Nuclear Toast Web Site

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FBI Spy Provided Tribes 2 Secrets

FBI officials now believe that Robert Hanssen, the veteran FBI counter-terrorism expert accused of spying for Russia, also included secret Tribes 2 technology in his deliveries of secret documents and computer disks. Hanssen, arrested on February 18, has been accused of spying for Moscow since 1985.

The FBI is still reeling from the revelations of Hanssen’s activities and the enormous repercussions of Tribes 2 secrets falling into the hands of the former Soviets. "The full extent of the damage is still unknown," said FBI Director Louis J. Freeh. President George W. Bush, asked to comment, said, "This is a difficult day for those that love their country and can pronounce mirrordon... myrmeedon... well, whatever the hell you call that heavy armor."

"We much love to be having all wonderful this information," said "Sergei," a Russian Tribes player. "This very well will to be helping our OGL playing, knowing things such as routes for cappers, routes Heavy Offense be skiing, many blueprints of base vulnerabilities, and the specifications and capabilities of the aircraft vehicles."

Dave Georgeson, producer for Tribes 2, downplayed the security leak. "The sheer size of Tribes 2 maps requires a lot more teamwork than Tribes 1 players may be accustomed to. And besides, there’s more the to game than bases, vehicles, and flag cap routes. Have I told you about the community features? Community, baby, community!"