alan Montgomery: I have yet to read a refutation of Aardsma's weighted uncertainties analysis in a peer reviewed Creationary journal. (This sentence was written by a Bible college science professor and was taken from the webpage "Implications of Non-Constant Light Velocity", collected by young-age creationist Lambert Dolphin.)]

[This is a creationary scholarly journal on the humanities, social sciences, philosophy and some Biblical topics. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Wayne R. Spencer, M.S., and was taken from the webpage entitled "Creationist World Wide Web Sites".)]

anticreationary journal

[I would encourage him [Philip Kitcher], or whomever performs an adequate review, to publish it, say, in the NCSE Reports (which is the leading anti-creationary journal), or similar place where it will be in libraries. (This sentence was written by creationary theorist Walter J. ReMine, MSEE, and was taken from the Talk.Origins thread "Re: Insightful refutation of the Watchmaker argument".)]

creationary journals

[You'll find much more than the mere "how" in the creationary journals. (This sentence was written by creationist Timothy Wallace, MCSD, and was taken from the webpage "Feedback from August 1999".)]

[There are two Creationary journals he should keep up with even though he may disagree with them, just in order to be knowledgeable on the topic and not badly out of touch with what is really happening--CRSQ and CEN Tech Jrnl. (This sentence was written by old-earth creationist Allen Roy and was taken from the post entitled "Single Ice Age?".)]

[On the other hand, there are the creationary journals. (This sentence was written by nonevolutionist Timohty Wallace, MCSD, and was taken from the webpage entitled "Tim Wallace Answers Wayne Duck".)]

[The two creationary journals I cited are radically different in their approach and point of view on how nature got started. (This sentence was written by Kram News and was taken from the Talk.Origins thread "Re: How many types of animal do exist?".)]

noncreationary journals

[It is true that whatever creationists have published in non-creationary journals tends to have little to do with the creation/evolution issue, but this does not negate the fact that they have published. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Timothy Wallace, MCSD, and was taken from the Talk.Origins thread "Re: debate challenge".)]

[For the record, CRSQ and CENTJ are two that reflect the creationary paradigm, and creationary scientists do also publish occasionally in the non-creationary journals, when their work doesn't ostensibly deal with questions of origins. (This sentence was written by Mudrostovich and was taken from the Talk.Origins thread "Re: could the ark have held all the animals[?]".)]

creationary journey

[I'm embarking on another creationary journey. (This sentence was written by Bill Squared and was taken from his weblog on the xanga.com website.)]