Nuclear Toast Web Site

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Dynamix, Sierra Breakup Final

The 11-year marriage between Dynamix and Sierra has finally ended in divorce. The once-rosy relationship, described as "a marriage made in heaven," leaves behind a wake of broken dreams and emotional problems.

"I should have seen this coming," said an inside source. "The relationship was gone. They had been sleeping in separate bedrooms for about six months. Oh, they tried to make it work, but Sierra finally had enough and kicked Dynamix out."

"It's a shame, but it's the kids that suffer the most," said Dr. Marvin Westfall, family therapist. "They don't always understand what's happening around them, and have to adjust their mental model of a formerly solid, from their perspective, relationship."

Noting that Sierra has been awarded custody and has announced its plans for the future, Dr. Westfall continued, "They're doing all the right things, such as reassuring their dependents that life will continue, just in a different way than they're used to."

But even with the reassurances, some still have a hard time coping. "It's all my fault," sobbed Fl4gB4nd1t. "If only I hadn't gotten mad and said I wouldn't buy Tribes 2 without demo recording, they'd still be together. Oh, the guilt!"