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Fighting Laser
Some spoiler!!! Don't read if you don't wanna know!!!
This has got to be the most exciting moment in the whole hunter X Hunter story up to now!!! It's so cool! Nobody knows what's going to happen next since everybody's Hatsu abilities are so different.

To actually meet Laser, you first have to have a group of 15 people use accompany. This will un-lock a feature of the game where you can meet the 15 captains. The guy who steals the sword from Killua in the 14th manga tells many people to go to the rocky land where Gon and Killua were training. There he tells everybody present to share info on The Gentru clan. After some arguments some info is told, and at the end, they go to a city where you can find a card which the Genthru clan does not have.

They use accompany and gets there. They learn that there's pirates who killed anyone who knew about a treasure. More talk and then they have to fight this sumo-type guy to meet Laser, the pirate's captain. After two attempts with different people Killua uses strategy to win the match (You have to make him either move or make him get out of a circle) He, of course, wins so they meet Laser. He explains things and then he says you have to win 8 matchs out of 15 to get the card. So they start but Gon Killua and Biske notices everybody in their group sucks shit... So they lose on purpose.

Later since its understood that Boomer couldn't get the card they stop trying to get it. Gon will not abandon though, he and some mysterious guy makes a team and decides to go "hire" other strong people... After some talking Gon wants to know the identity of Kululo Lucifulu (He's in G.I.) So he uses Accompany and gets to him. To their surprise he's naked... (That's not the surprise) This guy is Hisoka!!! They talk and talk and talk and then leaves. They go find Tzesugera after a while and asks him to join them. They do some more talking and leave to go fight Laser. The remainding 15 comes from 7 G.I. players who have nothing to do in the story... So they go and after winning 3 matches? It's Laser's turn to fight. He chooses 8vs8 dodge ball.

Laser created 7 nen "demons" which will compose his team. Gon and his group decides that, Gon, Killua, Hisoka, Biske, Goreinu, Tsezugera, and two nen beasts will be making a team.

Goreinu has appeared in the 16th manga, he is indepandant (Has no groups) and is pretty strong., he can make nen beast (Gorrila like) appear.


  • The game starts with 7 people in and 1 person out (One person on the other side of the court, seven people in their own court)
  • When there are no more people in the inside court, the game ends.
  • When a player in the outside court is touched by a ball he becomes "out" and goes on the other side of the court unless he catches the ball or the ball first bounces off the ground.
  • However, including the person who started on the outer court, only one player can come back in his own court by saying back. So all you need to do is say back and one person may go back into the game. For example, let's say when the game start you say back then the player in the outer court will come back and you will have 8 players available in your own court.
  • "We" use the ricochet rule! If you throw the ball to player A and it bounces off player B and hits the ground, both players A and B will be eliminated. However if it touches player A and player B ctaches it, player A will be safe. If you throw a ball to your opponent and it bounces back to your own side and hits your teammate, your teammate will be eliminated while your opponent will be safe. However if after throwing it to your opponent it bounces back and your teammate catches it, your opponent will be eliminated.

After the rules are pronounced by Laser, Killua and player number 6 goes head to head in a throw ball.(basketball start game throw). Killua jumps and passes it to Goreinu , he throws the ball and knocks number four out. His nen-beast throws back the ball to Goreinu (His nen beast is on the outside court) and Goreinu catches ind knocks down number 5. Now for Laser's team player 4,5, and 1 (He started on the out court) are outside the court. Once more the nen-beast passes the ball to Goreinu and Goreinu throws the ball to Laser trying to knock him out. Laser catches it though and throws it REALLY hard to Goreinu, Goreinu is scared so he uses one of his ability, teleportation, with his nen beast. to keep on living... The ball explodes the nen-beast's head and Goreinu is on the other side of the court shaking.

After that Laser throws again to but makes a pass to player 5 on the out court, then 5 passes to 1 which passes it to 4, this goes on for a while confusing Tsezugera and some other players because the passes are so fast. sudenly 4 shoots the ball to Tsezugera while Killua and Gon who had followed the balls (Duh!) calls out to Tsezugera telling him to be careful. The ball hits Tsezugera and almost breaks his back, what saved him is that he had time to move nen through his body to stop some of the ball's effects. Tsezugera is disqualified because he is no longer available to play and Hisoka takes the ball. With his pansy gum he hits number three and then the ball comes back. He throws again aiming for number 6 but 6 catches it after fusioning with 7 created 13 (6+7=13) 13 is now a huge nen demon who holds the ball. Hisoka releases his nen from the ball letting it go and Laser takes the ball again. He bounces it and tells Gon he's going to hit him... Gon uses Ko on his hands moved above his head which reinforces his defense in the hands, the ball hits his hands and bounces high into the ceiling while Gon gets propulsed into the back wall.his shoes flying everywhere. Gon is still alive and tells Killua and Biske, who has came to help him stand that he was okay that the Ko protected him but when doing so the nen in his feet wasn't so strong which made him fly off.

Since the ball flew off on top of Gon's court and got incrustated there, a new ball was given to Killua who passed it to Goreinu on the outside court. He backed up and started running (Goreinu of course) he threw it hard to somewhere not anywhere near Laser and his demons but then one of his nen-beast appeared and switched places with Laser so it hit Laser straight in the head.

Manga 16 ends here, sorry!


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This site is a fansite created by Piccolo_2020, you may contact me at and I will answer your question ASAP. I do not want to infringe a copyright law by doing this site, this is for the only purpose of giving infomation on the manga Hunter X Hunter by Yoshihiro Togashi.