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Episode 6 - Self-Induced Revolution

After Marion left, everyone in the game was rather shocked. Nobody who had voted for Valerie, and even some people who hadn't, had expected Valerie to be leaving the game. At first, only a few had realized what had happened: Holly had betrayed her tribe.

When the Loki tribe returned to their camp with Marion, a hunt began to try and figure out who was the mysterious extra vote for Marion that caused the Iduns to lose their majority. At the time, only Steven and Holly knew that Holly had voted for Marion. However, not long after tribal council, Megs found out from Steven. She then mentioned this to Jamie, who she had formed an alliance with back in Episode 2. However, when Jamie asked Holly about the vote, she lied saying she had lied to Megs in order to gain Meg's trust.

Eventually, Marion, Holly, and Jamie all agreed that it was likely Jose who had switched on them, and had voted with. It made sense to them, as Megs and Jose had voted together in Episode 4, suggesting they would not only vote together in Episode 5, but also Megs would look out for him and try to protect him by saying Holly had voted for Marion. Thus, Holly's identity as the switched voter remained a secret, and Jose secretly took the blame.

The next day, the Loki tribe and Marion gathered together for their 6th immunity challenge. However, upon their arrival came a shocking announcement: The one tribe would be de-merging back into the original tribes of Idun and Freya. As a result, the tribes now stood as follows:

Idun: Charles, Holly, Jamie, Jose Freya: Jon, Kelley, Megs, Steven, Valerie Voted Out: Marion

The two tribes would then compete in a tribal immunity challenge. Before the challenge, the tribes were told to rank their tribemates in order from 1 to 4, with Freya sitting one person out. Originally, Valerie was to sit out for Freya, having recently had some issues and being tired. However, Jon soon after left the Immunity Challenge area for a moment, and then did not return for some time. During this time, Freya requested that Valerie be allowed to take Jon's place in the Immunity Challenge. Cat objected, saying that in the game of Survivor, once you chose a player to sit out, you couldn't change it back.

Immediately, Freya objected with an outcry, saying the challenge would now be unfair to them as they'd have 1 less person. Cat argued back, saying it was Jon's fault for not being there. Once again, Megs vehemently argued with Cat, getting somewhat emotional, and delaying the challenge.

As a result, the castaways began to get slightly annoyed with the challenges situation. "Megs made [the immunity challenge] a little harder, even though I didn't agree or disagree with her." Jose stated. Others began to feel Megs was getting to be too stubborn. "I'm beginning to dislike Megs," Holly confessed, "Only because she's got an attitude and doesn't know when to admit she's wrong."

Either way, the challenge did begin with Jon sitting out. The challenge was the Ultimate Face Off. The two tribes ordered theirselves as follows:

Idun: 1. Jamie 2. Holly 3. Jose 4. Charles Freya: 1. Steven 2. Valerie 3. Megs 4. Kelley

In this order, the tribe members would take turns stepping up to two tribal mats 15 feet apart from one another. Cat would ask the two competitors a question, and the first to answer it correctly would get a chance to throw a snowball at their opponent on the other tribe. If the snowball hit their opponent at all, they would be eliminated from the challenge. The tribe with the last person standing would win.

First, Jamie went against Steven. Jamie answered the question right, and managed to knock Steven out of the competition. Next, Valerie won against Holly, but missed her snowball. The competition then continued for some time, with Jose getting taken out second, soon followed by Kelley and then Megs. At this point, Valerie was the only person left on Freya. Soon, she managed to outlast Holly. However, when it came to her against Charles, she lost, giving Idun immunity.

After the immunity challenge, the old alliance on Freya of Valerie, Steven, and Kelley reunited to decide how to vote. Steven suggested that they all vote for Jon, and Valerie and Kelley agreed. It seemed fairly set in their minds that Jon would be going.

However, Valerie was beginning to get paranoid. As the official leader of the Freya tribe, she felt a bit threatened by Steven, who had recently been making a lot of the calls at tribal council. It was too much for her liking, and she decided that she needed to get rid of her alliance-partner Steven, so she could have full control of Freya. Valerie soon approached Jon and Megs about the offer to vote for Steven instead of Jon, and the two quickly agreed.

However, soon after Marion caught word of Valerie's plan. Still eager to get Valerie out, she approached Steven with evidence of Valerie's plot to take Steven out. Instantly, Steven went and told Kelley about how Valerie had betrayed their alliance. The two were shocked and horrified, as they headed to Tribal Council, certain that Steven would be going due to Valerie's betrayal.

But would Steven somehow be able to evade being voted off? Or was his sentence set in stone? Could possibly Jon still be going, or might it be somebody else entirely?

The voting proceeded as follows:

Votes for Valerie: 3 - Kelley, Marion, Steven
Votes for Steven: 3 - Jon, Megs, Valerie

Much to Valerie's surprised, the vote ended up in a tie. A lot of vicious fighting and accusations broke out, as Valerie and Steven begged to stay. First, there would be a revote, in which Megs, Marion, Kelley, and Jon would all vote again. They did so, and voted stood as it had before.

Therefore, the game proceeded to an official tie-breaker. In this, we tallied previous votes to determine who would go. Steven had 2 previous votes, while Valerie had 8. As a result, Marion's wishes to get Valerie out came true, and although it was Marion who left the tribal council area, she knew Valerie would not win the game.

© February 7, 2004 to Cat Spasms Productions. All Rights Reserved. Some graphics may be borrowed from various sites. If you have any questions, please contact the host of the game at Site hosted by Yahoo! Geocities. We are not in any way affiliated with CBS, Mark Burnette, or any of Survivor's creators.