Branches of The BRADY Family

The earliest BRADY that I know of right now is John BRADY. The earliest record of John is when he married Maria ROBINSON, 20 OCT 1723.  It is reported that he came from the Isle of Mann and was born in London in 1693. They lived in Goldens Bridge, Westchester County, New York.

The Brady House

Brady House

This house, although built after the Revolutionary War, stands near the site of the BRADY house which was invaded by Tory cowboys. The BRADY family came to Goldens Bridge in manor days when Simeon BRADY (1737-1806) built a frame house on the property pictured here.  This first Brady farm house was one of the first frame houses in Westchester County -- ealier houses were usually built of stone.  Simeon's son, who was also named Simeon (1777-1864) built the yellow house pictured here in the early 1800's.  He built it as a hope chest for his future marriage to Polly Clayson of Cross River. This house was just 25 feet away from the first farm house.  The original design included a copper roof, which had to be replaced when it leaked, by a more conventional wooden roof.  The copper taken off the house was fashioned into kitchen utensils.  The house was owned by Edward B. Brady in the late 1800's and was the center of one of the largest dairy and cattle businesses in the area.  Edward B. Brady moved the original frame house of Revolutionary days off the property and in 1906 left the yellow house to his son, Simeon, who added the pillars.

Color Picture of Brady House

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Some Brady History I have collectedJessie Brady's Tavern


This bible follows the family line of Stephen P. Brady, grandson of Jessie Brady of Westchester County, New York. Jessie Brady>Stephen P. Brady>Augustus C. Brady>Fredrick C. Brady>Raymond F. Brady>Lois E. (Brady)Deck>to me - Suzanne L. (Deck)Newell

John Brady's Will

Zebulon Brady's Will

Simeon Brady's Will

Jessie Brady's Will

David Brady's Will

David's Heir's Legal Action

Thomas Brady's Will

The SANDS Connection