East Madagor

By the time I reached this jungle, I had sweat rolling down my back.
The tempature reached into the 100's and the humidity was unbearable.
I discovered a new species of humanoids while in this area.  A half
man, half cat.  They were experts in unarmed combat and their speed
would rival that of the ninja.  The most unbelievable discovery,
however, was that of giant lizards.  Lizards as tall as the walls
of Lirath.  Their bark was as bad as their bite.

                                                                  | \
                                                               x  x  x
                                                              / \ | /
                                                            x     x      
                                                          /       | \        
                                                         x        x--x 
                                                          \       |  |        
                                                            x     x  x--x        x--x   
                                                             \    |      \      /   | \    
                                                         x     x  x        x--x     x--x         
                                                         |       \|       /         |
                                                         x--x--x--x     x           x
                                                          \       |     |           |
                                                            x     x  x--x  x--x     x
                                                                  | / \    |   \   /    
                                                                  x     x  x     x
                                                               x           x
                                                               |\          |
            x                                                  x  x        x
          /   \                                                |    \      |
      x  x     x  x                                            x     x--x--x
      |    \      |                                            |
      x--x  x     x--x                                         x
        /|  | \ /                                             /
x     x  x--x  x                                         x--x
|   /        /                                           |
x--x--x--x  x--x           x--x                    x--x--x
 \     /       |          /     \                 /
   x  x--x--x  x  xhut  x        x           x--x
   |\      / \ | /|\   /           \        /
   x  x--x     x--x--x              x--x--x
 /               \|/               /
x                 x            x--x
                  hut         / 
     To Ukaeri--x     x
                 \    |

The Elven Forest| Thelbane Forest| Dunress Pass| Treemalking Forest| Valeris Forest

Lirath| Iapage| Hylar| Rhone| KT| Pesvint| Ukaeri| West Madagor| East Madagor| Amador|

© 1996

This page last edited Jan 17, 1999