Email:   Gena Steinbeck 
Creative Memories 
Senior Director 

January 2003 Edition

Grapevine Home!

Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work that is worth doing.

-Theodore Roosevelt

January Anniversaries!
Jami Hallman3 years
Unit Leader
Melissa McClellan 5 years

Hello Team!

We are off to the New Year with a BANG! We have lots of recognition for 2002 in this edition of "The Grapevine." Be sure to check out pages 3 and 4. :-)

I hope that your Jubilee Jam went smoothly. More importantly is that we get ourselves back in business in January and February. Jubliee Jam is meant to get the ball rolling…to create the momentum that you want for your business. No matter what your level in the career plan or what your desire is for your business, we are here to support you and we are thankful for each and every one of you on our team!

We are a part of the top Unit in our whole $300,000,000 Company(!) so be sure to take advantage of all the information that is available to you! Sr. Ex Dir Dawn Oldham's Audio Podium calls are amazing! (New Consultant Training calls) Even if you aren't new to CM they are full of information that will get you excited about your business. They will also help you share the business with confidence! Here is the information you need. (I have a little prize to mail all who listen to each call. Please email me when you have heard every call and I will send it out to you!!)

What a GREAT way to get started or restart in Creative Memories!

1-212-461-2703 - Overview of Creative Memories & Starting Strong

The first new consultant training podium in a series of 6 is an overview of working from home with a Creative Memories business. The 20 minute message is from the Top Earner in our company, SXD Dawn Oldham, and Masterpiece Award winner, Director Kimberli Brackett, and gives a good idea on what to focus on, what to avoid, and how to be successful in Creative Memories.

1-212-461-2704 - Scheduling & Coordinator Coaching

The second podium on Scheduling, Coordinator Coaching is approx. 30 minutes, by Executive Directors Nancy Smith and Diane Wallace. Discover how to schedule as you start your business then continue to schedule classes and shows from your events and daily activities. Learn how to coach your coordinators by offering 5 easy suggestions that will increase attendance, sales and recruit leads and decrease cancellations and class postponements.

1-212-461-2705 - Sales

The third training podium covers sales, and is taught by our company's number one salesperson, Director Kim Harkins, who sells more than $100,000 per year herself! You will learn how to prepare for great sales at a home show. You will hear how to organize to get ready to go. How to Help your customers want to invest into a collection by asking lots of good questions and how to be very comfortable with closing the sale. Approximately 30-40 minutes.

1-212-461-2706 - Recruiting

This podium features Sr. Director Lisa Klaussen and Sr. Ex. Director Christy Keyton, both of whom have won National First Place Awards for recruiting. Lisa and Christy give tips on why to recruit, why some are afraid of recruiting, how to overcome that feeling, and practical tips on how to recruit to build your business.

1-212-461-2707 - Balance and Business Systems

Podium on Balance and Home/Office Systems is offered by Executive Directors Rhonda Ellis and Sheri Berger. Rhonda Ellis will share with you tips on getting balanced and staying there as you juggle your Creative Memories business with family and life! Knowing what is important TO YOU (your priorities, your goals) is the key. Sheri follows up with organizational tips, ideas and systems to implement in your business and family life, to maximize your time and efficiency, and keep those priorities in balance. Listen in to hear more. (Approx. 40 minutes)

1-212-461-2708 Record Keeping & Inventory Management

Learn about keeping business records and business basics by a member of CM's Money Management Team, Director Rebecca Quinn. In this call you'll learn: why it's important to develop a business attitude; a super simple financial filing system; three easy pieces for organizing your income & watching your expenses; six tips for managing your inventory; and suggestions on how to pay yourself! Approx. 40 minutes.

Please have on hand before dialing in on the Recording Keeping Call: Event In Focus form/envelope,
Month In Progress form,
Income/Expense form/envelope,
Consultant Guide.

Whether you are just getting started, or if you need refreshing on some of the business building basics of CM... please listen and learn! :)

Thanks for all that you do!
