The Lord of the Rings

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character index

  1. Théoden - (human) He is the son of Thengel and the father of . He was weakened by the evil words of Grima Wormtongue, but he was healed by Gandalf. He led the men of victoriosly Rohan against Saruman's army. He died in battle on the fields of Pelanor after killing the Witch-King's stead.

  2. Thingol - (elf) He is married to Melian and the father of Lúthien. He is one of the original three elves. He was the ruler of Doriath and he was the only elf of his kind to see the light of the two trees. He was killed by dwarves after he tried to take the Naugrim and the Silmaril back from them.

  3. Thorin Oakenshield - (dwarf) He is the son of Thrain. A member of the Company led by Gandalf, which was journeying to the Lonely Mountain. He died in the Battle of the Five Armies.

  4. Thorondor - (eagle) King of all eagles, he was sent to Middle-earth by Manwe to help in the fight against Melkor. The eagles were the messengers of Manwe. After Fingolfin was killed by Melkor, Thorondor clawed the face of Melkor and picked up his body, placing it on a mountain peak near Gondolin.

  5. Thráin - (dwarf) He is the son of Thrór and the father of Thorin. He left with one of the seven rings given to the dwarves, but that was taken from him by the necromancer. He died in a prison in Dol Goldur. He was visited there by Gandalf, and Thráin gave him the key and map of the secret door of the Lonely Mountain.

  6. Thranduil - (elf) He is the father of Legolas. He is the king of the wood elves of in the forest Mirkwood, and captured the dwarves of Bilbo's company. He led an army of elves to the lonely mountain to get a portion of the gold, but when the goblins attacked he combined his forces with those of the dwarves and men. He was victorious in the battle of the Five Armies.

  7. Thrór - (dwarf) He is the son of Dáin I and the father of Thráin. He was the King under the Mountain when Smaug came and attacked. He escaped through the secret back door.

  8. Tom Bombadil - (unknown) Known as Iarwin Ben-adar, he is married to Goldberry. He lives in the Old Forest near Hobbiton. He rescued Merry and Pippin from Old Willow, and he brought them to his home. He later saved their lives again in the Barrow-downs. He showed that the One Ring had no power over himself by putting on the ring and not dissapearing. He has been alive since before the creation of Middle-earth.

  9. Treebeard - (ent) He is also known as Fangorn. He is an ent and also one of the first ents. He met Merry and Pipin in Fangorn and was stirred to anger by their words. He led the rising of the Ents and organized an attack on Isengard. He held Saruman prisoner in the Orthanc, but later released him. He and the other ents became the ruler of Isengard and they turned it into a beautiful garden.

  10. Tulkas - (vala)

  11. Tuor - (human) He is the brother of Turin.

  12. Turgon - (elf) He is the son of Fingon. He is the father of Idril. A High King of the Noldor, he was the king of the hidden city of Gondolin. He died in the flames of the destroyed city of Gondolin.

  13. Turin - (human) He is the husband of Idril and the father of Eärendil. He led a group of people from the destruction of Gondolin through secret tunnels that he made.

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