risingsunsmall (1K)

Now we're volunteers troopers, and I ain't really interested in ridin' ya bout how ya live yer life. It ain't me business, and if I didn't trust ya already, well, ya wouldn't be a trooper. Just so things are clear though, here's our code o' conduct.

First, I want ya ta respect the laws and customs o' our Republic. I understand the occasional brawl in the Toga. Heh, I been in a few meself. But the folks we protect have gotta trust us, and if I'm bringin' a bunch o' hood-wearin', posca-swillin' thugs inta their midst, that ain't gonna work. Wearin' a hood or mask without me approval, beatin' up folks, tickin' off the connies...ya know what I mean. Ya make a nuisance o' yerself, I'll hear about ya doin' it, and when I do, the best ya can hope fer is bein' shown the door quietly.

Second is sorta related ta the first. Me Militia has a fine reputation, and I'm damned proud o' that. I ain't gonna tolerate behavior that makes the Militia look bad, period. So if yer gonna be one o' me troopers, ya remember ta keep yer wits about ya. Yep, thieves need ta be caught, and loudmouths may need a l'il smack upside the head to remind 'em that speakin' free and speakin' responsibly go tagether. But I don't wanna hear bout ya goin' over the top 'less it's called fer. And I don't wanna hear about one o' me troopers vulturin' a battlefield. Ta make it plain, ya do somethin' that makes me ashamed o' havin' ya as a trooper, ya ain't gonna be a trooper fer long.

There's one thing in particular that's gonna get ya in hot water, troopers, an' that's lootin'. When yer stowin' that golden gladius the Cineran officer we just kilt was wieldin', ya know what yer doin'? Yer stealin' from the very folks that made it possible fer ya ta face that officer an' live. So lemme put it plain. There's ta be no lootin' at all while we're in battle. Not a bit of it. Sometimes, we'll have ta search the folks we whup ta see if they got clues that'll help us. But a sparkler, or a dirk, or a fancy lorica don' fall inta that category. Also, when the battle's over an' the officers let ya know it's time ta stand down, we're gonna be sure that every trooper, officer, healer, locksmith...friend, horse, I don' give a damn...they all get a share o' the loot. Now it ain't always easy ta make that fair. If ya think yer bein' jipped, then speak up. It's yer officers jobs ta make sure that when the Militia profits, all ya folks that work hard ta make it so get a share.

Finally, even though we're volunteers and do things different, we got a chain o'command when we're in the field. When I take me Militia inta battle, I gotta know a few things ta lead us ta victory. I gotta know where my folks are, and I gotta know that when I, or me lieutenant, or one o' me sergeants gives ya an order, that yer gonna follow it if ya can. There'll be times when ya think ya could help us by runnin' off and handlin' things yerself...that we need heroes or somethin'. If ya wanna be a hero, find another outfit fer yer exploits. I wanna bring ya all home safe in victory, and mebbe richer. So if ya buck our chain o' command, ya can be sure yer Cap'n is gonna want some words with ya. Heh, mebbe I'll think ya did right. But keep in mind that most times I won't.

I figger that's pretty clear. If ya got questions, ya come'n see me and we'll work 'em out. Carry on troopers.

Captain Prion Abraxus

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