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Angel Journal

     Keep a journal that holds all of the things you learn while working with angels, as well as the work you do. Your journal can be a plain spiral notebook, or some people like to decorate it with pictures of angels on the front. It doesn't have to be elaborate or detailed, but if you are detailed it will be easier to look back to in the future.

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 Days of the Week

Planet: Moon
Issues of Importance: psychism, dreams, feminine energy, health, success in spiritual pursuits, domestic matters, things of family origin
Color(s): Silver and white
Angel(s): Gabriel, Arcan, Missabu, Abuzaha

Planet: Mars
Issues of Importance: business, mechanical things, buying and selling animals, hunting, beginning studies, gardening, sexual activities, confrontation.
Color(s): Red, rose or scarlet.
Angel(s): Camael, Samael, Satael, Amabiel, Friagne, and Hyniel.

Planet: Mercury
Issues of Importance: Swift Activity, communication, correspondence, phone calls, good day for journalists, writers, poets, bargaining, hiring employees, and visiting friends.
Color(s): Orange, light blue, and gray.
Angel(s): Raphael, Miel, and Seraphiel.

Planet: Jupiter
Issues of Importance: money issues, self-improvement, research, study, travel, social gatherings.
Color(s): Purple and royal blue.
Angel(s): Sachiel

Planet: Venus
Issues of Importance: Love, human interaction, fluidity of communication, sewing (creation of artistic garments), household improvement, shopping, party planning.
Color(s): Emerald green or pink.
Angel(s): Ariel/Uriel, Rachiel, Sachiel.

Planet: Saturn
Issues of Importance: public, farming, family ties, legal matters, taking care of debts, dealing with lawyers, financing, joint money matters, real estate, older people, banishing or binding negativity, getting rid of bad habits.
Color(s): Black
Angel(s): Cassiel, Machatan, Uriel, Orifiel.

Planet: Sun
Issues of Importance: Community work, volunteer services, exercise, outdoor sports, buying, selling, speculating, meeting people, anything involving groups, running fairs and raffles, growing crops, taking care of all health matters.
Color(s): Gold or yellow
Angel(s): Michael is the primary angel of Sunday. Each hour of Sunday has its own secondary angel as well. Michael (first hour), Anael (second hour), Raphael (third hour), Gabriel (fourth hour), Cassiel (fifth hour), Sachiel (sixth hour), Samael (seventh hour), Michael (eigth hour), Anael (ninth hour), Raphael (tenth hour), Gabriel (eleventh hour), and Cassiel (twelfth hour).

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The Seasons

Spring Brings... rebirth, rejuvenation, the planting of ideas, friendships, sexual union, fun, creativity, and communication.
Magicks: healing, purification, psychicm, bill-paying, planting out of doors, fertility, and all manner of things associated with air.
Element: Air
Color(s): Pastels of any shade
Angel(s): Milkiel, Spugliguel, Amatiel, Caracasa, Core, and Commissoros

Summer brings... rapid growth, projects in full bloom, deep sexual union, strength, and the desire to share the wealth of the universe.
Magicks: bringing love toward yourself, beauty, protection, physical and magickal energy, courage, marriage, and all magicks involving the element fire.
Element: Fire
Color(s): Vibrant shades of green, blue, pink, and yellow
Angel(s): Tubiel, Gaviel, Tariel, Gargatel, Oranir

Autumn brings... harvest and fruitition, laying plans for the winter months and tying up any loose ends in life.
Magicks: employment, large possessions, healing, study, and all magicks involving the element water.
Element: Water
Color(s): orange, gold, tan, brown, and deep yellow.
Angel(s): Torquaret, Tarquam, and Guabarel.

Winter brings... time to rest, take stock of your accomplishments, and create long-term plans for the coming growing season.
Magicks: banishment of any disease (whether physical of mental), meditation, breaking habits, planning magicks, and any magicks involving the element of earth.
Element: Earth.
Color(s): white, green, red, and gray.
Angel(s): Attaris, Amabael, Cetarari, Michael (angel of snow).

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Angels of the Months

January: Gabriel. (see ArchAngels). Color: White.

February: Barchiel, angel of hailstorms. Color: Pale blue.

March: Malahidael. Exercises his dominion for ninety-one days, from spring to summer; assists in contacting lovers. Color: Pale yellow.

April: Raphael (see ArchAngels). Color: Pale green.

May: Ambriel. He is also helpful in warding off evil, and is a spirit cited for conjuring purposes under the planet Mars. (see Tuesday). Color: Rose.

June: Muriel. His name means "myrrh". Invoke him from the south. Legend states he can procure a magic carpet for you. Color: Emerald green.

July: Verchiel, who is well versed in the powers of the Sun. Colors: Blue and purple.

August: Michael (see ArchAngels). Colors: Gold and yellow.

September: Uriel (see ArchAngels). Colors: Orange and red.

October: Barbiel, who allows contact with the ancestral dead. Colors: Black and orange.

November: Advachiel. Color: Brown.

December: Hanael. His name means "glory". He carries missives to the divine ones. Invoke him as a defender against evil. There is also an association drawn with Ishtar, the Chaldean goddess. Colors: Red and green.

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Angels & Color

White: Purity, truth, angelic energies, sincerity, hope, spiritual strength, protection, power of divinity. Angels of light, Cancer, the Moon. All-purpose correspondence.

Purple: Clarity of thought, richness, worldly ambitions, power, religion, healing severe diseases and mental conditions, overcoming business difficulties. Angels of Sagittarius, Jupiter, the Moon (lavender), Mercury (violet), chaos (dark).

Blue: Tranquility, patience, understanding, health, psychism, intuition, wisdom, mental and emotional control, protection, happiness, transformation. Angels of water, Jupiter, Venus (light), lakes, seas, Pisces (dark), Venus (pale), Taurus, Cancer (dark), Libra (blue-green), Sagittarius (deep), the Moon, Aquarius (iridescent).

Green: Health, luck, fortune, fertility, nurturing, growth, money, prosperity, fruitition or a project of plan. Angels of Venus (pale), forests, mountains, earth, Taurus, Pisces (sea-green).

Yellow: Attraction, charm, confidence, hypnosis, drawing, fascination, joy, intellect, communication, travel, captivation. Angels of air, Leo, the Sun, Mercury (pale).

Orange: Career, encouragement, stimulation, adaptability, studiousness, courage, active finances. Angels of Mercury, Leo, Virgo (sienna), Aquarius (dark).

Red: Passion, strength, virility, maintaining health, physical longevity, protection, defensive needs, impulsiveness, attack, health, energy, victory. Angels of fire, Mars, Aries, Leo (scarlet), Scorpio (deep).

Rose: Love, passion, communication with loved ones, relaxation, healing of spirit, success, clean living, compassion, honor, conquering evil. Angels of Venus, Taurus, Libra.

Gold: Male virility, success, happiness, confidence, courage. Angels of the Sun, Leo.

Silver: Female energies, psychism, strength and compassion, patience, higher wisdom. Angels of the Moon, Cancer, Virgo, chaos (pewter).

Brown: Friendship, earth energies, assertiveness, health and safety of animals, financial success. Angels of earth, mountains, forests, Virgo, Aquarius.

Black: Binding, turning back negativity, banishing, absorbing unhealthy attitudes and addictions, protection. Angels of Saturn, earth, chaos, Scorpio.

Turquoise or gray: Neutralizing; stopping gossip, balancing karma. Angels of Venus, Saturn, Libra.

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Elemental Air Correspondences

Astrological signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
Colors: Yellow, gold, the soft colors of dawn.
Herbs: Fennel, hops, marjoram, parsley, sage, mint, dill, basil, oregano.
Metals: Tin and copper.
Musical Instruments: Wind instruments.
Places: Elevated areas such as mountains, towers, and airplanes; libraries, travel agencies, psychiatrist/psychologist/hypnotherapist's offices or places of mental healing (such as a gathering of like-minded individuals), schools, beaches.
Rituals and requests: Mental healing, divinatory and esoteric study, to learn the truth of a matter, to remove negativity, recovering lost or stolen property or people, safee travel to anywhere.
Scents: Highly fragrant flowers including roses (preferably white, pink, or yellow), essential oils (especially lavender or lily of the valley).
Sense: Hearing.
Sports: Snow skiing, running, archery, sky diving, bungee jumping, hang gliding.
Stones: Citrine, moss agate, rose quartz, quartz.
Time: Dawn
Types of Magick: Divination, self-improvement, mind, wind.
Visualization: Feathers, smoke, incense, floating leaves.

Angels Generally Associates with Air
Angels of air (general): Chasa, Casmaron, Cherub, Iahmel.
Angels of altitudes: Barachiel, Gabriel, Gediel.
Angel of announcements: Sirushi (Persian).
Angels of birds: Arael, Anpiel.
Angels of the clouds: General, unnamed (created on the first day of creation).
Angel of communication and protection: Ambriel.
Angel of the dawn: Hlm hml.
Angel of doves: Alphun.
Angel of dreams: Gabriel.
Angel of free will: Tabris.
Angel of grace: Ananchel.
Angels of hurricanes: Zamiel, Zaafiel.
Angel of intellectual achievements: Akriel.
Angel of inventions: Liwet.
Angel of memory and tolerance: Mupiel.
Angel of moderation: Baglis.
Angel of noonday winds: Nariel.
Angel of the north wind: Cahiroum.
Angel of pure wisdom, knowledge, and learning: Dina.
Angel of philosophers and meditation: Iahhel.
Angel of positive thoughts: Vohumanah.
Angels of prayers: Akatriel, Metatron, Raphael, Sandalphon, Michael.
Angel of protection for libraries, archives, and places of leaning: Harahel.
Angel of purity: Tahariel (cleanses both thoughts and surroundings).
Angel of secrets and hidden knowledge: Satarel.
Angel of sky: Sahaqiel.
Angels of storms: Zakkiel, Zaamael.
Angels of thunder: Ramiel, Uriel.
Angel of truth: Armait (also harmony, goodness, and wisdom).
Angel of those who seek the truth: Haamiah.
Angel of twilight: Aftiel.
Angels of the whirlwind: Rashiel, Zavael.
Angels of the wind: Moriel, Ruhiel, Rujiel, Ben Nez.
Angel of writing inspiration: Ecanus.

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Elemental Fire Correspondences

Astrological signs: Aries, Leo, Saggitarius.
Colors: Red, orange, burnt sienna.
Herbs and flowers: Sunflowers, marigold, dragon's blood, cayenne pepper, garlic, onion, rue, bay, broom.
Metals: Gold, brass.
Musical Instruments: String Instruments.
Places: Deserts, volcanoes, ovens, fireplaces, sports fields, hot springs, saunus, beaches, arenas, beauty parlors, dance studios, movie sets, theater stages, bedrooms.
Rituals and requests: Creativity, sexual passion, courage, strength, energy, authority, banishing, vibrancy, destroying cancers.
Scents: Highly stimulating fragrances such as bougainvillea, citrus, lilac, patchouli, clove, frankincense, nutmeg.
Sense: Sight.
Sports: Hunting, sharpshooting, football, soccer, triathlon, boxing, kickboxing, martial arts.
Stones: Red jasper, bloodstone.
Time: Noon.
Types of magick: Protection, creative pursuits, candle, storm, star.
Visualization: Any type of flame, hot objects, stars, comets.

Angels Generally Associated with Fire
Angel of the burning bush: Zagzagel.
Angels of comets: Zikiel or Ziquiel, Akhibel.
Angels of constellations: Kakabel (Kochbiel), Rahtiel.
Angel of creativity and vivid imagination: Samandriel.
Angels of the disk of the Sun: Chur (ancient Persian), Galgaliel.
Angel of good cause: Nemamiah (warrior angel).
Angels of fire: Nathaniel (Nathanel), Arel, Atuniel, Jehoel, Ardarel, Gabriel, Seraph.
Angel of flame: El Auria, a name equated with Ouriel (Uriel).
Angel of inspiration in art and beauty: Hael.
Angels of light: Isaac, Gabriel, Jesus, Mihr (Parsi religion), Parvagigar (Arabic).
Angel of the light of day: Shamshiel.
Angels of lights (general): Raphael as regent of the Sun, Uriel, Shamshiel.
Angel of love, passion, romance, and soul mates: Anael.
Angels of song: Uriel, Raduerial, Israfel, Shemiel, Metatron.
Angel of success and good fortune: Barakiel.
Angels of the north star: Abathur, Muzania, Arhum Hii.
Angels of the stars: Kakabel, Kohabiel.
Angel of the star of love: Anael.
Angels of the north star: Abathur, Muzania, Arhum Hii, and four angels in Mandean lore.
Angel of the Sun's rays: Schachlil.

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Elemental Water Correspondeces

Astrological signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
Colors: Blue, aquamarine, turquoise; the colors of a muted sunset.
Herbs and flowers: Seaweed, cactus, water lilies, lettuce, apple, thyme, vanilla, yarrow, sandalwood.
Metals: Silver, mercury.
Musical Instruments: Singing bowls, cymbals, resonant metals.
Places: The sea, creeks, docks, rivers, ponds, streams, wells, fountains, swimming pools, showers, bathtubs, Jacuzzis, health spas, steam rooms, foggy places, ships, boats, rafts.
Rituals and requests: Physical healing, divinatory pursuits, purification, psychism, dreams, sleep, friendships, family matters, grief release.
Scents: Softly fragrant flowers and essential oils such as chamomile, myrrh, nightblooming cereus, hyacinth, iris, jasmine.
Sports: Swimming, diving, boating, skating, any type of racing, water ballet.
Stones: Amethyst, lapis, blue tourmaline.
Time: Dusk.
Types of magick: Divination, self-improvement, healing, spirituality.
Visualizations: Seashells, waves, a sparkling pond, fog.

Angels Generally Associted with Water
Angel of aquatic animals: Manakel.
Angels of wiccanings and baptisms: Raphael, Barpharanges.
Angel of beauty: Camael, who also presides over joy and happiness (Essene prayer: "Camael, angel of joy, descend upon the earth and give beauty to all things").
Angel of birth prophecy and conception: Gabriel.
Angel of childbirth and breast milk: Ardousius.
Angels of compassion: Rachmiel, Raphael.
Angels of the deep: Tamiel, Rampel, Rahab.
Angels over fish: Gagiel, Arariel, Azareel.
Angel over wild fowl: Trgiaob.
Angel of gratitude: Shemael.
Angels of hail: Bardiel (Baradiel, Barchiel), Nuriel, Yurkami.
Angel of healing body, mind, and spirit: Shekinah.
Angel of intuitive powers: Sachiel.
Angel to overcome jealousy: Balthial.
Angel of liberation and independence: Colopatiron (unlocks prison gates).
Angels of longevity: Mumiah, Scheiah, Rehail.
Angels of love: Raphael, Rahmiel, Theliel, Donquel, Anael, Liwet, Mirh.
Angels of mercy: Michael, Gabriel, Rhamiel, Rachmiel, Zadkiel.
Angel of peace and balance: Gavreel.
Angel of platonic love and friendship: Mihr.
Angel of positive and loving thoughts: Hahaiah.
Angel of protection for travel over water: Elemiah.
Angels of rain: Matarel, Mathariel, Ridia, Matriel (say them in chant sequence); also Zalbesael (Zelebsel), Dara (Persian).
Angels of the River Jordan: Silmai, Nibdai.
Angels of rivers: Trsiel, Rampel, Dara (Persian).
Angel of running streams: Nahaliel.
Angel of science and medicine: Mumiah.
Angel of the sea: Rahab.
Angel of showers: Zaa'fiel.
Angels of snow: Shalgiel, Michael.
Angel of the waters: Phul.
Angel of water insects: Shakziel.

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Elemental Earth Correspondences

Astrological signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
Colors: Green and brown.
Herbs and plants: Moss, ferns, trees, straw flowers, ground cover, cypress, mimosa, mistletoe, holly.
Metals: Iron, lead.
Musical Instruments: Drums, all percussion instruments.
Places: Forests, gardens, caves, parks, farms, markets, kitchens, plant nurseries, caves, any business underground, basements, mines.
Rituals and requests: Stability, growth, prosperity, fertility, grounding, finding employment, finding a home, charities.
Scents: Tangy fragances including pine, musk, bayberry, frankincense, patchouli, honeysuckle, myrrh.
Sense: Touch.
Sports: All winter sports.
Stones: Jade, quartz, obsidian.
Time: Midnight.
Types of magick: Self-improvement, knot magick, gardening, stone magick, marriage and criminal magicks.
Visualizations: Stones, trees, salt, dirt, clay, wheat, corn.
Angels Generally Associated with Earth
Angel of abundance: Barbelo (female - goodness, faith, and integrity as well as success and abundance).
Angel of agriculture: Risnuch.
Angel of alchemy and mineralogy: Och.
Angels over tame beasts: Thegri (Thuriel), Mtniel, Jehiel, Hayyal.
Angel of commerce: Anauel (success, commerce, prosperity; protection for those who own or want to start their own business).
Angel of deserts: Unnamed.
Angel of domesticated animals: Hariel (in charge of protecting dogs, cats, other pets, and farm animals).
Angel of the dust: Suphlatus.
Angels of earthquakes: Sui'el, Rashiel.
Angel of farmers: Sofiel.
Angels of fertility: Samandiriel, Yushamin.
Angel of food: Manna.
Angel of gardens: Cathetel (increases the growth and yield of vegetables and fruits and assists in keeping them healthy).
Angel of nourishment: Isda.
Angel of forests: Zuphlas.
Angel of fruitition: Anahita (female - protector of those who care for nature and keep the earth fruitful).
Angels over fruit and fruit trees: Teiaiel or Isiaiel, Adad (Assyro-Babylonian).
Angel of herbs: Unnamed.
Angel of the hills: Unnamed (often thought to be faeries and devas).
Angel of mountains: Mehabiah.
Angel of plants: Sachluph.
Angel of protection for small children and young animals: Afriel.
Angel over tame beasts: Behemiel.
Angels over trees: Maktiel, Zuphlas.
Angels of vegetables: Sealiah, Sofiel.
Angels of the wild beasts: Mtniel, Jehiel, Hayyel (will also help in stopping the extinction of wild animals).
Angel of wild birds: Trgiaob.
Angel over creeping things: Trgiaob.
Angel of the wilderness: Orifiel (protects the wilderness and those who care for it).
Angels of Gaia: Michael, Jehoel, Metatron, Sar ha-Olam, Mammon.

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