I wrote this poem for Sociology class. It was supposed to be on the 4 stages of a persons life (childhood, adolescence (i focused on the teen aspect of this stage), adulthood, and old age). Well I kinda twisted it and made it what I wanted it to be. My friends say its good, I only think its ok. Have a mind of your own and judge it for yourself.

Stages Of Conformity

I'm young and don't know what to do,
I can't even walk til the age of two.
They teach me how I should act,
Forced by my human contract.*
I must do what they say,
Or face time out for the whole day.
When I first go to school they are excited,
But when I get home its "Homework and straight to bed".
I have no life of my own,
For me childhood is blown.

At first I do what they say,
Then I wise up and do things my own way.
They gave me life,and try to control it,
I won't put up with it, I'll just sit.
I do not care about their standards,
I go against them with my banters.
They blame everything on my moods,
They just want my soul, fucking brutes.
I am invincible, I am king,
I am a teen, I can do anything.

Bound down by societies grasp,
Killing my body like a venomous asp.
Forced to do what they say,
Forced to make my pay.
Dressed in clothes they make me wear,
Not a fray, not a rip, not even a tear.
Conformed to their style,
I should wear what I want, out of it I'd get a rile.
I'm an adult, I should be what I wanna be.
But no, I must live up to the standards of society.

I am old and have lived my life,
I've seen so much strfie.
I tell kiddies of my sin,
Hoping they'll never become what I've been.
I see the grandkids grow up,
They have to put up with so much.
As death coms I see it as a rest,
Of my life I have already lived the best.
Death waits for me in my living room,
Conformity is gone with one gun shot, BOOM...


* Human Contract:The supposed debt you owe your parents for giving birth to you.

Thanks to my friend Scott for helping me write one of the lines I was stuck on. Danke.