creationary mosaic

creationary mosaic

Entrance to my creationary world

creationary adj. of or relating to or produced by creation: creationary biology; creationary perspective; creationary theorist.
evolutionary adj. of or relating to or produced by evolution: evolutionary biology; evolutionary perspective; evolutionary theorist.

You will find the adjective creationary in the following dictionaries: (1) Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, 1986; (2) Funk & Wagnalls New Standard Dictionary Of The English Language, 1959; (3) Random House Dictionary Of The English Language, 2nd Edition, Unabridged, 1987; (4) Random House Webster's College Dictionary, 1991.


creationary edifice

[This is probably because the Radon(222) atom-by-atom-over-time hypothesis is the only explanation which could have wrecked his entire religiously-driven creationary "polonium" halo edifice (hence, naturally, his mind protected him from giving it any serious consideration). (This sentence was written by evolutionist John Brawley and was taken from the webpage entitled "Coalified Wood; how the 222Rn migration hypothesis accounts for Gentry's observations".)]

trade creationary effects

[Preferential Trade Areas (PTAs) have received a great deal of analytical and empirical attention since Viner (1950) distinguished between the trade creationary and trade diversionary effects of preferential tariff liberalization. (This sentence was written by John Romalis, Ph.D. (economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001) and was taken from the paper "NAFTA's Impact on North American Trade".) ]

creationary effort

[Fourteen tracks from the last two years of creationary effort. (These words are from Le'Rue Delashay and are taken from "Metal Maniacs-Online Magazine". )]

creationary endeavors

[for this reason, i often go without meal integration on days/nights that i have mentally set aside for creationary endeavors - it is almost as though i derive sincerity from a tummy full of coffee and nothing more. (This sentence was taken from a young woman's journal entry [for 11/10/2000] on the toxicflux.com website.)]

creationary energy

[The author offers an anti-aging system that he calls CE (creationary energy) Mindpower. (This sentence was written by Herb Bowie in his review of the book Never "Old": The Ultimate Success Story, by Jesse Anson Dawn.)]

[When the energy is mastered and directed to the mental creative process, instead of the procreative process, it yields an abundance in intellectually stimulative creationary energy. (This sentence was taken from "The Manual For Mankind Self-help Resource".)]

creationary energies

[The rabbit is known for its creationary energies; procreation, sexuality, etc. (This sentence was written by Carol Burkhart and was taken from "Mayan Cosmology: Transcending Consciousness".)]

creationary engines

[To find out more about how I created the songs, click the "Creationary Engines" link. (This sentence was written by Brandon Konkle, a freshman college student from the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas, and was taken from the Aural Maelstrom, the site devoted to his musical experimentation. He composes Christian death metal [a featured song on the iuma.com website is: Spiritual Suicide].)]

creationary epiphany

[A creationary epiphany: since God wouldn't create a useless bodily function, goosebumps were originally useful. (This sentence was written by evolutionist R. J. Riggins and was taken from his webpage "Things Creationists Hate".)]

creationary epochs

[The six days of creation may also stand for creationary epochs because the Seventh Day or Shabbos may also point toward the millennial epoch at the end of this age, if the book of Revelation (Rev. 20:4) and its creation theology is allowed to exert any force as an interpretive key to the meaning of Gen. chp. 1-3. (This sentence was taken from a Jewish Christian (Messianic Jewish) webpage with the URL: http://www.afii.org/courses/Tanakh.pdf - afii stands for Artists For Israel International.) (Added 2005.06.25)]

creationary era

[As a side note: I often here that the reason eclectics should be abandoned is because it was created during a creationary/stationary era, and thus, denies evolution. (This sentence was written by Jura and was taken from the sci.bio.paleontology newsgroup thread entitled "Re: Question (stop screaming!!!)".)]

creationary establishment

[Specifically, the Shabbat (weekly Sabbath) is a sacred period of time (Gen 2:3; Ex 16:23; Ex 20:8-11; etc…) established from the beginning of creation (Gen 2:3; Ex 16:22-30; Ex 20:7-11; Ex 31:12-17; cf. Gen 1:14f for the creationary establishment of the appointed times) that is a reminder of the awesome acts of creation (Ex 20:8-11) and salvation (Deu 5:12-15) YHWH has, and will yet again, perform for the good of his beloved people. (This sentence was written by a creationist by the name of Joshua.)]

creationary Eve

[Oh - I thought you were talking about the creationary Eve. (This sentence was written by "Wiseguy" and was taken from a online chatline discussion.)]

creationary event

[Creationists contend that the curious facts of biogeography result from the occurrence of a special creationary event. (This sentence was taken from the article "NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (1984) -- Science and Creationism: A View from the National Academy of Sciences".)]

[However, I would argue that since this was a controlled experiment, performed in a laboratory, and simulated in a[ ] contained environment (which by the way we will never know how accurate it was to the initial creationary event), this would definitively point to an Intelligent Design. (This sentence was written by NYJ and was taken from a Christiansareus webpage post with the title "Food for Thought".)]

[Those half-ass fruitflies we bombarded with nuclear energy so long that one or two actually changed in – what Prof Dr. Sorry Specimen MD. BS., (and WHO is a greater authority on the godamn subject than him) said was "a real isolated, substantiated, clean empirical instance" of a creationary (oops there we go again) evolutionary EVENT, so great that it should be –and certainly will be– front page news on NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC and TIMES and NEWSWEEK, Discovery channel, etc. that do have all the same evolution-promoting bank heads and blank-heads on the same damn boards. (This sentence was taken from "The Evolution Irritation Site!".]

[There was a creationary event in which God sovereignly distributed the gifts in accordance with his will. (This sentence was written by Michael Olcott and was taken from the webpage entitled "False Apostles".)]

creationary events

[Furthermore, those physical events, whether evolutionary or creationary, have religious significance for us; we are their product. (This sentence was written by Canadian young-earth creationist Brian H. Robinson and was taken from "Chapter 1 - Truth Betrayed" of the online book Borrowed Evolution.)]

[But then again, maybe God wanted us to be able to understand the world around us--a strict impossibility if the creation proceeded by erratic creationary events that are untraceable. (This sentence was written by evolutionist JP and was taken from the ARN Design Forum thread with the topic "The Context for Abiogenesis".)]

creationary everything/everything creationary

[The most important thing to realise, though, is that everything we see and do in regard to patterns is creationary and that these patterns exist subjectively. (This sentence was taken from a webpage entitled "Chaotica/Chaos Magic/Magick".)]

creationary evidence

[I honestly see evolutionary evidence as speculation, just as much of creationary evidence is. (This sentence was written by creationist Patrick Mandigo and was taken from the Talk.Origins thread "Re: Secular, scientific creationism...")]

[Interesting information, but it seems to deal with a very preliminary hypothesis, rather than specific evolutionary or creationary evidence. (This sentence was written by Biff and was taken from "Ben's Message Board".)]

creationary evolution

[The Watchers (Fiction by Adam Prosser) "A story of evolutionary creation, or creationary evolution", a fable beyond time and space...(The above phrase was taken from TheWax.com website.)]

[There's always creationary evolution... You can have it both ways... :) (This was written by Michael McIntyre in a thread entitled "Re: I have found paradise".)]

[The fact is, creationary evolution is all about biological discontinuity. There is no universal phylogenic continuum. (These sentences were written by TrustTheWise and were taken from the post entitled "Creationists deny evolution!".]

[What Satan has not accomplished through Mariolatry, he has through liberal ecumenism, neo-evangelcalism, creationary evolution, charismatic pentecostalism, and most recently, by the occultic New Age movement of Satan's New World Order, which is the established vehicle through which the Antichrist shall soon rise to power. (This sentence was taken from an ourbibleheritage.com [Our Bible Heritage] webpage.) (2003.09.25)]

[However, if classic “evolution” has occurred, although only from created kinds onward, then macroevolution is an appropriate term for the creationists to use also when describing creationary evolution. (This sentence was taken from the CSR webpage entitled "Evolution; God's Greatest Creation".) [microcreation = microevolution + lower-level macroevolution] (Added 2004.03.15)]

Creationary evolution claims the Father, Son and Holy Spirit evolved the universe and life through a creationary process.

Evolutionary creation claims the Father, Son and Holy Spirit created the universe and life through an evolutionary process. (Denis O. Lamoureux) (Added 2006.04.12)

The term 'creationary evolution' to most individuals seems like a contradiction in terms. This would be the case if the words 'creation' and 'evolution' were restricted to their popular meanings.

The term 'evolutionary creation' to most individuals seems like a contradiction in terms. This would be the case if the words 'evolution' and 'creation' were restricted to their popular meanings. (Denis O. Lamoureux) (Added 2006.04.12)

creationary evolutionism

[Therefore, if you are not the sort of fundamentalist that takes every verse of the Bible literally, both in and out of context, and if you think that the evidence is good for the evolving of life into new and wonderful forms, then it is entirely possible to merge scientific and religious truths into a sort of creationary evolutionism. (This sentence was written by theistic evolutionist George F. Smith and appeared in the March 14, 1995 issue of The Daily Beacon (student newspaper of the University of Tennessee).)]

creationary evolutionist

[I spy a creationary evolutionist! (This short five-word sentence was taken from a post to the Newsgroup: "rec.music.artists.amy-grant", at www.deja.com.)]

creationary evolutionists

[Many, I'm sure you'll find, are " creationary evolutionists." (This sentence was written by Tom Hobbs and was taken from "Netsurfer Digest - Letters to the Editor #5.29".)]

[Those Creationists who agreed strongly and agreed somewhat to Questions 70 and 76 we chose to call Creationary Evolutionists because they believe that God created using evolution. (This sentence was taken from the webpage entitled "Grouping the Respondents of the Questionnaire", on old-earth creationist Allen Roy's "Another Viewpoint" website.)

[The rest of the analysis of this questionnaire will show the distinctions between Evolutionists, Creationary Evolutionists and Creationary Catastrophists. (This sentence was taken from creationary catastrophist Allen Roy's website called "Another Viewpoint".)

creationary exceptions

[The Naked Ape is Desmond Morris' controversial best-selling book that studies human beings not as exalted creationary exceptions, but rather as creatures very much beholden to our evolutionary primate origins. (This sentence was written by W. Sean McLaughlin and was taken from the amazon.com website. )]

creationary explanation

[Those who say that a creationary explanation is *inherently* not scientific are here refuted by Darwin himself. It does not matter that Darwin [l]ater tried to wriggle out of this, or that Darwinists themselves have tried to explain it away, the fact is that in his Origin of Species, Darwin *did* use "the Creator" as an explanation of how life itself originated, and that explanation is still there in his Origin of Species today! (This paragraph was written by Australian creationist Stephen E. Jones and was taken from a message posted [on Wed Mar 20, 2002] to the eGroup "CreationEvolutionDesign".)] (Added 2003.09.10)]

noncreationary explanations/non-creationary explanations

[When a Christian examines the solar system, it is easy to wonder if the Creator designed the planets specifically to confound non-creationary explanations of them. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Spike Psarris, B.Sc., and was taken from the online Creation archive [Creation magazine] (Volume 26 Issue 4, September 2004).) (Added 2005.05.24)]

creationary experience

[One must remember that regardless of how a piece of music was created, that we all derive our creationary experience from our past. (This sentence was taken from the webpage "The Court Jester".)]

creationary explanation

[Think of a good "creationary" explanation for those sudden jerks, preferably better than "God made us that way and He moves in mysterious ways." (This sentence was written by evolutionist Robert J. Riggins and was taken from a web page entitled "Those Naughty Vestigial Bits - and Other Bad Engineering".)]

creationary explanations

[He also talked about current incarnations of the anti-evolution fight in the U.S., especially in the continuing battle between creationary and evolutionary explanations. [He = Dr. David Epel, Professor of Biological Sciences, Hopkins Marine Station] (This sentence was taken from an American Cetacean Society, Monterey Bay Chapter, webpage.)]