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Day Magick

Go through the information on the days of the week. Choose one thing you'd like to improve the seven-day span or one thing for each of those seven days. Write each day of the week on one index card. Write down your request on one side of each card, below the day, then sign your name. On the other side of the card put the angel's name that best represents that request.

Hold the stack of cards in your hands, angel names up, and empower the cards with your overall desire to work magick with the angels. Place the cards in a stack in the center of your altar in the appropriate order, with the day you wish to begin on top. Choose a time of day to work your angel magick every day. It does not matter what time of day it is, as long as you choose the same time each day.

When you are ready to work the magick, light your oil lamp or candle and burn some incense. Ground and Center. Hold the day's card in your hands and close your eyes, focusing on the positive energies of the angels helping you. Don't go over how the angel is to do it or even possible scenarios, let the angelic energy handle that. When you are finished, burn the card and scatter the ashes in the wind. If you leave the candle or anything burning, be sure it is in a safe place. Thank the angel you called in your mind before you leave your altar. Record your work in your journal, then go back later and note how this exercise helped you.

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Knot Magick

     Choose the season you wish to work with, and find a thirteen-inch-long string in the color of the season. Write in your journal specifically what you want to work for, and which type of angelic assistance you will be requesting. Go to your altar and light oil lamp or candle and incense. Place string on the center of the altar. Ground and Center.

Recite the following poem, tying the knots as shown below:

By knot of one this angelic magick has begun
By knot of two
(angel's name) powers come true
By knot of three the desire will come to be
By knot of four my will is now secure
By knot of five this magick is alive
By knot of six this magick is fixed
By knot of seven may angelic power be given
By knot of eight the magick is now fate
By knot of nine the desire is mine!

Carry the string with you until the spell has manifested.
When the magick has proven fruitful, untie the knots and remove the energy from the string, then dispose of the string. Do not forget to thank your chosen angel for helping you.

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Angel Color Wheel

For the angel color wheel you will need a set of colored pencils or markers, a plain piece of paper, a list of what you would like to improve in your life, and the names of the angels you would like to ask for help.

Using a compass, draw a circle in the center of your paper. Draw another circle about half an inch larger than the first, using the same center point. Use your ruler to divide the circle into sections (pie slices), with one slice for each request. Keep the number of requests down to four or six to start. Match your requests to a color. Write each request in a pie slice in black marker. On the outer rum write the name of the angelic energy you need, then color in the pie slice with the appropriate colored pencil. Finally, write your own name across the middle of the wheel.

Take the wheel to your altar and place it in the center. Light candles or oil lamp and incense. Ground and center. Hold the color wheel in your hand and call on each angel, one at a time. Tell each angel what you have written on the paper. When you are finished, close your eyes and envision the angelic beings around you, each taking their slice of the pie. Thank them for helping you. Tape your angel wheel somewhere in your home. If you think someone in your family will see it and make fun of it, place it where only you will see it.

When all the requests on your color wheel have come to form, take it to your altar and thank the angels for their assistance. Imagine the magick from the color wheel forming into a golden ball over the paper. Let the magick either sink into your altar or the ground. Burn the wheel and scatter the ashes to the winds.

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The Lesser Banishing Ritual

     The Lesser Banishing Ritual cleanses both your body and the area you are in, and       provides you with a path of harmony during the day. Great to use as a ground and centering and/or to perform every night and every morning.

     The Lesser Banishing Ritual

1. Take a deep breath, then another, then one more. Relax. Close your eyes if you like. Visualize yourself filled with divine light, growing larger, yet rooted to Mother Earth. Allow your center (around your navel area) to enter a state of complete calm, a floating sensation of peace and tranquility. Imagine that your feet, like the roots of a tree, dig deeply, securing your body in the earth. This procedure is called grounding and centering.

2. Bring the index finger of your dominant hand down your body until you are pointing to the ground. As you do this, visualize the white light of divinity entering the top of your head and circulating down through your body. Say Mahl-KOOT.

3. Bring your index finger to your right shoulder. Visualize the white light running down the center of your body, forming a beam from the heart area to your right, past the finger at your right shoulder. Say Vih-g'boo-RAH.

4. Move your finger horizontally to your left shoulder. Visualize the white light extending through infinite space to your left. Say Vih-g'doo-LAH.

5. Cross your arms in the God position (fists up touching your chest, with wrists crossed). Visualize within your chest, at the point covered by your crossed wrists, a brilliant golden glow. Say Lih-oh-LAHM, Ah-MEN.

6. Turn to the east. In one fluid motion, step out with your left foot, point your finger to the east, and draw the banishing pentagram (five-pointed star, starting at bottom left point) in the air. Many people visualize this pentagram as blue flames or blazing white light. Some spiral the energy/visualization out from their fingers and explode the visualization of the banishing pentagram. The choice is yours. Say Yud-heh-vahv-heh.

7. Bring your hand back down to your side and turn to the south. Repeat the pentagram as above and say Ah-doh-NYE.

8. Bring your hand back down to your side and turn to the west. Repeat the pentagram as before and say Eh-heh-YEH.

9. Bring your hand back down to your side and turn to the north. Repeat the pentagram as before and say AH-glah.

10. Turn to the east, raise your hand, and begin to connect the pentagrams with glowing white light, moving from the east, to the south, to the west, to the north, and back to the east.

11. Visualize this circle expanding to form a sphere around yourself and the room you are in.

12. Spread your arms straight our from your body, so that you form a cross. This equal-armed cross represents the four elements and the four archetypal angels. In the east say Before me, Rah-fay-EL. Behind me, Gahb-ray-EL. On my right hand, Mee-chai-EL. And on my left hand, Ohr-ree-EL.

13. With your arms still up, spread your feet apart (this is the Goddess position) and say For about me flames the pentagram...

14. Visualize the golden six-pointed star descending on the top of your head and moving down into your body; say And above me, now within me, shines the six-rayed star. Service (touch your head), devotion (touch your heart), honor (touch your thigh), Shekinah, descend upon me now!

15. Repeat steps 2 through 5.

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Angel Ritual Outline

I. Opening

A. Ground and center
B. Altar devotion
C. Purify the room
D. Call your guardian angel

II. Circle casting

          A. Cast circle

     1. Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual
     2. Cast the free-form angelic circle

B. Call quarters
C. Raise your vibratory frequency
D. Invoke deity/angelic energies
E. Name working

1. Healing
2. Talismans
3. Psychic work
4. Other

F. Perform Working
G. Meld with angelic energy

1. Song
2. Dance
3. Visualization
4. Chant
5. Drumming
6. Rattles/bells

III. Closing

A. Dismiss quarters
B. Thank angels and deity
C. Closing prayer
D. Pull up the circle (counterclockwise)
E. Ground and center

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Angelic Ritual Form

     This is a good form to do in your angel journal to help you prepare for a ritual. Also helps you keep track of it later on. Just write down this information, then fill it in with what you plan to do.

Date of Ritual:

Moon phase:



Reason for ritual:

Opening: Poetry, music, sing, chant, visualization, drumming, other

I will begin by:

Altar devotion: Standard, other

I will call my guardian angel by:

Circle casting I will use:

Quarters I will call: (list names you will use or how you will do it)

I will invoke deity or call angelic energies: (list who and how)

The working I will be doing: (list what and for whom)

The minor magicks I will employ:

Supplies I will need:

I will meld with deity by:

I will dismiss quarters by:

I will thank angels and deity by:

My closing prayer will be:

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