Nuclear Toast Web Site

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BioDerms In Licensing Talks

A spokescreature for the BioDerm Hordes today revealed that the bio-engineered species is in discussions with several companies for licensing purposes. The makers of console gaming systems are eager to add BioDerm titles to their suite of games, and the Horde is preparing to cash in on their new popularity.

The Microsoft Xbox, the Nintendo GameCube, and the Sony PlayStation 2 consoles are always looking to add more games to their offerings. "We're talking with all three companies about licensing rights and game ideas," said the spokescreature. "One idea we like so far is 'Alien versus Predator versus BioDerm'."

The BioDerm were introduced in the PC game Tribes 2, and although they haven't yet conquered humans, they feel expanding to other game systems will increase their exposure to humans, improving their chances of victory. "We're known as the scourge of mankind for a reason, you know, rrrrh," said the spokescreature menacingly.

Not everyone is happy about the licensing deals. Dave Georgeson, former producer at Dynamix and the person responsible for bringing us Tribes 2, is speaking out. "Remember, this is a species whose sole purpose is wiping out mankind. Do you really want your kids exposed to that? And besides," he added, "I hear Sierra is about to lay off the BioDerm. No Horde, no deal, right?"