Email:   Gena Steinbeck 
Creative Memories 
Senior Director 

January 2004 Edition

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Connecting Creative Memories Cooperatively

Guidelines for Working in Harmony

The following was adapted by Executive Director Vicki Morgan from guidelines set by Executive Director Carol Hiestand in collaboration with numerous other Consultants. As Carol says, "This is a list of principles that, when followed, make for a happy, well-functioning team of Consultants. These principles will help us all as we work together toward our common goal - our own business' success and happy, satisfied customers.

  • Successful Consultants speak positively about other Consultants.

  • The most successful Consultants cheer others' successes. They know increased name recognition for Creative Memories products and services will make their own success easier to attain.

  • Successful team members do not discount for the purpose of attracting other Consultants' customers. Creative Memories strongly discourages discounting; it devalues our products. (Special-event promotions such as gift-with-purchase are acceptable.)

  • You are responsible for maintaining your own interpersonal relationship with other Consultants and customers. If you come to your upline with a problem regarding another Consultant or a customer/Consultant conflict situation, your upline's first question should be, "Have you talked to the other Consultant or customer about this?' If your answer is no, you should expect to be asked to first talk to the other Consultant or customer, first.

  • There are no protected sales or recruiting territories. The key to customer loyalty is excellent follow-up, Workshop offerings and customer service. Keep this in mind as you decide the distance you want to travel to build your business.

  • The key to successful upline-Consultant relationships is a commitment to training and supporting as well as recognizing those whom you recruit.

  • Creative Memories insists we follow a first-contact rule regarding events. Consultants do not bid against one another. That is, if you contact an organization or craft show and discover that another Consultant has already contacted them, simply say, "I am sure she/he will do a great job for you.

  • When exhibiting at craft fairs and other shows, and even occasionally at Home Classes or Shows, you may meet other Consultants' customers. Other than purchases customers wish to make immediately, there should be no attempt to draw customers away from their current Consultants. When attending events, always ask if new customers are on another Consultant's mailing list.

  • Should another Consultant's customer choose to use your services instead, as a matter of courtesy, ask the customer to inform the other Consultant.

  • Some customers may make the decision to attend Workshops and events offered by more than one Consultant and to distribute their purchases based on convenience. While these types of customers are infrequent, their choices should be honored. Remember, rule number one - speak positively about other Consultants - always applies.

  • As Consultants enthusiastically share their passion for Creative Memories products and the business opportunity, it is important to guard against being perceived as pushy or arrogant. This can be a particular problem in hotels and meeting venues where many Consultants are gathered.

  • If, as a Consultant, you have a concern or an issue with a Creative Memories policy or product, you should not complain to your downline, or to customers. Questions and concerns should always be directed to your upline or to the Home Office. With the ease of instant communication these days, unfortunate side effects can occur when a Consultant inappropriately airs a complaint.