Lee Marsh: Abuse Recovery page






You said you never wanted me. My birth was a  mistake.
You tried to give me away, but no one would help.
At 10 you left me with strangers, then with HIM.
You never came to get me, like you said you would.
The police called and told you, "Come and get your  kids"
You took me home and blamed me when it happened again.
At twelve, you chose another time, to get rid of me
You said "Too many others. I need to care for them."
I went to live with strangers who blamed me for the abuse,
and constantly reminded me that mother didn't care.
At 16 when I came home you forced me to quit school
While you went out to work, I stayed home with your kids.
I worked real hard to get your love, but nothing that I did
was good enough and "it was all my fault."
At 18, you found a new way to push me away
You pushed me into marriage with a man I didn't know.
Always trying for your love, I could never measure up.
I sacrificed myself to the devil and the devil was Mom's love.

Copyright 1991; 2004: Lee Marsh

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