The Elven Forest



The Elven Forest is and excelent sorce of alignment for both good and evil. The elves roaming about will provide sport for evil, while the goblins infesting the woods will make a good character glow. Be wary, however, those not of the Elven heritage may not enter Eluten unchalenged. You must first defeat the Ents, and if you still survive, you must avoid all the elven players, for if they see you, they will surely kill on sight.

                  x--x   Eluten
                     |     u
                     x--h  x--x--x                Eluten Map
                     |           |
                     x--x--x     x               S  Elspeth
                     |     |     |                \    |
                     x     x--x  h--x               x--x--x
                     |        |     |             /    |    \  
                     x--h  h--x     x            x     x hs--x
                        |     |     |            |     |  T  |   Elf  
                  x--x  x     x  h--x    Sithari-x--x--B--x--x--Newbie
                     |  |     |  |               |     |  |  |   Area   
                     x  x--x  x  x               x--p  x  ng x         
                     |     |  |  |                \    |  t /
                  x  x--h  h  h--h  x               x--x--x
                  |  |  |  |     |  |                  |
                  x  h  x  x--x--x  x               Liorinin
                  |  |        |  |  |
                  x--h--x--x  x  x--x
                        |  |  |  |
                        x  x--x  x
                        |        |
    To Treeth--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--To Thelbane Forest   
                  |           |
                  x           x
                  |           |
                  x     x     x--E             G-Entrance to Goblin Tunnels
                  |     |     |  |             h-Herb collection point
                  x--x  E--x--x  x             E-Elf Repop point
                     |        |                S-Shop 
                     x        E                hs-Herb Shop
                     |        |                T-Tavern
                  x--x     E--x  x--E          B-Bulleton Board
                  |  |     |     |             p-Post Office
               x--x  x     x--E--E             ng-Newbie Guild
                     |        |                t-temple
                     x--x     x--E
                        |     |  |
               x--G     x  x--x  x
               |        |  |     |
               x        x  x     x--G
               |        |  |
               x--x     x  x
                  |     |  |
                  x  x--x--x 
                  |  |

The Elven Forest| Thelbane Forest| Dunress Pass| Treemalking Forest| Valeris Forest

Lirath| Iapage| Hylar| Rhone| KT| Pesvint| Ukaeri| West Madagor| East Madagor| Amador|
© 1996

This page last edited Jan 17, 1999