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The York Shin City auctions are the biggest ones in the world. In this section, there will be more than the main auctions, I'll be talking about every auction mentioned in the book. For example, the one where Gon arm wrestles other people to get money (In the manga, french anyway, it says it's an auction)
Auction Type 1:Exchange
A way of selling. The buyer brings what he possesses at the opening. The seller chooses one objects which pleases him in exchange of he buyer's object. This is an exchange. Also see, Sell, Attach.
Auction Type 2:Attach
A way of selling. Also called a conditional sell. The seller imposes a condition and the buyer who best completes the condition wins the object proposed. Part of the Black Market. This way has been officiated and is now used very much. Also see Exchange, Sell.
Other Types Unknown...
The Auctions in the Manga
Conditional Auction (Attach)
  • Leorio, Killua and Gon uses this auction to get as much money as possible in order to buy G. I. They stop after receiving a card from a mysterious man. There condition imposed was to beat Gon at arm wrestling. The object proposed was a diamond worth 3 million Jenis. Every time someone tried beating the condition they had to pay 10 000 Jenis.
  • After receiving a card from a mysterious man Leorio, Killua and Gon head on to the place written on the card. They enter and a conditional auction is about to start. The condition is to simply find one of the brigade members which appears on the pictures given out to the participants and to bring them back. The winner receives 2 billion Jenis. To participate you have to pay 5 million Jenis.
Tag Auction
  • You fill in a paper with your name and how much you're willing to pay for the item. The highest bidder receives the item at the closing time (Closing time depends on the sellers choice). Sometimes if the price you propose is high enough for the seller, he'll let you have it before closing time.

Little Auction
  • This is a place where most people go if they haven't got the time to register themselves in the big auctions (York Shin, Underground, etc...) You decide when you want to sell your objects but the disadvantage with that is that there are some days when people may be in bad moods or something so that prices might go down... (Like Stock...) At the beginning all of the object go on a little trolley where everyone can see them, then they go in the storage room where they will be sold later on. This lets everyone see the objects before hand.
  • The other "little" auction mentioned in the manga is a place where you need a special permit to sell things. Many people go there but you have no guarantee of authenticity. Which means you don't know for sure if an object is the real deal, you have to examine it yourself before.
"Big" Auctions

These auctions are the auctions where most business people go. You won't see hobos or people with almost no money there.

  • Southern Peace, this is where most of the auctions in the manga take place. Since the killings in York Shin City the organizers of the auctions decided to make the auctions during the day instead of the night. The biggest auction, you must buy a catalogue before entering the auctions. When buying the catalogue you will receive a card enabling you to enter the auction. With the card 5 people can come with you to assist the auction.
  • Underground. This auction was held in the Cemetery Building. It was the second largest auction? The people who organized this auction were the Godfathers since they owned about 90% of the city. Unfortunately for them the day the auction was held, the brigade members went in the city and killed everyone in their path. They also stole all of the items present.
The Terms


  • The case is real but the contents were replaced.
  • Replace all contents by fake ones.
  • Replace the contents but leave a few originals.
  • Expose the real contents when they are presented but replace them by fake ones just before getting them sold.
  • The contents are originals but are not old nor precious.
  • The contents are original but have no value.


  • The case and the contents are fake.


  • A very old wood but worked on in the year... (It's not because the wood is old that it was worked on in the old days.)

Hot Joint...

  • Heating the joints so that it becomes adhesive again.

Double Stick

  • Adding a new joint on top of the old one

The "Chauffe"

  • Heating the joint, melting it, and replacing it on its original position.

Pierced on the side

  • You open the case by making an opening on the side, thus leaving the joints in their original place. Then you take out the contents and replace them with fake objects.




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This site is a fansite created by Piccolo_2020, you may contact me at and I will answer your question ASAP. I do not want to infringe a copyright law by doing this site, this is for the only purpose of giving infomation on the manga Hunter X Hunter by Yoshihiro Togashi.