The Whistle Blower





Capital Punishment

Asylum in UK

Labour Tax

The Euro


Fuel Prices

Rogue Tradesmen

Speed Traps

TV Repeats

I.D. Cards

Internet Scams


The youth of today is causing many more problems than ever before and crime in many areas is rising as these uncontrollable youths wreak havoc. Age groups do vary widely as car crime, vandalism, theft, shoplifting, drug abuse and violence towards other people mount up. It's time to take the initiative and control these little freaks once and for all. The time for retribution is well and truly nigh!

Controversial laws aimed at stopping young offenders from continuing a career in crime came into force across England and Wales on June 1st, 2000. Curfews can now be placed on children under 10 and they can also be ordered to attend school or keep away from certain people or places. The Youth Justice Board, which is implementing the reforms, stressed: "This is aimed at under-10s who are

really out of control, where other measures have failed. It should only be used in extreme circumstances."

What a load of old codswallop! Where do these goody-two-shoes, bleeding heart liberals get off? I ask you! Why only up to 10 years old? Why not 16 or 18? The answer would have been to electronically 'tag' the little troublemakers, put strict curfews on them and only allow them to go to places such as their schools with everywhere else out of bounds. A good job which could be created by this would be a small group covering a number of counties, monitoring the movement of the youths wearing the tags and then reporting to the local police or social services in the area where a problem occurs.

Failing this, extreme offenders should be sent to youth boot camps run solely by the army on remote islands off the Scottish coast. There, discipline and a most healthy regard for society would be instilled in them with the threat of a prison term to follow should any further offences occur. The first, and most immediate problem solved.

The parents of these troublemakers would then be required to attend a series of classes designed to indoctrinate them in the values of good parenting and social acceptance, as sadly most have received a too liberal upbringing themselves and have had little experience handed down from their own parents.