Email:    Gena Steinbeck 
Creative Memories 
Senior Director 
Grapevine Home!

Gena Steinbeck - Senior Director

In June of 1993, I attended a home-school fair where Creative Memories was one of the many displays. It was there I learned that the magnetic, press 'n stick album I had just begun putting my 4 month old son's pictures in would discolor and ruin the photos in a matter of just a few years! I went home and got out the baby book of my then 3 year old. The yellow staining happening already made me sick!

I could not wait to contact these people! I loved their creative and meaningful albums and I also loved their mission. That every household should have at least one album that would tell their family story. It was at this time that I realized the value of my pictures and how irreplaceable our memories are!

I had to do this because I knew that I wanted one of everything. If I became a consultant, I knew I would get the best price possible. I didn't know if I could make any money as a consultant but I was sure I could meet the minimum just buying from myself!

I couldn't help but show this to my friends. I invited them over by saying "Trust me, you'll love it!"…and they did! Two of them scheduled a home class for me and that got the ball rolling. I didn't know what I was doing but my genuine belief in the product and excitement to share it made all the difference! I was contagious!