The City of


	t        To Thelbane           t
	 \            |               /  	       1-Main Street
	  w--w--w--w--w--w--w--w--w--w   	       2-Square Way
	  |           |     |  |  |  |   	       3-Garden Ave
	  w  Z  Z  Z--1--Z  Z  Z  Z--w   	       4-Vagrant Ave
	  |  |  |/    |              |   	       A-Shop
	  w  a--a  N->1--Z  A  Z  Z  w   	       a-alley
	  |  |\ |  |\  \    |  |  |  |   	       B-Metal Shop
	  w  Z  a  N--N  1--4--4--4--w   	       b-bank
	  |     |  v  |  |  |  |  |  |   	       C-Clothing
	  w--4--4--4--4--1  C  Z  Z  w   	       D-Gem Shop
	  |  |  |       /            |   	       E-Pawn Shop
	  w  Z  Z  Z--1  b  a--a  Z--w 	 	       F-Fighters' Guild
	  |           | \|/     \    |   	       f-Flower Shop
	  w  Z  W  E--Q--Q--M  Z  a  w   	       G-Gate
	  |  |  |     |/\|     |  |  |   	       g-garden       
 To Hylar-w--2--2--2--Q--Q--2--2*-2--w-To Newbie       L-Library
	  |           |\/|/    |  |  |    Forest       M-Money Changer
	  w  Z  Z  L--Q--Q--O  Z  Z--w                 N-Ninjas' Guild
	  |   \ |     |  |           |    	       O-Post Office
	  w  Z--a--Z  f  1  P--P--P  w	               P-Priests' Guild
	  |    /|\      /      |     |                 p-Paladins' Guild
	  w  Z  a  Z  1--3--3--3--3--w                 Q-City Square
	  |     |     |  |     |  |  |        	       S-Smithy
	  w--3--3--3--1--F--F  p  D  w                 s-stable
	  |            \ |           |                 T-Tavern (Red Dragon)
	  w  g--g--g--g--1--S  Z  Z--w                 t-Guard Tower
	  |  |       /   |     |     |                 W-Wizards' Guild
	  w  g--g--g--T--1--s  a  B  w                 w-Wall Road
	  |              |     |  |  |                 Z-Empty Building
	  w--w--w--w--w--w--w--w--w--w                 *-Stairs down to Academy
	 /               |            \
	t           To Valeris         t

The Elven Forest| Thelbane Forest| Dunress Pass| Treemalking Forest| Valeris Forest

Lirath| Iapage| Hylar| Rhone| KT| Pesvint| Ukaeri| West Madagor| East Madagor| Amador|
© 1996

This page last edited Jan 17, 1999