Visiting Denmark

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In the first days of my visit to Sonderborg, there was a festival - the Ringriderfesten, which was on over the long weekend. It focused on horse riders competing in a competition, and began with parades through the streets by over 500 horses and their riders and several local and visiting bands.


Colourful clowns parade down the main street of Sonderborg


For several days, there were colourful parades through the main streets. The main parade, on Sunday, began at Sonderborg Slot (castle) and flowed to the Festival grounds ready for lots of  competition and celebrations.

The parade passed close by due to the narrow streets, and it was sometimes a shock to turn around and be face to face with a horse breathing down on you. 

Several bands played, all with their own distinctive music, which had everyone tapping to the military beat.

Candice and Kristina viewing the many riders and bands as they pass by, only inches away.

Rochelle's host family was busy as Melissa plays with Sonderborg Gardens band, and they played several times over the weekend, apart from the parade time. 

Melissa was also lucky to be able to travel to Spain soon after with the band! 

Peter leads the way at the beginning of the parade


 Sonderborg Gardens Band on parade.


Part of the carnival grounds from the Ferris Wheel looking south...

(The long spinning ride we took is in the foreground left - it went on and on and on...)

Rotary Exchange | Leaving | Rome  | Rome 2 | Rome 3 

 Meggan | Celebrate | District Conference | Springwood Rotary

Host families 1 | Host families 2 | Host families 3 | Sonderborg | Graasten