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Episode 2 - United We Stand

Last time, on Survivor Sweden…

The game got off to a rocky start, when players were picked into two tribes, and the last player picked, Charles, chose his own tribe, and gave Idun immunity.

Maria: I felt like I had accomplished our immunity, because I was the one out of my tribe that was talking to Charles one on one and trying to make him feel welcome and tell him to vote his conscience and don't feel bad about what decisions he made.
Valerie: I felt like Charles didn't make enough of an effort to get to know us. It sucks major that he chose Idun, but the past is the past, right?

Alliances began to form on both of the tribes, Freya and Idun.

“Do you want to be an alliance with me and Holly?” Marion bluntly asked.
“YES!” Jamie replied enthusiastically, “The three of us can rule the game.”
“Should me, you and Kelley have an alliance?” Ben asked. “Yes!” Valerie replied instantly. *
Kelley: I do have an alliance with Val, Ben and Steven, but I'm also looking out for Megs and Jon. I don't know HOW I got roped into all these deals so quickly, but I think I'm going to pay for it eventually.

And after Aurora was voted out unanimously by her tribe...

“Aurora, I’m sorry to tell you that the tribe has spoken...” Cat says.
“Well, it was expected.” Aurora sighs.

The shocking twist of the game was revealed, “The Delayed Departure”, in which every round, the player who got voted out before would stay one round longer in the game before leaving.

“Scandalous!” Jon exclaims, grinning.
”Well, that just makes the sun continue to shine,” Aurora says, glaring at Valerie.

How will this new twist affect the game? Will Aurora’s vote be a deciding factor as to who goes and who stays? What new twists will await the players in this crazy game? And who will become the 2nd person voted out of Vengeful Survivor: Sweden?

All of this, and more, will be revealed, tonight!


Night 2 – Freya

As the Freya tribe walked back to camp with Aurora, tensions were clear. Aurora walked alone, all by herself, as other people whispered to each other.

“This is just great!” Valerie growled, as she stomped back to camp with Megs.
"We just can't lose our immunity," Megs stated, "We gotta be positive!"
“Yeah, positive thinking,” Valerie muttered, “I’m praying for immunity.”
“Yeah,” Megs laughed, smiling.
Valerie: I am pissed about Aurora staying, because I know that she would seek revenge on me.

When the group returned to camp, everyone went to bed. Aurora decided to sleep outside, all alone in her sleeping bag, and battle the cold. She had had enough for one night, and didn’t want to have to deal with anyone.
Aurora: Aurora: I am VERY happy about the Delayed Departure twist, and I LOVE the fact I get to make a contribution to someone leaving this game…but I feel INCREDIBLY ripped off. My tribe ganged up on me on the words of one person to save their own asses because they were afraid to make their own decision. Why was I the one who had to get ganged up on? The whole thing just leaves me feeling incredibly angry, and I hope my tribe realizes I am a VERY vindictive person. I don't know who specifically is to blame for my exit, but from what I was told, Valerie and Kelley appeared to be the two ringleaders behind it. Oh well, I won't be too worried about getting the diss from an internet mother and a pre-pubescent twat.

Meanwhile, inside the tent, everyone remained silent and did not talk. The mood was tense, realizing all of them could be in big trouble with the new twist.
Megs: At first I was like “Oh great, sounds like a load of fun. She can stay around and bad mouth us for voting her.”…but then I thought, what if we lose the immunity challenge and she chooses to take it out on me?
Jon: Jon: Well, Cat, you fooled me. That twist could DEFINITELY do some damage later on in this game, and it might do damage next Tribal Council for all we know. Good job Aurora, though. She gets to chill with a tribe who don't want her, but she does get revenge. I lied to Aurora, and this is the one person at this point that might actually do damage by staying a little longer. She's just one big EEK! I'm definitely going to be playing nice to everyone, definitely. I do NOT want to end up a victim to The Delayed Departure, because that would suck. I'm just going to stay nice to everyone, but continue strategizing as I was doing.
Kelley: Kelley: I think the twist is evil...just evil! I don't know if it will affect how I play, I really don't care about revenge at all when I play...but it is something I will have to watch for and pay close attention to. I was nervous, to say the least. Aurora gave a pretty biting speech before she was voted off, and that means she will probably want revenge on Old Freya.

Soon, the whole tribe had fallen asleep. A new day was to come, which would bring along with it new surprises…

Day 3 – Idun

Over on Idun, everyone had waken up early in the morning, by 7:00 am The tribe had gotten to work for preparing for the rest of the day. Amber and Marion were both attending to the camp’s fire, as the two talked about their tribe.

“Have you talked to Maria?” Amber asked.
“No,” Marion said, “She’s resting right now.”
“Yeah, I know,” Amber sighed, “She says she’s sick.”
“Oh,” Marion said, blushing.
“Isn’t she always coughing?” Amber stated.
“Yeah, on occasion.” Marion stated.
“That could slow us down in challenges,” Amber stated.
“Well yeah,” Marion said, “But it’s the votes that count.”
Amber: There is a problem with one of my tribemates. It’s Maria…She just doesn’t seem to be 100% in the game. I mean, she is always lying down because she’s sick and talks little with me. But I find this to be at a very good advantage…I know that makes me safe, because she is now our weakest link.

As Amber and Marion discussed the issue of Maria, Maria herself was off sitting by the camp’s fire, trying to stay warm. Felipe sat beside her, talking about each other’s lives. The two had been talking a lot recently, and little did the Idun tribe know, but it had lead to a bit more than just a friendship…
Felipe: I have a secret final 2 alliance with Maria. She’s the only person I trust in this game, but I'm not 100% sure if I can’t trust her anyways.
Maria: I do have an unspoken alliance with Felipe only because we know each other better than most of the other players, but we haven't officially said that we will be in an alliance together. I think I need to get to know the tribe just a little better before I want to form an alliance with some of these people, but some of them I would be happy to be in an alliance with.

At around 10:00am, Holly and Jose decided to go check the treemail together. The two wandered off into the forest. As they did, they got to talking, and found they had a lot in common. It was then that Holly asked the question…

“I think we should help each other in the game,” Holly said.
“Yeah, we should!” Jose agreed.
“It would be fun,” Holly smiled, “we should see if we can make it really far in the game!”
“So what do you think of all the players on our tribe?” Jose asked.
“They’re nice actually!” Holly laughed, “All of the ones I thought would be annoying got on the other tribe.”
“Really?” Jose smiled.
“Yeah,” Holly laughed again, “What about you?”
“I didn't notice anyone annoying or anything yet, but I might soon,” Jose stated. “For now I think everyone is really nice and active.”
Jose: I already have an alliance, with Holly. Since we felt we’d had gotten to know each other really well, we decided to make an alliance.
Holly: Jose is nice, but I don’t really trust him that much.
They arrived at the treemail to find a small notice left by Cat on a piece of paper:

Travel You Shall
To Mountain Afar
With Snow Falling
Like Beauty Unmarred
Climb Together
With Steel’s Weight
If You Succeed
You Shall Be Safe

Holly and Jose then returned to their tribe to share the treemail with them.

Day 3 – Challenge Tundra

At noon that day, Freya and Idun arrived at the challenge Tundra, as well as Aurora. The Idun tribe became somewhat surprised to see the whole Freya tribe there.

“To let Idun know,” Cat explained, “Last night, Aurora got voted out from Freya. However, in a twist called “The Delayed Departure”, that will continue throughout the entire game, when a person is voted out, they will spend one week further in the game to vote at Tribal Council.”
Maria: I think the Delayed Departure is very interesting and something that puts a great twist in the game, I like the fact that the person voted off possibly has a chance to get some revenge. I will not change the way I play because of this twist though. I will still play being myself, because I know I will never have to cover up a lie or be fake.

“Moving on to today’s Challenge,” Cat continued, “For this challenge, I’ll need 2 people from Freya and 3 people from Idun to compete.”

“I'll volunteer.” Steven said for Freya.
“I will if no one wants to?” Ben laughed.
“Ben, do it!” Steven stated, “We’ve talked more than anyone else I think.”
“Okay,” Ben laughed again.

“I’m willing to do the challenge,” Jose said.
“I’ll do it,” Jamie volunteered.
“I’ll do the challenge too then,” Holly stated.
“I want to also,” Marion said.
“You got to be in charge last time though!” Jose exclaimed.
“Okay fine,” Marion said, backing down, “You three can do it.”

“Idun has chosen Holly, Jamie, and Jose,” Cat said, “While Freya has chosen Ben and Steven. The 5 of you, come over to me.”

Holly, Jamie, Jose, Steven, and Ben all approached Cat.

“Give me your old buffs.” Cat smiled.
“Oh no…” Steven exclaimed, cringing painfully.

Confused and Shocked, the 5 handed Cat their old tribal buffs. In turn, Cat handed Holly, Jamie, and Jose each a blue buff for Freya, and Steven and Ben a green buff for Idun.”

“You have just experienced our first Tribal Switch,” Cat grinned, “Ben and Steven are now a part of Idun, while Holly, Jamie, and Jose are a part of Freya. This also puts the tribes back at even, 7-7.”

Everyone was silent, as they all stood in shock. Marion looked down, and cussed under her breath.
Marion: The Switch was a pain. I lost my allies. They went to Freya. That made it much harder to secure votes, but much easier to pick a target.
“We will now be heading to the next Immunity Challenge,” Cat said, “This week, for the one time only, it is off site. Each tribe will get their own separate helicopter. Aurora, you can decide which tribe you fly with.”
“I’ll go with Freya,” Aurora stated.
“During this ride, I suggest you get to know your tribe a bit,” Cat said, “Because when we land, it’s going to be immunity right off the bat.”

The players filed their way into their separate helicopters, and they took off. They began to get to know the players of the opposing tribes better, but mixed feelings about the switch still remained.
Kelley: The twist so early was a little bit of a shock, but it seems to be a calm tribe now, which I like. It has also made life so much easier for me, if not just temporarily. I had some kind of agreement with everyone on first all went so quick, I don't know how I got roped into all of it...but I am glad I don't have to cast a vote for someone who I promised to look after.
Jose: I'm not too happy right now. I DID NOT want to switch tribes, I was getting to know the Idun people and I was getting along fine. But I guess a twist is a twist, and I have to deal with it. The people in my new tribe do seem really nice, and I am with three people I know from before, Kelley, Holly and Jon, so I think everything will be alright.
Amber: The twist really sucked. I love all my teammates, but I don’t care cause it’s a game, and if it makes me go farther than so be it!
Holly: I am not sure if I like the switch at all. Me and Jamie switched tribes without our alliance mate Marion. So we're in the minority along with Jose, and it's scary cause I think they may try and gang up on us or something.
Felipe: I'm so glad I wasn’t chosen to go to the "Challenge", cause other wise I would have gone to Freya tribe. I'm happy we get 2 new tribe members, but at the same time it’s sad cause they are going to go first, but that’s also a good thing, cause we will have someone to vote off, and we won’t have to vote for one of our real tribe members.
Jon: I don't think that the switch has affected my strategy at all, but it has made me more cautious. I have to be careful to not reveal too much to the new 3, because they could end up running back and telling Idun. However, I like Ben and Steven and this might end their game kind of quickly. Hopefully not, though.

On Freya’s helicopter ride, the players got to know their tribemates.

“Welcome to the bloodbath fondly known as the Freya tribe!” Valerie said, welcoming the three new members.
“Way to scare them off Val,” Kelley laughed.
“I'm just stating the facts, am I not?” Valerie asked.
“Thank you Val, I like the truth!” Holly laughed.
“She could have sugarcoated it some though!” Megs grinned.
“How do you sugarcoat it though?” Valerie questioned, smiling.
“I don’t know,” Megs laughed, “You freeze it then dip it in some sugar?”
“But how do you freeze it?” Valerie demanded.
“For Christ’s sake, we’re in Sweden!” Megs exclaimed, “Just leave it out at night!”

The insane chatter continued on for some time, as they continued to talk about blood, their tribe, and so on.
Holly: Freya, altogether, is a nice tribe, although I just got on it. EVERYONE was so welcoming, or seemed to be, when we first arrived to their camp. So maybe a FAKE alliance could be forming soon? These poor people…
Valerie: I love the new Freya tribe. I mean, yeah, I do miss Steven and Ben, but it IS just a game.

As the chatter continued, Jamie slipped off with Jose. The two began to talk about what to do with the switch.

“Me, you, and Holly have got to stick together.” Jamie stated.
“I know!” Jose agreed, “Now we’re considered outsiders.”
“We’ve got to vote together.” Jamie said.

It was then that he noticed Aurora, sitting in the corner of the helicopter, ignoring all other conversation. Jamie slipped over to her, and the two began to talk.
“Hey,” Jamie asked, “Will you vote with me, Holly, and Jose if we go to Tribal Council?”
“Sure will,” Aurora said, “I’ll vote for either Steven or Valerie.”
“Thanks,” Jamie said.

Making sure not to be noticed by any of the others, Jamie returned to Jose to continue to plot.

“Aurora said she’d vote for Valerie if we went to Tribal Council,” Jamie whispered to Jose.
“I will go whichever way you and Holly, as well as Aurora, go.” Jose stated.
“I think we need to throw this challenge so we can have Auroras vote at Tribal Council,” Jamie suggested.
“I was thinking that too,” Jose said, “But if we do, we’ll get targets on our backs.”
“Well, we’ll just have to go slowly in whatever the challenge is,” Jamie stated.
Jamie: I have an "Old-Idun" alliance with Holly & Jose. Our plan is that if we go to Tribal Council this round, Holly, Jose, Aurora, and myself would vote for Valerie.
Jose: When on Idun, I had no one to vote for, because everyone was very nice and everything. In this tribe though, we already have some idea how we are voting, thanks to Aurora. I think me, Holly and Jamie have pretty much formed an alliance since we are kind of the outsiders of the new tribe. I don't know how long this will last, but at least I still have an alliance with Holly only. At this point me, the three of us are in an advantage on Freya, because if we lose Immunity, we can ask the previous person from Idun for help in the vote, and since we were with them prior to the switch, they might agree to vote with us, which is great because it means we get one extra vote!

On Idun’s helicopter ride, Steven and Ben sat silently with each other, talking.

“Well, we’ve got to make the best of it.” Ben stated.
“Yeah,” Steven said, “We’ve got to stick together now.”
“Yeah,” Ben agreed.

Steven then saw Amber, sitting by herself in the helicopter. Nobody seemed to be paying great attention to her.

“I’m going to ask Amber about an alliance,” Steven said.
“Which is Amber?” Steven asked.
“Her,” Steven said, pointing towards the young woman.
“Okay,” Ben smiled.

Steven then scooted himself down the seats over to Amber in the helicopter. The two talked for a moment, then Amber nodded. Steven then scooted back to talk to Ben.

“What did she say?” Ben asked.
“She agreed,” Steven smiled proudly, “She trusts us!”

Soon, the two helicopters landed. Everyone exited the vehicles, to see that they had landed right by the base of a HUGE mountain!

“As was explained earlier in the information we gave you on Sweden,” Cat said, “There are very few mountains in the area. However, there are some still, and the ones that do exist are all quite tall. This here is Mount Akka, the snow covered peak, standing over 6,000 feet tall. You will begin climbing up this Mountain, trying to get as high up as possible. The tribe to climb the highest wins immunity.

“However, there is a small catch,” Cat added, “And that is that you’ll all be chained together!”
“What?” Megs exclaimed.
”The tribe, who climbs the highest as a tribe chained together after 30 minutes, wins immunity!” Cat stated, “I will leave you now to prepare.”

The two tribes got chained up, and shackled together. As they did, Jamie whispered to Holly, “Remember to go slow, we need to lose this immunity.” Holly nodded.

The tribes then took their place at the start line, at the base of the mountain, then waited for Cat to give the signal to go.

“Survivors ready?” Cat asked.
Both tribes nodded to indicate that they were.
“GO!” he shouted.

The two tribes began to race up the mountain. Instantly, Idun took off ahead of Freya, while Freya struggled to coordinate.

“Come on, this way!” Steven shouted.
“Steven, wait up,” Marion shouted, “Maria’s having trouble!”

Maria had slipped on the snow, and fallen slightly. However, she quickly got back on her feet. Freya was now beginning to near Idun. On Freya, Jamie, Jose, and Holly all took slower steps, trying to hold the group back.

“10 minutes left!” Cat shouted, “Better get climbing!”
“Go Idun!” Aurora cheered from the base of the mountain.
Aurora: I did not want Freya to win Immunity.
For the next 10 minutes, the tribes wrestled to stay ahead of the other. The wind blew hard in their faces, as they trekked up the mountain. Who was in the lead became less and less evident as they traveled along.

“One minute left!” Cat yelled.
“Come on guys,” Kelley cheered her tribe on, “Keep moving!”

Valerie had started to fall behind, as she waited to catch her breath. Kelley finally grabbed her, and began to drag Valerie up the mountain.

“TIME!” Cat yelled.

The two tribes collapsed on the ground, as they began to unshackle each other. Aurora quickly hiked up the mountain to talk to Idun.

“Aurora, did their tribe do good?” Ben asked.
“I don’t know,” she said “They seemed a little less organized.”
“Good!” Steven sighed.
“And Megs is kind of an airhead,” Aurora added with a smirk, “So I think you guys will do fine.”
“You are nice to them Aurora,” Marion smiled sarcastically.
“Marion, what can I say?” Aurora laughed, “I just LOVE them!”

Both tribes then hiked back down the Mountain for Cat to officially announce the results.

“Alright, we have measured how far each tribe climbed,” Cat stated, “Idun, your tribe climbed up 17 meters up the mountain, or about 55 feet. Freya, you climbed 19 meters, or about 62 feet. Therefore, FREYA WINS IMMUNITY!”

Freya began to celebrate excitedly, as Idun hung their heads in disappointment, while Aurora made a face at Valerie.

“Aurora got that cat-who-ate-the-canary look in her eyes.” Valerie smirked, glaring at Aurora. Aurora simply glared back.
Valerie: Aurora's reaction, to be honest, pissed the hell out of me! But I was sooooo happy! I'm safe for now! What other emotion is there but pure unadulterated ecstasy? Plus, it's given me time to get to know Holly, Jose, and Jamie without having to vote one out.
Aurora: I was very disappointed when Freya won immunity. If Freya had lost, I would have voted with the 3 ex-Iduns...meaning someone, namely Valerie, would have been saying “bye-bye”.

“With that,” Cat said, “We are done here for today. You may all board your helicopters, which will take you directly back to your camp. Idun, I will see you at Tribal Council tomorrow night!”

Idun and Freya climbed back into their helicopters, and flew off into the distance.

Day 3 – Freya

As the Freya tribe returned to camp, they celebrated happily, knowing they were all safe for another week in the game. The mood was cheerful, and everyone was very pleased.
Jon: I'm really proud of this tribe. We worked really hard, and we worked like a true team. I think this is only the beginning of a great tribe.
Holly: I do know that without Kelley at that challenge last night, we would have lost. I'm surprised how well everyone worked together and cooperated and stayed calm. I hope to help win many more immunity challenges in this game.
Jamie: Winning Immunity felt awesome! I was happy that now I have at least 1 more day to get to know my new tribe and try to form allies.
After the immunity challenge, Megs and Jamie went off into the woods to find some more berries. As they did, the two reflected on the game so far.

“So, how are you?” Jamie asked.
“I’m good,” Megs smiled, “How about you?”
“I’m doing good too,” Jamie stated, “Happy to be on Freya!”
Megs laughed then smiled.
“So, what did you think of the tribal switch?” Jamie asked, “Personally, I was expecting it, but didn’t expect it to be so soon.”
“Yeah, same,” Megs agreed, “But hey! We got three new people, so who couldn’t complain?”
“Is there anyone on Freya you don’t like?” Jamie asked curiously.
“Not yet!” Megs exclaimed.
“Good!” Jamie said, “I hope we can stay a happy tribe and just keep winning Immunity.”
“Me too,” Megs replied, “I hope I get to be close with everyone else too.”
“I'm just really happy to swap tribes,” Jamie confessed, “Because when I was seeing who was being picked where, it just seemed to me like I'd click with everyone on Freya better than the people on Idun.”
“Well, I'm glad to have you on my tribe,” Megs smiled, “Actually I was afraid that no one in this game would like me so--I guess I'm doing ok so far,”

The two laughed. They then continued to walk along for a bit, until Jamie restarted the conversation with a proposal.

“So, I was wondering,” Jamie grinned, “if you wanted to have a little 2-way 'secret' alliance with me, where we look out for each other…because my back is against the wall right now, I just sorta feel like for the time being I'm on the outside, but I hope not for long.”
“Definitely,” Megs said, “Sounds good to me!”
“Great!” Jamie exclaimed, “I’ve got your back, and you’ve got mine!”
Jamie: With the switch, I was separated from Marion. However, Holly came over with me. I gained an ally in Jose with the swap, and I'm now with Megs from the original Freya. We have an “I’ve got your back, you’ve got mine” type of alliance. So I think I am actually better off now.
“I was thinking of maybe talking to Kelley about an alliance,” Jamie said, “but I'm with you 100%, so I was wondering if maybe me, you & her could hook up a 3-way alliance. If not that's fine, and I’m with you!”
“Yeah, talk to Kelley,” Megs agreed, “Kelley is nice.”
“Want me to let her know that I'm with you and see if she'll join us?” Jamie asked, “Or we can both approach her or something.”
“If you want,” Megs said, “It’s up to you, but I’m sure Kelley would join.”
“Well I want your input!” Jamie explained, “Because I'm with you, and if you want her to join me and you, that's great. If not, then I won't talk to her.”
“No, I want her to join us.” Megs stated.
“Oh, okay!” Jamie laughed.
Megs: Right now, I have this agreement with Jamie and one with Kelley. Hopefully they will merge together and become a super powerful alliance!
“So if Kelley does agree,” Jamie asked as they returned to camp, “Who would you want to vote out?”
“Let’s see what happens this week,” Megs smiled.

The two returned, and put the berries and nuts they’d gathered into the tribe’s stash. Kelley had gone off to rest, so the two agreed to not disturb Kelley. Kelley, however, had her own thoughts, that differed from her alliance partner Megs.
Kelley: If we do attend TC before you switch us...I think it would have to be Jamie, Jose or Holly. It's just a tribal lines thing and I have no deals with them...but odds are, we'll be switched before a council at any rate.

Soon, it grew late. The Freya tribe decided to go to bed and sleep to prepare for whatever challenges the next few days would bring.

Day 3 – Idun

Upon Idun’s return to camp with Aurora, the tribe was rather silent. All of them were disappointed in their loss at the challenge, having expected to win once again.
Charles: I don’t think it was any single person’s fault that we lost. I mean, there were a lot of different aspects that led to our loss; Maria was having a tad of trouble, Felipe had some trouble, and sometimes Marion, Steven, and me had a few problems and we tripped a bit. No one can singly be blamed, and we only lost by two meters, so I’m not perturbed.
Maria: I feel that Freya had a little more luck than us at the Immunity Challenge. Our tribe worked hard and strong. No one is to blame, everyone did their part, and the 3 people, Marion, Charles, and yes, Steven, worked great together. It was no one's fault. It just happened...
Marion: I think we lost due to bad communication on the team due to Steven trying to make a power play when I was leading the tribe just fine. He started bossing everyone around. I can only lose one more immunity and know I am safe. I can vote out Steven with the rest of my tribe. Supposing that holds true at merger, I would have Maria-Holly-Jamie-and Myself voting in my own manner. That would help. I might also have Amber.

As the tribe settled down, trying to get work done, Marion and Aurora had gotten together to discuss voting.

“I think that we should vote out Steven,” Aurora said.
“Why?” Marion asked, “I don’t have control of this tribe anymore anyways. The people I was closer with got sent to Freya.”
“Well I’m voting with you,” Aurora stated.
“Okay, but why Steven?” Marion questioned.
“Because he’s a bigger ponce than Ben,” Aurora smirked.
“Well, I was thinking Ben would be better. I don’t want to alarm Steven too much,” Marion stated, “If you and me are voting, all I need is two more. Just don’t let anyone know.”
“Which shouldn’t be too hard,” Aurora laughed, “anyways I’m gone. I don’t care.”
“I know, but we do!” Marion begged, “So please don’t, okay?”
“Okay,” Aurora sighed.
“I just want my tribe to stay unified,” Marion added.
“Right,” Aurora said, laughing and nodding her head in agreement. She then wandered off, leaving Marion all alone.

Meanwhile, Steven and Ben were continuing their plotting, as Steven let Ben in on the latest developments for their strategy.

“Felipe needed an alliance,” Steven reported to Ben, “So I told him he could join ours.”
“Good,” Ben said, “Let’s get them together to talk, just quickly”
Steven: At first I was unhappy with the tribal switch, but now I feel safe on this tribe. I have formed my alliance of 4 again and feel secure, this time with Ben, Amber, and Felipe. Felipe seems very trustable, but Amber does not seem as trustable as Felipe, but who I really trust in this game is Ben. I trust him because we've talked a lot and we have been on the same tribe throughout the game.

Ben and Steven then went and pulled Felipe and Amber aside. The four began to discuss the impending tribal council, and how they should all vote.

“Any idea who you want to vote out?” Steven asked the group.
“I have no idea,” Felipe stated.
“I was thinking Maria,” Steven said, “She wasn’t very helpful in the challenge.”
“Yeah,” Felipe agreed, “But I think she has much to offer.”
“Well, who else is on the tribe that we could vote for then?” Steven asked.
“Marion, Maria, and Charles,” Ben stated.
“Marion was helpful today,” Steven commanded, “She should stay, agreed?”
“100 percent!” Felipe stated.
“Yup,” Amber said, nodding her head.
“So Charles or Maria,” Ben said.
“Keep in mind we really have 8 people with Aurora,” Steven reminded them, “So we need to sway her as well,”
“But she could tell!” Amber objected.
“So who would you chose of Maria and Charles?” Ben asked.
“Maria has been sick recently,” Steven stated.
“Yeah, she could mess up the game,” Felipe agreed.
“And Charles has been doing better than her.” Amber stated.
“Okay, so we’re voting Maria?” Ben asked.
“Does everyone agree?” Steven questioned.
“I guess,” Amber shrugged.
“Yep!” Felipe smiled.

The group then quickly disembarked. Ben and Steven were now feeling a lot more confident about the upcoming vote, but Amber and Felipe were not quite as sure.
Ben: On this new tribe, me, Steven, Amber and Felipe have formed a final four alliance. I trust Felipe, he seems like a nice guy. I don't know Amber too much. Steven and me also have a silent final two alliance. He is trustworthy, as he kept with me once we switched. We've all decided to vote out Maria because of her being sick.
Amber: Already, I have been approached to be in an alliance with Steven and Ben, but I really didn’t want this because it puts a target on my back.
Felipe: The only person I trust in this game is Maria…I have a secret final 2 alliance with her.

Soon, the Idun tribe members became somewhat tired and weary. One by one, they all went to bed. Tomorrow would bring a Tribal Council, and 8 votes would need to be cast. How would they read, and who would go?

*Editor's Note: This episode, Maria did start to have computer problems, and some of the time when it said she was sick, it was actualy that. However, it should be said that she also was sick in real life at the time, with a fever over 100 degrees farenheit. Both of these things should be mentioned.

© February 7, 2004 to Cat Spasms Productions. All Rights Reserved. Some graphics may be borrowed from various sites. If you have any questions, please contact the host of the game at Site hosted by Yahoo! Geocities. We are not in any way affiliated with CBS, Mark Burnette, or any of Survivor's creators.