Thelbane Forest

From this forest, newbies will find sources of endless XP and alignment.  For
the evil PCs, the dwarves in mithras, and for the Good..the mansion.  Also 
within the forest can be found the mysterious Rangers Guild, high above the
forest floor.  The Three Witches shop offers for sale RDT travel scrolls and 
healing potions.  In the cemetary can also be found the Dark initiates guild.
                                  x--x--x                      x--x--x   
                                        |                         |  | 
                                     x--x                    x--x-x--x-Dunress Pass
                                     |   \                   |   /      
                                     d2   x--x      x--x--x--x--x--T
                                         /|            |  |  |  |                                  
                     To castle        u  x x  x--3     E  x  s  x                                 
                          |           |  | |  |           |  |                                  
                       S--x           x--x x--x--x--x--x--d  s  xhack brush  to Amador                                  
                          |                |                   /                                      
                       T--x                x--x--x--x--x--x--x                                                    
                           \                 /|                                
  Elven Forest--x--x--x--x--x--t      x--x--x x (unicorn)                                   
                            |        /                                      
x--x--x--Mansion            x       x           T-Tavern                     
|                           |      /            s-Smithy
x      x--x           x--x--x  x--x             E-EQ Shop
|      |  |           |  |  |  |  |             t-tannery
x      x--x           x  x--x--x--x             O-Great Oak
|         |           |     |  |  |             3-Three Witches Store   
x x--x-x  x           x--x--O--x--x--x--x--x
 \|  | |  |          /   |  |     |         \
  x--x-x--x-x-x-x-x-x x--x--x--x--x          x
  |  | |  |   |     | |     |  |  |           \
  x--x-x  x   x     x x--x--x--x--x            x
          |   |     |       |                   \
          x   x     x       x                    x
          |   |      \     /                      \
    x--x--x           x   x                        x
    |  |  |           |  /                          \           
    x--x--x            x                             x
                       |                              \
                       x                               x
                       |                                \
                   To Lirath                     To Treemalking

The Elven Forest| Thelbane Forest| Dunress Pass| Treemalking Forest| Valeris Forest

Lirath| Iapage| Hylar| Rhone| KT| Pesvint| Ukaeri| West Madagor| East Madagor| Amador|
© 1996

This page last edited Jan 17, 1999