creationary mosaic

creationary mosaic

Entrance to my creationary world

creationary adj. of or relating to or produced by creation: creationary biology; creationary perspective; creationary theorist.
evolutionary adj. of or relating to or produced by evolution: evolutionary biology; evolutionary perspective; evolutionary theorist.

You will find the adjective creationary in the following dictionaries: (1) Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, 1986; (2) Funk & Wagnalls New Standard Dictionary Of The English Language, 1959; (3) Random House Dictionary Of The English Language, 2nd Edition, Unabridged, 1987; (4) Random House Webster's College Dictionary, 1991.


creationary bank

[Yes, such a model of a "creationary bank" is easy to construct and would be of great use in demonstrating how the banking system pumps new liquidity into circulation. (This sentence was written by John Turmel and was taken from the post "TURMEL: The Essence of Money #12".)]

[Because piggy banks need deposits before they make loans and if you want your creationary bank to look like a non-creationary piggy bank, you make up a rule that says "NO LOANS FROM THE TAP UNTIL SOMEONE DEPOSITS TO THE RESERVOIR" so everyone thinks they're getting the deposit to the reservoir. (This sentence was written by John Turmel and was taken from the webpage "TURMEL: Social Credit Stream #4 45k - Subject: Re: TURMEL: On Social Credit".)]

[It was only after major debate that one finally admitted that money was actually created with a LETS casino-style creationary bank with both a source and a sink. (This sentence was written [in his Preface Analysis of THE BABYLONIAN WOE] by John C. Turmel, B.Eng. (Banking Systems Engineering).)]

creationary banks

[There are only two types of banks as defined in Fig. 2 and Fig 3 in http://www.cyberclass.net/turmel/bankmath.htm. Piggy banks which lend out their savers' deposits and creationary banks which lend out new deposits. (These two sentences were written by John C. Turmel, B.Eng., and were taken from "Subject: [lets] Re: Question for Flaherty & Turmel".)]

creationary-based research

[As it is not easy to get funding for creationary research, most creationary scientists are doing normal research (I know of one studying trees, and another researching malaria, for instance). Quite a few do what creationary-based research that they can in their spare time. Only a relatively handful have the resources to be able to devote major effort to creationary research. (This paragraph was written by young-earth creationist John of Melbourne and was taken from the webpage entitled "[Re: Questions for Believers in Evolution] - Christianlinks.com".) (Added 2003.09.25)]

creationary basis

[Since defining a word with that same word doesn't do us much good I will elucidate on the definition by defining what it is to be human in two distinctly different explanations; one with an evolutionary basis and one with a creationary basis. (This sentence was taken from the webpage "The Essence Of Being Human".)]

creationary being

[This place and focus of my creationary being is pledged to you, and in that I shall further its progression. (This sentence was written by Canadian Mark Perseus Tjan and was taken from the webpage entitled "Site Tribute - To She Who Has Brought Light Into My Life...".)]

creationary beingness

[Notice I used 'power of creation' not simply "power" for it is not really any power at all (even 'power' is an ego term in a way) - it is the Original creationary beingness or the essence of who you/we all are. (This was written by Philip and was taken from "Women's Forum" of the www.tantra.com website.)]

creationary belief

[The seminar will pleasantly document the true nature of the evolutionary belief of origins, and that of [the] creationary belief of origins, so that the audience can better make up their own minds based on evidence, and not suppositions. (This sentence was taken from a webpage entitled "Creation Seminar Coming to Cork [, Ireland]".)]

creationary beliefs

[Just ask Dr. Jerry Bergman, author of The Criterion (medical researcher and holder of three earned science doctorates as well as teaching awards, removed from several schools for his creationary beliefs, even after being tenured), or public schoolteacher Mark Wisnewski (M.Sc.) or many others. (This message was taken from a post on FreeRepublic.com, a "Conservative News Forum".)]

[Creationists? I've not noticed any others. Anyway, it wouldn't have gone this way if several different anti-creationists didn't bring creationary beliefs into the discussion in a derisory way. (These sentences were written by young-earth creationist Philip J. Rayment and were taken from the pharyngula.org website.) (Added 2005.06.15)]

creationary belief system

[Those predisposed to a creationary belief system (or at least a supernaturalistic, ritualistic philosophical view of things) will naturally be eager to agree with the “findings” of the Tim Wallaces of the world while pretending that this is what “science” is all about. (This sentence was written by evolutionist John Hoppner and was taken from the webpage with the title: "Evolution is only a theory; it hasn’t been proved".) (Added 2005.06.25)]

creationary bias

[Now I, like Kim, have challenged the belief that ID does not have a creationary bias and have asked for examples of designists who are not YEC. (This sentence was taken from "The Truth Tree's Evolution Message Board".)]

old-earth creationary bias

[As long as you bring [up] this issue of "intellectual honesty," however, it should be noted that these writers de-emphasize any OEC [Old Earth Creationary] bias they may have, which is why I chose to include them. (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Timothy Wallace, MCSD, and was taken from the webpage "Feedback from May-June 1999".)]

creationary big bang

[There's a distinction between biblical literalism and admitting to the fact that a creationary Big Bang is the cosmogony with the most evidence. (This sentence was written by creationist Christopher J. Watson and was taken from the thread "Re: Judgment Day in the Supreme Court (YRUU)".)]

creationary bibliographies

[Two concise, but thorough, creationary bibliographies exist, from Eric Blievernicht and Henry Morris, Ph.D., respectively. (This sentence was written by creationist Timothy Wallace, MCSD, and was taken from the True.Origin webpage "Resources for Further Reading".)]

creationary biochemists

[Just like a creationist thinks creationary biochemists are great!! (This sentence was written by Prometheus and was taken from the Talk.Origins thread with the subject "Evolutionary Hocus-Pocus".)]

creationary biologist

[Creationary biologist Gary Parker [, Ed.D.,] remarked that a 747 airplane is made up of many non-flying parts. (This sentence was taken from the article "Chemistry Refutes Chance Origin Of Life: Part I", by young-earth creationist Jon Covey, B.A., MT (ASCP).)]

[Creationary biologist Gary Parker says, "There is nothing unique about the substances of living things, e.g., carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur, "but there is something special about the way that they’re put together. [..."] (This sentence was taken from the article "Chemistry Refutes Chance Origin Of Life: Part I", by nonevolutionary writer Jon Covey, B.A., MT (ASCP).)]

creationary biologists

[In fact, it may prove to be a monumental task for creationary biologists. (This sentence was taken from page 163 of the book The Natural Limits to Biological Change, by creationary geneticist Lane P. Lester, Ph.D., and creationary biologist Raymond G. Bohlin, Ph.D. 1984. Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI.)]

[This is an excellent book on Flood geology written by several creationary biologists and geologists. (This sentence was written by short-age creationist [Kurzzeitkreationist] Jon A. Covey, B.A., MT(ASCP), and was taken from the article "Creation: A Better Science".)]

[So please do. Creationary biologists are doing the same. Jonathan Wells is one example, who happens to have a few essays on the TrueOrigin site. So is Royal Truman. (These four sentences were written by creationist Timothy Wallace, MCSD, and were taken from the webpage "Feedback from August 1999", located on the TrueOrigin website.)]

[Are there creationary biologists working in most universities? (This sentence was written by noncreationist Henry Choy and was taken from the sci.bio.evolution newsgroup thread "Do evolutionists silence the creationists?".)]

[For example, creationary biologists do not concede that evolutionary biologists have convincingly "proven" or demonstrated that "humans and cabbages" have a common ancestry. (This sentence was written by old-earth creationist (Alte-Erde-Kreationist) Hans-Friedrich Tamke, B.A. (Hons), and was taken from the Talk.Origins thread "Cabbages and Humans".)]

[It is obvious that both evolutionary and creationary biologists accept the fact that a certain amount of biological change is real. (This sentence was written by old-earth creationist Hans-Friedrich Tamke, B.A. (Hons), in a comment he made [2001-05-27] on the article "How the Seventh-day Adventist Church Should Relate to Evolution", by Ronald Carter.)]

[But can't evolutionary biologists make their vast millions as " creationary biologists?" (This sentence was written by evolutionist CHMC and was taken from the newsgroup thread "Re: .. levels of proof".) ]

creationary biology

[An essential feature of creationary biology is the inclusion of considerable genetic variety in each prototype. (This sentence was taken from page 174 of the book The Natural Limits to Biological Change, by creationary geneticist Lane P. Lester, Ph.D., and creationary biologist Raymond G. Bohlin, Ph.D. 1984. Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI.)]

[According to creationary biology natural selection is relegated to a conservative role. (This sentence was taken from page 175 of the book The Natural Limits to Biological Change, by creationary biologists Lane P. Lester, Ph.D., and Raymond G. Bohlin, Ph.D. 1984. Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI.)]

[They are possible frameworks for thinking about things, including the physical things involved in evolutionary or creationary biology. (This sentence was written by evolutionist Cliff Lundberg and was taken from a post to the egroup "CreationEvolutionDesign". ) ]

[Molecular geneticist Todd Wood offers "state of the art" creationary biology. (This sentence was written by model-builder and was taken from the amazon.com website [Listmania! Books by/with Kurt Patrick Wise].) (Added 2004.02.14)]

creationary bit

[She also thought that the idea of "evolving" Pokemon was against the whole creationary bit. (This sentence was written by DarkAlucard and was taken from the alt.games.final-fantasy.hentai newsgroup thread "Re: by request of tess and david".)]

creationary black

[Creationary Black many think is bad (This sentence was written by poet Vanessa Kay Kipp (Fry) and was taken from a poem entitled "Creationary Black" [11/15/01 ].)]

creationary black hole

[Friday, Aug. 08, 2003, 2:32 pm <{ new brand of charity } he taps his watch and scowls beneath heavy eyebrows to which i say 'how can i help when i am inspired' to which he replies 'when will you learn the difference between inspired and inspiring' in which i learned 'inspiring is something i'll never be' in which i focused on 'being inspired isn't so bad' in time i see that 'i'm a creationary black hole' defined as 'spitting out pale copies of everything it takes in while collapsing on itself' (These words were taken from the website entitled "new brand of charity".) (Added 2003.10.04)]

creationary boards

[ Creationary Boards, Chats, and Listservers (This CSR Creation Science Resource webpage gives a list of various creationary discussion boards, chatrooms, and listservers.)]

creationary book

[That tactic is misleading, so I intentionally avoided it in my creationary book, The Biotic Message. (This sentence was written by creationary theorist Walter J. ReMine, MSEE, and was taken from the ARN [Access Research Network] Design Forum.)]

[Uproar at the Grand Canyon over Creationary Book - Over the last few weeks, a controversy has raged at the Grand Canyon over a Creationary book. (These words were taken from the Creation Association of Puget Sound update - February 2004 Newsletter.) (Added 2004.03.15)]

anticreationary book/anti-creationary book

[In this case of the dandelions, I accurately quote Douglas Futuyma from his anti-creationary book, Science on Trial. (This sentence was written by creationary designist Walter J. ReMine, MSEE, and was taken from the Talk.Origins thread "Re: Dandelion nectar".)]

noncreationary book/non-creationary book

[This book is a non-Creationary, pro-radiometric dating book. (This sentence was written by creationary catastrophist Allen Roy and was taken from the post "How is this for an Anti-Evolutionist's use of quotes?".)]

[I highly recommend the Neo-Catastrophist (Non-Creationary) book "Catastrophism: System of Earth History" by Richard Huggett, 1990, as a great source for understanding the world views of both Evolutionists and Creationists of the 17th and 18th centuries. (This sentence was written by creationist Allen Roy and was taken from an ASA forum post [Date: Thu Feb 07 2002] entitled: "Re: Glenn makes front page of AiG today".) (Added 2006.03.02)]

creationary books

[Ironically, I have both creationary and evolutionary books which use photos of fish fossils from the Green River formation as examples of how well preserved fossils can be - yet the evolutionary book acknowledged on another page that fossilization must occur rapidly to prevent decay! (This sentence was written by young-age creationist Eric J. Blievernicht, B.Sc., and was taken from his Quikfacts webpage.)]

[I know just what the evolutionists are afraid of - what can a handful of creationary books sitting quietly in a library do? (This sentence was written by young-earth creationist Marathon and was taken from the webpage entitled "ALL FORMS OF SCIENCE DESIGNED FOR DISCUSSION - Jonathan Wells".)]