I realize my updates in this little space is just me saying how I haven't updated in awhile, so whats the point. Once again I'm too busy to update this second. I don't see why I keep this here, but at one point this was such a huge part of me, and once the summer starts, it probably will be again. Updating this weekly, being a slave to html. My life is just so level these days. Right now itz a little stressed, but thats how everyone's life is. I'm having medical problems, but whatever, shit happens right? If I die, I die, if I go deaf like my mom, I go deaf. So be it. I'm taking obstacles as they come these days, still dealing with some of them. I'll write for you all at another time. So Farewell. ~Lynne

people I hope have been challenged to think by my site.

My picture is there, BLAH!!!

Happy Noodle Boy on Conformity:
This rotting concept of the unfathomable nostril mystifies the fuming crotch of my being!!! Stop with the mooing you damn Chihuahua! Ganglia!! Rats eat babies!

I've taken down some things out of my love essay b/c I feel like a pathetic loser for having them up there. ;)

- WARNING: This file contains some very sensitive and private material. Anyone who doesn't know me very well prolly doesn't want to read this. Itz all about what has cause my depression and all the abuse I've gone through. So I've warned you now. And if you do read it, please no pity emails. I don't need that. Now if ya wanna support me, spiffy. I know what I've been through though, and I'm dealing. But if you wanna drop an email and for some weird reason want me to help you, then by all means please do it. We don't need anymore abuse victims out there.

You can always ICQ me, I have two #'s, 16033532 and 14700886, just make sure you tell me you got the #s from my page, cuz if you don't I'll prolly end up being a bitch and ignoring you.
I can also be reached on Yahoo Pager as AngelsBleed.

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