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Page 4: The Only Option Left

Well, you opt to try to use the Fargate again. You are understandably a little hesitant after the previous fiasco with the Fargate. Remember that time you tried to get back to Funkytown, and ended up... oh wait. Here.
You mosey boogie on over to the Fargate and examine it carefully. You notice a little knob on the side. On one side of the knob, it says "Funkytown." On the other side, it says, "Not Funkytown." How convenient!
You reach for the knob so that you can finally return to Funkytown, but it breaks off in your hand. Wow. Just Wow. So, looks like that whole Funkytown thing won't be happening anytime soon. Since you are quickly running out of options, you decide that anywhere is better than Outer Space McDonalds, even if it's not Funkytown. You grab your Razor and launch yourself headfirst towards the Fargate.

What did we forget?

Before you have time to remember, it's too late. You have polio.

Game Over!
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