Nuclear Toast Web Site

Some people don't have a life. This is why I don't have one.


There are lots of computer games, and I've been a gamer for a long time. But every so often a game comes along that totally alters your sense of reality. In short, you're addicted.

In the summer of 1999, I started playing a computer game called Starsiege: Tribes. Suddenly I gave up almost all other online pursuits for this game, one that was completely different than any other I had ever played. It practically ruled my life.

I became involved in the online Tribes community, frequenting web sites, forums and chat rooms. While the sequel was in development, like other rabid fans, I eagerly followed every tidbit of information. When Tribes 2 was finally released in early 2001, I bought a copy the day it hit the street, taking a gloating picture to taunt the less fortunate.

I started writing humorous "news" articles about Tribes 2 before it was released, combining game issues with headlines of the day. The first ones were posted on a site called Tribal Fear. Then I was invited to join one of the leading Tribes sites, Tribes Universe. I've archived all the articles here.

If you don't know Tribes, these probably won't make sense. But for my l33t sk1llz tribesmates, enjoy!


Newest listed first.

Tribes Universe Articles

Original Tribal Fear Articles