Reaction to Thoreau's "Civil Disobedience"
This essay is much more formal than any of the other ones I have on this page. The reason is b/c it was written for extra credit for my English class during our Trancendentalism unit. I proposed to write this, mainly b/c I wanted to, and b/c I was like "hey if I turn this in I can improve my grade." So out of it came this. Enjoy it.

Reaction to Thoreau's "Civil Disobedience"

In the beginning of "Civil Disobedience" Thoreau uses the sayings "That government is best which governs the least" and "That government is best which governs not at all." The latter of the two is the one which I believe most represents my views. Thoreau says once a man is ready he will have that type of government. This will never happen b/c man feels he needs to be ruled by ones he elects. How do they know what is best for him? They do not. I doubt very seriously that any elected official knows every single person in his or her jurisdiction. the representative can not possibly know what every single person wants, and therefore can not fully represent the people. He wants his views and opinions to be represented, yet he chooses someone who could not possibly know everything he wants out of the governement; in this case man is ignorant.

In arguement to the above, people might say that they pick someone who goes a long with their views. My response to this that your representative is not representing your views; he or she is representing their views. No two people have the exact same views, we all know that. If everyone had the same view or similar views we wouldn't have arguements, or wars. everyone is not represented for two reasons. You representative does not go back to you on every vote he or she takes in Congress, or on every decision they make; yet it still affects you. The second reason is the representatives are easily swayed. "It [the governement] has not the vitality or force of a single living man; for a single man can bend it to his will." Look at when John Quincy Adams was elected for president. There was not a majority of the vote for Andrew Jackson (he had the highest percentage of the populations's vote though), so the issue was given to Congress to decide. They chose John Quincy Adans with pressure from Henry Clay. This was not the people's choice, it was the representatives. How was that a representation of the people?

People would like to trick themselves into believing they are free, when in actuality they are not. We may seem freer to other countries, but that does not make us free. what would make us free is having the option to do whatever we wanted without formal consequences. Of course there will more than likely be consequences and rezctions from other people, but that is where self control comes in. Apparently people don't seem to think that they have any self control and an Anarchist society would und up in chaos. The only reason it wouldn't work is b/c of thinking like that. The only way you can have an Anarchist society is with Anarchists. If even one person there does not want that complete and total freedom, then it is NOT and Anarchist socierty. It is opression b/c that person is being forced to live in a society where he does not want to be. "Governments show thus how successfully men can be imposed on, even impose on themselves, for their own advantage." Thoreau even stated in Civil Disobedience "... this governmentnever of itself firthered any enterprise, but by the alacrity with which it got out of its way. It does not keep the country free."

Thoreau's and my views differ slightly in the fact that he wanted a better government. I believe that there is no good government, every single one opresses some group of people. The draft is a perfect example. Why in the 60's were so many people protesting war, and would go to jail for it? Because they believed it was wrong. The government opressed their views by throwing them into jail. It was freedom of speech, yet they violated it b/c it didn't go along with what was patriotic. But apparently things have changed slightly since we have a president who avoided the draft, yet is our president. If everyone is so patriotic, and loves this country, then why choose someone who spat in the face of the country?

People are sheep. They go along with whatever the governement tells them to do. why must we pay taxes? Why should we even have to work? We do it b/c the government tells us to. We follow their rules and say they are our own, when in fact we are taught this way. I do believe that life is precious, and parents should teach their kids tha sam, but not b/c the government tells them to. It doesn't care about us, so why should be care about it. The government says we are free and we believe them, but why? Why do we need to believe a government that lies to us, that puts us in debt, that conceals thing for our own "protection", that gets us involved in issues that we shouldn't even be in. how many people die b/c of the government? Have any of your family members ever died in war? They break us apart from out families, when they are the only ones we have. They make us believe that it is ok to break ties with family, when it is not. They are your blood, they are a part of you.

This essay was not written to tell you what is right and what is wrong, but to invoke though in you, to challenge ideas around you that do not work for you. You need to break away and become your own person. The only way to schieve this is by thinking. Most people take thinking for granted, and just go on with their daily lives like nothing has ever happened. I can not do that. I see things around me that are wrong and I must speak out against them. This may not be the way for you; you may pefer boycotting or some other protest. All I ask is that you think for yourself and fon't let anyone tell you that you are wrong, for you are not wrong as long as you are true to yourself. "Let everyman make known what kind of governement would command his respect, and that would be one step closer torwards obtaining it." Anarchy commands my respect, and this essay is another step torwards obtaining it. I hope many people read this and realize things that have been going on around them. I would like to see one government that did not opress one group of people, or people as a whole, and gives them freedom. When I see that, it is the day I will not be an Anarchist anymore.
