Email:    Gena Steinbeck  
Creative Memories 
Senior Director 
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January 2004 Edition

Grapevine Home!

"Believe that you will succeed. Believe it firmly, and you will then do what is necessary to bring success about."

-Dale Carnegie


Hello Team!

Happy 2004! This is the time to look forward to a New Year. Take a few minutes to plan what you want in 2004. What worked well in your business last year? What do you need to tweak? Is this the year you go for a trip?

Planning is the key to being a success. Planning is not natural to my personality… I have learned this one the hard way! :) The few extra minutes it takes to make a plan will save you hours and unnecessary clutter in your mind! (Take those few minutes right now if you can…Trust me!) FIRST get your calendar and write in all of your family events and other priorities. (We get to choose when we work!!)

…NEXT … write out your CM goals and objectives for at least the next six months.

1. How many home shows/classes do you plan to teach? (minimum should be 1 a week if you are serious about your business)

2. How much product do you plan to sell? ($300 x total # of home classes, plus take into account repeat sales & special events) Plan your ordering strategy. Will you cluster orders together to get free shipping or are you planning on giving yourself a raise by going for a consistency bonus or two?

3. What type of training will you attend? Will you make weekly contact with your upline or pacing partner? Will you attend monthly meetings? Showcase? CBT?

4. How many workshops will you hold for your customers to complete albums? (1-2 a month)

5. How many new consultants do you plan to recruit & train? (1 per month minimum...if you are working on an incentive trip this goal may be higher)

6. What type of special CM events do I want to put on my calendar? (this is like planning a field Open House, NSD - crop retreat or all day workshop, Christmas in July)

7. How many personal album pages will you complete?

After you write out your goals.....take each of them and make a list of what needs to happen to accomplish each of these goals.  For example if you want to teach a home class every would need to:

- make a list of potential coordinators
- call your list and ask for them to coordinate a home show/class
- call all past coordinators & ask them to do a second show/class
- pass out 3-5 business cards everyday when you are "out & about" and ask for classes
- call your customers and ask for referrals
- coordinate your own home shows & class/es
- set up one on one appointments for everyone who is interested but not yet ready to host a show or class (I had a 1/1 last week....results $322 in sales!)

Make a list of what needs to happen for each of your goals and then transfer that list into a "daily lesson plan" (or daily to do list). Then each day you have a plan to work on that will help you not only to reach your goals and objectives but to have incredible success with your CM business.

Have a plan & then work that least a little bit EVERY day. Don't continue to just let CM "happen" (there is a good chance it won't happen or at least not very fast) BUT rather "MAKE IT HAPPEN" through great planning & daily work.  You will reap a great reward for your efforts along with balance and JOY!

If you need help making your plan, please let me try and help. I would love to! Email me and we will make a phone appointment and make a plan that works for you and your family! :)




Click here to see all the fun pictures from the Fourth Quarter of 2003