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Random Stuff


Tune In Tomorrow!
Stay connected with your favorite inane soap opera plots with this exciting service.  Who has amnesia?  Who is about to collect on insurance money?  Who just found out they're married to their cousin?  Who knew all along, and is still dang proud of it, thank you?  Find out right here.


Here I will reprint the obituaries of people who meant a lot to me, or were notable for some reason.  I now have three: Clifford Whalen, a famously eccentric Sackets resident, Tim Grant, a minister, singer/songwriter, and friend of mine, and Debbie Maxon, a relative and friend.


Interesting Words
Want to see some random words that I like?  I didn't think so.  But they are interesting.  If you're really bored.  Feel free to suggest your own additions!  I will, in turn, feel free to ignore them.  Unless I like them, in which case I thought of them, and you, my friend, are a sap.  Such is life.

My poem to First New
Mike J.'s call to Delilah
Country Music Song Titles

Lists of Things 
I pretty much stole the idea for these kind of lists from a website called mcsweeneys.net, but all this material here is original.  At least 'original' in that I'm the one who thought of compiling it into a list in the first place.

"This is not my website."
Links to (or quotations from) sites that are not certainly not mine, but are often very funny, in an unintentional sort of way.  You can't make these things up.

©2002 Steve Maxon