
The City of Madagor

Pulling forth the scroll I found in Treeth, I recited the dark words.
The magic hit me like a brick and when my eyes opened, I was in a strange
new place.  The climate was unlike any I had experienced before.  To call
it tropical would be an understatement.  I stripped myself of my armour 
and left it in the city while exploring this place.  After I was done,
I realized, that was a stupid mistake.  The creatures here are exceptionaly
deadly, and every bit of armour I found as I went, I wore.

                   / d                 |                   \
                  x  x--x              x           x--x--xu x
                /     \ |              |         /            \
               x        x----P---x     x  x--x--S              x
             /                   |     |  |                      \
            x              x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x              x
          /                |           |        |    \              \
         x           P  F--x  x--x--x--x--x--x  x     x              x
 To      |           |   \ |  |        |     |  |       \            |   To
 West  --G--x--x--x--x--x--x  x  x--x--x     x  x--B     x--x--x--x--G-- East
 Madagor |\                   |    /   |     |  |        |           |   Madagor
         x  x     M           x  x     x  x--T--x        T           x
          \   \   |           |              |  |                   /
            x  x--x--x--x--x  x--x--x--x--x--x--x                 x
              \            |                    |               /
               x           x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x              x
                 \                     |                     /

                   F = Flower Shop   B = Bank(?)
                   P = Party Room    T = Tavern
                   M = Hell if I know
                   S = Clothing Shop

The Elven Forest| Thelbane Forest| Dunress Pass| Treemalking Forest| Valeris Forest

Lirath| Iapage| Hylar| Rhone| KT| Pesvint| Ukaeri| West Madagor| East Madagor| Amador|
© 1996

This page last edited Jan 17, 1999