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 Welcome to my bookstore! Click on the links to browse books under that topic. You may then order from Amazon.com by clicking on the image of the book! Please be patient, for some pages may take a while to load. More books are being added daily, so check back often!

Most of these books I have read, and if I have not, I've read the reviews on them and thought they'd be of interest to others looking through the store. So if you have any questions about a certain book, feel free to e-mail me at faerie_dust13@hotmail.com so we can discuss it.

Beginners Wicca/Witchcraft

Advanced Wicca

God/dess Study

Chakras/Energy Centers


Astral Projection



Magickal References


Beginners Wicca/Witchcraft

Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner - Scott Cunningham
This was one of the first books I ever picked up on Wicca. It is an excellent beginner's book for someone who is practicing on their own. It covers many of the basic topics and includes exercises you can practice on your own. Scott Cunningham has grown to become one of my favorite authors, so don't be afraid of any book by him.

To Ride a Silver Broomstick - Silver RavenWolf
Silver RavenWolf is one of the most widely recognized names in witchcraft literature. She has written some of the best guides to contemporary Witchcraft available. I love Silver's approach to writing, it makes you feel like she's sitting right in front of you, talking to you like just another normal person and using terms you can understand and relate to. This book is like a handbook for the beginner, covering many topics thoroughly as you go on. An EXCELLENT book!

Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft - Raymond Buckland
This 1986 classic is not only an excellent introduction to the Wiccan religion and earth-based religions in general, it's also a workbook that can take the serious student to the equivalent level of third-degree Gardnerian. Though Raymond Buckland was a student of the late great Gerald Gardner, this manual does not adhere to a specific branch or denomination of witchcraft, but rather seeks to teach the elements and philosophies common to all, whether Celtic, Saxon, Finnish, or what have you. Buckland is credited with bringing the "old religion" to the U.S., and covens and solitary witches practicing the craft in the U.S. today have him to thank for getting it out of the closet. While Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft is a must-have for any serious Wiccan practitioner, it is full of down-to-earth spiritual wisdom, which makes it a wonderful addition to the library of any broadminded seeker on the path toward the One. --P. Randall Cohan

The Complete Idiots Guide to Witchcraft
(From the Back Cover) This guide offers a beginner's look at the history of paganism, Wicca, and witchcraft, from the Druids and Celts to the witches of today who practice an earth-based religion, cast spells, and perform natural magic. The book, written by a practicing witch, reveals details of the witches' Sabbaths, ceremonies, and altars.

The Spiral Dance - Starhawk
This is an excellent book for the beginner. Though it stresses a lot of Coven practices, I also found it very useful in my solitary practice. I find myself going back to this book a lot, for it holds a large wealth of information and makes a great reference tool. Includes several exercises you can do yourself, which I love, and is good for whatever tradition you may choose to follow.

The Witches' Bible - Janet and Stewart Farrar
Everything you need to know is here! The Sabbats; Casting & Banishing the Magic Circle; The Complete Book of Shadows; The Great Rite; Initiation Rites; Consecration Rites; Spells; Witches' Tools; Witchcraft & Sex; Running a Coven; Clairvoyance; Astral Projection. This collection includes two books in one volume, Eight Sabbats for Witches and The Witches' Way and is the most comprehensive and revealing work on the principles, rituals and beliefs of modern witchcraft.

True Magick- A Beginner's Guide - Amber K
I would recommend this book for any young person interested in "Magical Religions" and/or considering joining a coven. The book is, as the title states, strictly for beginners and is ordered in such a way that, instead of jumping in to how to join a coven, it gives a small introduction to the fact that Wicca is not the only "magical religion" out there. It gives brief introductions to others such as Shamanism, Qabala, Alchemy, etc.

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Advanced Wicca


Advanced Wicca - Patricia Telesco
This book, like many of Telesco's earlier books, gives a good overview of many useful subjects. It is a good introduction for those who are just moving past Cunningham or Buckland's basic books.

Living Wicca - Scott Cunningham
"The perfect companion to Cunningham's Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner, containing the same concise and comprehendible style that makes the first book so enjoyable. With Living Wicca, Cunningham goes beyond the mechanics of the faith and emphasizes the importance of making Wicca a part of your everyday life. Focusing on the solitary practitioner, Cunningham encourages you to make your own path within the Wiccan tradition, and offers simple suggestions, from recycling to visiting the park, that heighten your spiritual awareness of the mundane world." --Brian Patterson

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God/dess Study


Maiden, Mother, Crone - D.J. Conway
Presents the Trinity as ancient symbols of the Goddess, predating Christianity by thousands of years. The book explores longstanding myths and symbols, illuminating ancient, universal human challenges that still exist today. Together with in-depth explanations of goddess archetypes and their relevance to 20th century living, this book will lead you to a state of conscious awareness that can change your life. AMAZING book that I highly recommend for anyone following the path, whether for the beginner or inspiration for the adept. Beautiful!

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Chakras/Energy Centers


Wheels of Life - Anodea Judith
Offering a Western approach to the chakra system, this comprehensive guide addresses the development of the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and political aspects of human life. Using a multi-dimensional approach that combines theoretical understanding and practical exercises, the author shows how each of the levels of consciousness represented by the chakras are necessary for a complete life.

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Aura Energy - Joe H., Phd Slate
A licensed psychologist and founder of the International Parapsychology Research Foundation illustrates how each person has the power to see his or her aura, interpret it, and fine tune it to promote mental, physical, and spiritual well being. This is a wonderful book that right away contains exercising for seeing Auras and working with them.

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Astral Projection


Astral Voyages - Bruce Goldberg
Of all the Astral Projection books I have, this is one of the best. Before actually guiding you through astral projection, it explains thoroughly everything that may happen during your travels and how you can use it to benefit your life. Contains many exercises to help you prepare for Astral Projection as well. If you're looking into Astral Projection, this book is a MUST.

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Idiots Guide to Meditation
The basics of meditation, from how it originated to its proven medical benefits, are explained as well as how to incorporate it into one's lifestyle and using it to combat heart disease, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, and back problems.

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The Faeries Oracle - Brian Froud
Author and illustrator Brian Froud offers believers a chance to consult with the magical wee folks. Using a deck of 66 "oracle cards," believers conduct readings as if interpreting Tarot cards. Each of the cards features Froud's signature faery pictures. Some of the cards have specific faeries, like the naked leaping "Spirit Lancer"--a feminine card that represents "self-expression, freedom, and exploration," according to the accompanying text written by Jessica Macbeth. Others are more abstract, like the "Guardian of the Gate," a blue- tinted card with splaying silver-white streaks that look like tendrils of faery hair.

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Magickal References


Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Scott Cunningham
Reviewer: NYC Webwitch from New York, NY
This book contains at least two or three hundred magical herb listings shown with illustrations of the herb, deity correspondences, elemental correspondences, folk names of herbs, ritual use, and other historical information designed to give clues as to how these herbs are best used towards magical purposes (Devil's Shoestring, for example, is best carried in the pocket to bring luck in employment matters, so from reading this book you would know not to make an incense with the herb but to carry it). The detailed appendices full of correspondence tables are great time-savers.

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