Mario's RC Models
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A world full of surprises! Great, fast and fun!



Eco Speed

Key Biscayne

Owner of the Site is: 
Mario Verweij

Ronald v/d Wijden and Jean-Paul Verweij helped with this site.

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My first boat.
(No longer driving, but diving)

(New look)

Manufacturer: Robbe
Type: Unlimited versie 2
Length x Width: 84x38.5cm
Height: 22cm
Top speed: 49 km/h

Motor: Graupner 820BB Turbo Race
(formerly 720BB turbo neodym)
Battery: 2x10 cells 1700mah from Sanyo
Speedcontroller: Graupner Power mos 56

(Old look)

For a long time i was looking for a really fast electric boat, till i saw this boat at 2 Brothers RC.
When i bought this boat it was fitted with a 700BB turbo neodym motor. After the first trials i indeed discovered that this boat was flying across the water. But after my dad showed up with the Graupner B-24, which was well up to speed with my boat, i replaced to 700 motor with a 820BB turbo motor instead. Of course to supply it with enough power i had to enlarge my battery packs. Well, when you think you've seen everything, take a look at this, because this really is an electric canonball. Top speed has been established at 49 km/h. 
 (New photo's follow after the next run)

Below pictures of 2 more Robbe unlimited's that i've found on the Internet.

Pretty soon an other boat will join the ranks, namely the Graupner B-28. This because of the Unlimited's handling. This boat is designed for sailing straight ahead, but if you want to turn you'll have to account for the large radius of about 9 metres, while deep vees usually turn within 2 metres.

(If there are more people that own this boat or know of one on the Internet, please let me know).