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Episode 9 - Step by Step, Leg by Leg

With Megs now voted out, the message around camp seemed to be clear: The game was now divided by the original tribes of Idun and Freya once more. Even though tension had once existed, Kelley, Jon, and Megs (still in the game due to the delayed departure twist) had all banded together, while Charles, Holly, Jamie, and Jose joined forces to reunite Idun.

Both Megs and Jon were extremely upset and angry over the recent turn of the events. Having originally formed an alliance with Jamie and Holly, they had expected to have an easy ride to the final 4. Megs and Jon confronted Jamie and Holly, and an argument ensued. Jamie tried to defend his actions, saying he had done what he felt was best for himself. However, Megs would not accept his answer, and remained angry with him.

It seemed impossible for either Kelley or Jon to get past the final 5...however, another twist was coming that would shake up the game once more!

When the 6 remaining Loki tribe members and Megs gathered together for their next Immunity Challenge, one that would change the course of the game completely. First, the remaining Loki members were told to divide each other into 3 pairs of 2. Fairly quickly, and not surprisingly, the pairs were as follows:

Pair #1: Jamie and Holly
Pair #2: Charles and Jose
Pair #3: Jon and Kelley

It was then revealed that the 3 pairs would be competing in an "Amazing Race" style leg. The 3 teams of 2 would race to a nearby anonymous country, where they would complete various tasks along the way. Eventually, they would end up at the finish line for the leg. The first 2 pairs to cross would receive immunity, leaving one pair of 2 people un-immune, and vulnerable that night at Tribal Council. To make matters worse, items won from the auction or bought at the shop could not be used at this special tribal council.

Somewhat shocked by the twist, the realization of how crucial this immunity would be settled in. Most of the pairs were with people's closest friends in the game, such as Jamie and Holly or Jon and Kelley. If they went to tribal council together, one of them would have to battle against their own alliance member, something nobody wanted to do.

The three teams then lined up at the starting line, and Cat started the race. The teams rushed ahead, only to learn they were to travel first to Stockholm, Sweden's capital, then by boat on to the nation of Estonia. Once there, the teams first had to complete a detour, where they could either search through a feild of potatoes for their next clue, or go through a trivia course on Estonia. After that, finally, they faced the roadblock, which only one team member could perform. This roadblock involved completing a math problem, where the numeric variables were equivalent to various numbers relating to Estonia. Once this was done, players could check into the pit stop for their immunity.

At the start of the race, Jose and Charles took a sharp lead, closely followed by Jon and Kelley. Jamie and Holly had some troubles, and ended up somewhat behind the other teams. However, on the Detour, Jamie and Holly were able to catch up with the rest of the pack by taking the potatoe option.

Fairly soon, it came down to 3 individuals working on the roadblock for their pairs: Jamie, Jon, and Jose. Jose had arrived there first, and became frustrated as he could not figure out the problem, but was certain he had the right numbers. Fairly soon, Jon managed to guess the correct numbers, and finished first. A little while later, Jamie finished too, leaving Jose and Charles as the last team to arrive.

However, Cat was somewhat surprised by the roadblock troubles, and decided to check once again the problem he had given them. As it turned out, there was a very small mistake in the problem, which resulted in the whole thing being incorrect. After some though, Cat decided the fairest way to make up for the problem would be to do a trivia face off between Jamie and Jose. (Since Kelley and Jon had been the first to arrive at the pit stop and the second to arrive at the Roadblock, it was agreed they had earned their safety fairly.) In this face off, however, Jamie managed to win once again, giving him and his alliance partner Holly immunity yet again!

However, now one of two people would have to be voted out: Jose or Charles. Charles had been keeping a low-profile in the game, managing to avoid drama and sticking with the Idun alliance all the way through the game. Jose, on the other hand, had made connections with various Freya tribe members, specifically Kelley. Even though he was from another tribe, Kelley and Jon figured that if they kept Jose in the game, they could possibly gain his trust in the game and possibly later some sort of official voting pact.

However, Jamie and Holly had observed Jose and Charles throughout the game too, and realized the same as Jon and Kelley: Charles had stuck completely with Idun during the game, while Jose seemed to have some connections in Freya. In addition, Kelley mentioned to Holly that she was voting for Charles. As a result, Holly began to wonder if keeping Jose in the game could somehow benefit Kelley and Jon. Holly mentioned this to Jamie, and he agreed that it would be best for them to vote out Jose.

There was now only one vote left to consider, and that was Megs. Last round, Megs had been betrayed by her friendship with Jose when he devised a plan to vote her out. Megs was clearly still very upset about this, and could easily want revenge. However, she also knew that if she voted to keep Jose in the game and boot Charles, Jon and Kelley might have a better chance at winning the game.

At Tribal Council that night, Jose and Charles were forced to vote for each other, leaving the other 5 to decide. Would Jamie and Holly and Jon and Kelley stick to their thoughts as to who to vote for? And how would Megs base her vote with the delayed-departure twist, on revenge or friendship? Would it be Charles or Jose that would get voted out next?

The voting proceeded as follows:

Votes for Charles: 3 - Jon, Kelley, Megs
Votes for Jose: 2 - Holly, Jamie

Megs had decided to help her allies in the game, and go with their choice on voting out Charles. With her last vote cast, Megs departed from the game permanently. Now the Idun alliance had been broken up, with only 3 of the 4 members remaining in the game. However, next round, Charles would still be voting as a result of the delayed departure twist. But there was still immunity and items from the shop to consider. How would these factors effect the game, and could the Freyan alliance possibly survive? It would all come down to one more shocking Tribal Council in the next episode.

© February 7, 2004 to Cat Spasms Productions. All Rights Reserved. Some graphics may be borrowed from various sites. If you have any questions, please contact the host of the game at Site hosted by Yahoo! Geocities. We are not in any way affiliated with CBS, Mark Burnette, or any of Survivor's creators.