Well it has occured to me that I have nothing bout conformity on this page. how sad considering itz title. Wait, no I have my Stages of Conformity poem. Read it if you haven't yet. Well lemme see. I guess I'll start this whole little essay thing now. Okie, to start off with a quote would be a good thing. My psychology teacher says "All non-conformists are actually conformists". How can this be true? Sure all the non-conformists are working for the same cause, but if they are themselves then how could they be a conformist? confused a little? no? good. What I say is that conformity is eeeeeeevil! But if you do happen to fit into a conformed style while being yerself I say you aren't a conformist. Itz the people around you who are trying to conform to you. If you are truly yerself then fine. But most of these conformists are not themselves. They are trying to be something they aren't, and they trick themselves into believeing this is them. My bottom line is everyone needs to be true to themselves. I don't care if everyone else is doing it. (no, I'm not gonna use the bridge scenario here, but it is something to think about.) I try to be true to myself, but people expect things out of you, and we all understand that, but we need to start a new trend (not like in fashion, but as in a pattern), be who you are, don't starve yourself to look like some waif model, or don't take steroids to become some big muscle man. I mean wtf are people thinking??? Do they actually think those sticks look hot?!?!?!? I mean, please, give me a break. I swear if you layed a finger on them they would snap in fucking half. And these big muscle men, I've got one thing for you to think about, if yer muscles get bigger it makes yer dick look smaller. Anyone ever realize that??!?!? Well thats besides the whole steroids thing shrinking yer dick. And one thing that bugs me like mad, these damn preps. I seriously despise them. I mean some of them are nice, but could they be any faker???? I know of two prep girls that kissed for a few bucks, wtf?? Why the hell would you kiss another girl unless you were bi? I mean it doesn't make sense to me. I guess they were doing it to impress the guys at the party. (in case you didn't realize this, things in my school spread damn fast) I mean I've kissed a girl in front of my boyfriend, but like he let me, and I think she is really hot, sooo...

Take today for example. I recieved a letter in the mail about having a administrative detention for 3 tardies. And apparently that is a violation of the tardy policy, I have never recieved b4 today, to my knowledge, a copy of that policy. To me it seems like they are making up the rules as they go along. Last semester I was late to psychology so much that I was almost failing. I do know one of the tardy policies at my school though, 3 tardies and you get an absence, 6 absences in one class and you fail. I feel that by giving me a detention they are punishing me twice. Do I really deserve that? I mean I had fucking mental breakdown today about this. They are going to the very core of my principles, my sense of fairness and justice, and when things aren't fair and just I get upset. I know most of you don't believe in astrology, but I do, and today has proven to me that people born under the same signs have similarities. I'm personally a Libra, and all I ever want is fairness and justice. And I get quite upset when things are unjust, so does my father. I hate to say I'm like my father in any way, but I am like him in this sense. Well I've vented enough for right now, goodnite unto you all.
