Nuclear Toast Web Site

Nuclear news, Tribes style.


Tribes Players Surprised by Time Change

Last weekend the United States marked the return to Standard Time by setting clocks back an hour. The twice-a-year clock manipulation frequently causes problems, and this change has been no exception as Tribes fanatics all over the country struggle with confusion and disorientation.

"I know it's only an hour, but it's really thrown me off," complained a Shrike capper. "I'm used to commuting to the enemy base in the daylight, but now it's dark both when I leave and when I come home. The light from the enemy flag helps, but it's still a shock to be suddenly flying your Shrike in the dark when you're not used to it."

Other players, of course, are taking advantage of the opportunity to mock the chronologically-challenged. "You can add 20 scripts to your base install, and you belong to three clans, but you can't manage to change your clocks?" asked one. Another added, "What, these guys have never flown in the dark before? You'd think they got transported to an alternate universe."

But the time change has caused its share of confusion as gamers show up to scrimmages and matches an hour early. "I connected, then had to hang around the server for an hour like a llama," said one player. "It wouldn't have been that bad, but the server was having the match shoutcasted, and TsN let everybody know about me." When asked about the public humiliation, TsN's official response was, "Booyah, Grandma, booyah."