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Won't you take me to Funkyland?

Funkyland: the legendary paradise on earth, fabled to be lost to time itself. Some claim it holds the wisdom of the ages. Others say it contains the fountain of youth. Still others believe it is fairer than heaven itself. Many a man has left in search of this veritable Garden of Eden.

Few have found it, none have lived to tell of it.

But now, for the first time ever, you can uncover the mysteries of this forbidden paradise! In a book based on the movie that was originaly a book that was based on a popular video game series that was based on a made-for-TV movie, you will journey towards Funkyland in an expedition more perilous than anything you have ever imagined. You will be terrified by the dangers you face, thrilled by the mysteries you uncover, but wait... oops, don't look now... YOUR DIED!!!!

So, how about it? Will you...

Choose your own adventure!©

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