Family & Friends

ChinaJapanThailandVietnamCambodiaKoreaSingaporeMalaysiaFamily & Friends SectionEssays

Family Area
Some Pictures of Us
The Osmonds
Visiting Shrines
Our First Guests
Aviva's Visit
The Michishita Clan
Paragliding 101
Dance Recital
Sasaguri House
Kokura Apaatos
Kokura Minami
Kokura Shogyo
Office Parties


Family Area

In the other sections of this site, I've made some attempt to include only pictures that are nicely composed (I hope), or of general interest to travellers (both the armchair and and non-armchair varieties).  This section is aimed more at family and friends, and has pictures of us, our various homes, visitors and  whatnot. 

Mostly whatnot. 

All are welcome to browse, but if you aren't in the picture below (or don't recognize someone there), then you may find it a wee bit dull--unless of course you're just generally curious, or some creepy stalker type.

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