creationary mosaic

creationary mosaic

Entrance to my creationary world

creationary adj. of or relating to or produced by creation: creationary biology; creationary perspective; creationary theorist.
evolutionary adj. of or relating to or produced by evolution: evolutionary biology; evolutionary perspective; evolutionary theorist.

You will find the adjective creationary in the following dictionaries: (1) Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, 1986; (2) Funk & Wagnalls New Standard Dictionary Of The English Language, 1959; (3) Random House Dictionary Of The English Language, 2nd Edition, Unabridged, 1987; (4) Random House Webster's College Dictionary, 1991.


creationary faith

[And ultimately, where origins is concerned faith will have to be used - be it evolutionary faith or creationary faith. (This sentence was written by Canadian young-earth creationist Laurence Tisdall, M.Sc., and was taken from the alt.talk.creationism post "Re: What is Science?".)]

creationary fever

[At this point, creationary fever strikes the group again. (This sentence was written by Alasdair Charles "Charlie" McNish and was taken from the fictional story "Vermont Invaded - A Report of the Boston Occult Society (Fall, 1920)".)]

creationary figure

[The Tyger and The Lamb reveal Blake's interest in depicting opposites. Each item symbolizes things that are opposites. The Lamb represents good and peace, while portraying the illusion of a Godly figure. The Tyger represents evil, but in the same ma[nn]er is able to show itself as a somewhat creationary figure. (These are the first few sentences in a literature essay that was found on the FindFreeEssays.com website.) (Added 2003.09.25)]

creationary flood model

[Doug [Sharp] and Rich [Geer] discuss[] the dynamics of overthrusting and its significance to the creationary flood model for the origin of geologic landforms. (This sentence was taken from an RAE (Revolution Against Evolution) webpage with the caption "TV Shows and Videos - Special Offers".)]

creationary flow

[[T]his is the creationary flow of playing and creating as a live band. (This sentence was written by Tom Hood and was taken from a comment he made on Pink Floyd.)]

creationary foes

[Darwin and his evolutionary friends and their creationary foes all argued just like lawyers who, first of all, must choose which side they will take before they can even begin to gather their facts and evidence to argue their own preconceived case. (This sentence was written by creationist John Farison and was taken from the article "THE GREAT LIFE ON EARTH DEBATE", which is on the Max Solbrekken World Mission [www.mswm.org] website.)]

creationary folks

[Agreed; creationary folks all over the globe are already trying to prep this one up as the next Piltdown man. (This sentence was written by non-creationist Jurassosaurus (posted on 21 January 2000) and was taken from "You think you're unhappy...".)]

creationary force

[Once again, science is poised to unleash a creationary force it only imperfectly understands and can never perfectly control. (This sentence was taken from the article "Playing God?", in the e-zine ASIANOW.)]

[In Hebrew this creationary force is known as "Ruach", in Christian tradition it is the Holy Spirit. (This sentence was written by Philip Mistlberger and was taken from "Chess History" [Chess Herstory].)]

[Judaism: The eldest Western-style theology from the Mid-East: anyone who believes that reciting memorized words or plaintive pleas to some incredibly powerful and MEAN creationary force (i.e., "Elohim") would mean a whole hill of beans to you and those you love - or despise - is slightly off the mark. (This sentence was written by an evolutionary atheist and was taken from the webpage "Humans Created God from Fear, Dog from Wolf".)]

[It wasn't something to be ashamed of - a show of weakness - but instead, an intellectual and emotional challenge to the never-ending, never-knowing question of the existence of a supreme being - or - creationary force in the universe. (This sentence was written by a skeptical agnostic after reading the book entitled "Many Lives, Many Masters", by Brian L. Weiss.)]

[It's been nice to find some refuge from the biverse problem in the quantal realm by declaring that this creationary force is actually here in this universe, somehow permeating all structures. {This sentence was written by evolutionist Wade T. Smith and was taken from a thread with the subject "Re: Determinism".)]

[I believe in a creationary force, i.e. a blend of creation and evolution. (This sentence was written by deist Ray Richey and was taken from the alt.alien.research newsgroup thread "Re: Do gods exist? OFF TOPIC".)]

[Some people at this point may bring up the possibility of an impersonal creationary force. (This sentence was written by David Toombs and was taken from his online paper entitled "Evidence for Christianity's Claims".)]

[The force of the universe, therefore cannot be a creationary force, or a personal God; it would have to be a subjectivity for that, and it would have to be a part of our reality. (This sentence was written by author M. R. M. (Mark) Parrott, M.A. (philosophy), and was taken from one of his webpages dealing with the subject of metaphysics (ontology).)]

[Volcanoes are more difficult to imagine as a creationary force, forging the landscape in times gone by, and today: an island was born of a volcano off Iceland in Denise's lifetime. (This sentence was taken from the story "Searching For The Volcano", by Jane Downing.)]

[You are only an atheist in your own eyes because you choose not to label the object of your belief "God". However, if my definition of God were merely that it was any first cause or creationary force, I could have very good reason to label you a theist. This supports my notion that the meanings of these words are only useful relative to one's own position. That's why I tell people to label me how they want - I merely choose to call myself agnostic because that label emphasizes my declaration that I claim no knowledge of [their] God's existence or non-existence. (These sentences were posted [on Thu Jan 09, 2003] by Empyreal and were taken from the "Agnostic Refuge" Yahoo Newsgroup.) (Added 2003.09.26)]

[God may well exist, but any problems communicating with or understanding It rests not as a human fault, but as a natural condition in accord with the will of that creationary force. (This sentence was written [on 07-20-2000] by Tiassa and was taken from a post made to www.sciforums.com [Forum: Religion Archives].) (Added 2003.09.26)]

[Many of those scientists also put themselves forth as believers in something (not in the Christian, Jewish, or Islamic sense) greater as a creationary force. In fact, it was to discover the causes and reasons behind their beliefs of creation that drove them as scientists. (These two sentences were written [on 2004-08-15] by BaronjosefR and were taken from the Alt.Fan.Tolkien newsgroup thread entitled "Re: Science (Was Tolkien and morality)".) (Added 2004.08.20)]

creationary forces

[Dark matter is among the newest phenomena which the world's astrophysicists are using in their attempt to reconstruct the creationary forces of the universe. (This sentence was written by Deborah K. Fletcher and first appeared in the article "The Shadow Universe" which was published in the May, 1989 issue of Discover.)]

[I'll be d i s p e r s i n g into a hyperjillion nanoparticles that continue to divide and divide and divide some more and while they're busy dividing into eternity, the conglomerative/creationary forces of the universe will be gathering some of them up here and there and recycling them into other things - all SORTS of other things, animate, inanimate, visible, invisible, moving and still. (This sentence was written by Demi Monde and was taken from the the newsgroup thread "Re: in my next life".)]

[A Muslim makes another argument for the theistic side of design and creationary forces. (This sentence was written by black atheistic evolutionist Reginald Vaughn Finlay ("The Infidel Guy") and was obtained from a hotbot.com search result for the adjective creationary.)]

[Now, we must admit, that in this post crustacean, post-pleistocenic, post-jurassic, modern dispensation of evolutionary history, that the "creationary" forces of evolution are in a somewhat —what it may seem like to you unscientific minds— very loooooong lull cycle! (This sentence was taken from "The Evolution Irritation Site!".]

creationary framework/frame-work/frame work

[Open source software seems to fit better in a creationary framework, rather than an evolutionary one. (This sentence was written by Eric Lind.)]

[In fact, I'm not even suggesting that you should be working under the creationary framework. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Timothy Wallace, MCSD, and was taken from the webpage "Feedback from August 1999".)]

[See related stories below, on 2/28/97, 2/27/97, and 1/15/97, for more information and comments on this evidence within a creationary framework. (This sentence was written by young-age creationist Eric J. Blievernicht, B.Sc., and was taken from his Quikfacts webpage.)]

[The positives are creationist attempts to reinterpret the facts from a creationary framework. (This sentence was written by young-age creationist Wayne R. Spencer, M.S., and was taken from the creationary newsletter Creation Answers (Volume 1, Issue 2, September 2000).)]

[Whereas the NAS seems to assume the typical evolutionist posture—pretending to represent pure, unbiased, philosophy-free science (in the face of a predominantly religious threat)—Refuting Evolution exposes this pretense for what it is, undoing the highly popularized myths that practitioners of science are devoid of any philosophical/religious predispositions and that the creationary framework is, by definition, somehow less scientific than its evolutionary counterpart. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Timothy Wallace, MCSD, and was taken from his review of the book Refuting Evolution - A Response to the National Academy of Sciences' Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science, by creationary author Jonathan Sarfati, Ph.D.)]

[I hope that what follows will be an encouragement to you in your faith and will give some insight into how a creationary framework can help us understand the Earth without Biblical compromise. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Wayne Spencer, M.S., and was taken from an earlier version of the article "Introduction to Flood Geology".)]

[Could you outline please what the major landmarks in the evolution of plant species and how such can best be explained using a[] naturalistic evolutionary (as opposed to creationary) framework? (This sentence was written by Dave S. and was originally posted on the Talk.Origins archive feedback.)]

[You are doing what all creationists do - when asked to actually EXPLAIN something using a[]creationary framework, you simply trot ou[]t some sort of 'problems' with evolution. (This sentence was written by evolutionist Pantrog and was taken from the ARN Design Forum thread entitled "Awe & Incredulity: A Very Short Fable".)]

creationary frameworks/frame-works/frame works

[Many of them were focused on Creation/Evolution debate sites in both evolutionary and creationary frameworks. (This sentence was taken from a webpage entitled "300 Creationist Lies (Part B)" [the second of sixteen parts], which attacks creationism evangelist Kent Hovind for his purported creationist or creationary lies.)]

creationary friends

[One of my creationary friends wrote on this point, "...two facts about the Green River Formation in Wyoming that challenge the notion that varves represent a year's worth of lake sediments. (1) Fossil catfish are found in excellent states of preservation over an area of 16,000 sq. kilometers of this formation. Given that dead fish placed on a muddy marsh floor and protected from scavengers by wire cages decay significantly in less than a week, such remarkable preservation hints at very rapid burial rather than slow, annual accumulation. (2) Two layers of volcanic ash within the formation, each presumably from a single event that deposited ash over a wide area, are separated by differing numbers of varves (from 1,160 to 1,568). This suggests that varve counting is not an accurate method of determining age." (This excerpt was taken from the article "Atheism, Evolutionism, and Green River "Varves"", by Paul G. Humber.)]

creationary funpark/creationary fun park

[Dinosaur Adventure Land Pensacola Florida (Creationary funpark for kids with rides, science classes, etc.) (These words were taken from the Creation Science Resource (CSR) webpage entitled "Adventures and Field Trips".)]

creationary function

[Every basic Economics text book explains this creationary function by bank loans and I'm surprised that you've forgotten it. (This sentence was written by Canadian John C. Turmel and was taken from a post to the ijccr discussion group.)]