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New Tribes 2 Patch for Player Model Abuse

Dynamix today announced yet another patch for Tribes 2. This patch is targeted at the Warrior Setup screen, and is designed to accurately determine a player's gender and prevent them from selecting the improper player model in the game.

According to gaming experts, the Tribes community is overwhelmingly male, yet there is an abundance of female warriors in online games. Conventional reasoning is that male players select the female model during character setup because, being comparatively smaller in size, the female model presents a smaller target to opponents.

However, Dr. Berndt Richtofhausen, head clinical psychiatrist at the University of Edinburgh's Gaming Department, has a different interpretation. After analyzing hundreds of these cross-gender players, Dr. Richtofhausen has identified a new sex-related affliction. He calls these players "Tribessexuals".

"A transsexual is a person whose external anatomy has been changed to resemble that of the opposite sex," said Dr. Richtofhausen. "A Tribessexual is one who changes their player model for the same purpose. In my opinion, these males do it because they like the way the female armor feels on their monitor."

In the Tribes 2 online forums, Dynamix sidestepped the issue of Tribessexuals, saying only that the patch is designed to provide the community with a truer sense of each other. "When you visit a warrior's page, you want to know more about that person. Players masquerading as the opposite sex is not only misleading, it's also kind of creepy."