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Nuclear news, Tribes style.


Sierra Announces Tribes Licensing

In a move designed to capitalize on its Tribes and Tribes 2 computer game franchise, Sierra has announced a program for licensing the Tribes name. "It's a way for us to recoup some of the development costs on this product," said a Sierra spokesperson.

"Today's computer games demand a big investment, from hardware and software to the actual talent that create them, whether the game is successful or not. A project of this magnitude is not inexpensive. Tribes 2 was a significant undertaking, and, unfortunately, we're still dealing with the fallout from lower than expected revenues," said the spokesperson.

The newly awarded licenses allow Sierra to increase short-term revenues and create more demand for Tribes products while furthering the Tribes brand name. "This is a great way to increase brand name awareness among the general public," said the spokesperson. Some of the many products already being discussed include lunchboxes, clothing lines (such as t-shirts and pajamas), action figures, and scifi novels. Sierra is even discussing possible co-marketing arrangements with a major fast food company.

With all the possibilities available through licensing, questions naturally turn to a movie. "No, that's definitely out," said the spokesperson. "After the box office disappointments of recent movies based on computer games, Hollywood is a little nervous to make another Final Fantasy or Wing Commander. And don't even mention Dungeons & Dragons. Could you imagine a Tribes movie with a Wayans brother in it?"