
and Surrounding Areas

I was so thankful as I approached the gates of this oriental city.  My back 
was hurting and my feet were blistered.  This must've been the longest trek
I had ever made.  Once there, I found the fortune teller.  Her wisdom gave me
insight unlike any other.  While exploring the Palace, I discovered a few areas
which I guess you aren't supposed to know about.  Oh well, if they didn't 
want me to find them...guess they should've hid them better.

		   x							         To Treemalking	
 		   |									 \	
		   x									  x		
		   |									  |	
 To Valeris--x--x--x									  x	
                   |									  |
                   x									  x	
                   |									  |
                   x									  x
                   |									  |
		   x									  x	
		   |									  |
		   x									  x To Fishing Villiage
		   |									  | /
		   x									  x
                   |									  |	
                   x									  x
                   |									  |
                   x									  x
                   |									  |
                   x		 							  x	
                   |									  |
                   x									  x
                   | 									    \
                   x									     x
                   |									       \	
                   x										x	
                   |										|
To Pesvint---x--x--x--x--x		                                          		x
                          \									|
                            x									x
                             \									|
                               x								x
                                \    							      	|
                                  x                                                             x
                                  |                                           			|
                                  x     x                                        x--x--x--xinFT G              
                                  |     |                                        |  |     |     |              
                         x--x--x--x     x                                     x--x  I     x--x--x              x      FT-Fortune Teller
                                   \    |                                     |  |              |              |      G-Shop
                                     x--x--x--x                               x--S        x--D--x              x      A-Armourer                      
                                                \                             |           |     |              |      T-Tavern
                                                 x                            x--L        x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x   g-Gardens
                                                  \                           |           |                           H-Merchant house
                                                    x                         x--x    G--x                            A-Armoury
                                                     \                        |  |       |                            L-Leathershop 
                                                       x--x                   H  x--T     x--g                        S-Smithy
                  				 	   \                     |  |     |/ |                        D-Dojo
							     x                   x--x--x--x--x--x--To Tower           
							      \                  |  |  |  |     |
      							        x--x--x--in/out--x--A  P--x     x                     				                 
              										  |	|
                       									  x  x--x
  										          |  |
 											  ?  x
 										       x     x     x             x (touch wall)
  										       |     |     |             |
                                     						    x--x--x--x--x--x--x       x--x--x     
										       |     |     |          |  |  |
      										       x     x     x       x--x--x--x--x 
										       |     |     |       |  |     |  |
										      ux--x--x--x--xu     dx--xu   ux--xd
											  |  |  |             |     |
 										       x--x  x  x--x          x--x--x 
										       |  |     |  |
										       |     |     |             x  x 
										       x--x--x--x--x           /   \|
										             |                x     x 
											  x--x--x             |     |
   											  |  |  |            dx--x--xd
                        						            x--x--x  x--x

The Elven Forest| Thelbane Forest| Dunress Pass| Treemalking Forest| Valeris Forest

Lirath| Iapage| Hylar| Rhone| KT| Pesvint| Ukaeri| West Madagor| East Madagor| Amador|
© 1996

This page last edited Jan 17, 1999