Email:    Gena Steinbeck 
Creative Memories 
Senior Director 
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No Picture Yet Carla Nusbaum - Unit Leader

My story is not unique. I became a Creative Memories customer in April of 1997 and immediately fell in love with scrapbooking! I had never seen anything like it and knew from my first page that I wanted all of my photos to be enjoyed in this format. I diligently worked on my family photos for about a year and had 6 albums completed by then. I was hooked on the products, the fun of making albums and the new friends I had made at workshops.

About a year later, my consultant announced she was relocating to Arizona and when I asked her "What will I do?" She said "You can be your own consultant", and that's what I did. In May 1998 I signed my contract and went into business. From the beginning I was happy just to pay for my supplies and have supplies for others at workshops, but I didn't really teach classes. But as you may know, this business sometimes has a mind of it's own. So I started teaching and bringing in new people, really growing my customer base, and before long I had a "real" Creative Memories business with steady sales and lots of customers completing albums.

After attending a couple of Creative Memories Conventions, I realized I wanted to pursue a leadership role and set a goal to be a Unit Leader. I spent a lot of time "wanting to be a leader" but it wasn't until I "decided" to be a leader that it really happened for me. In only 6 months of recruiting, I had seven team members and promoted in September of 2002 to Unit Leader. Now, after completing more than 25 albums for myself and others, building a business of more than 200 dedicated album makers, and with a team of 9 consultants, I have decided to take the necessary steps to Director.

"The outcome of successful planning always looks like luck to others."--Dashiell Hammett