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Main Entry: win·dow
Pronunciation: 'win-(")dO
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English windowe, from Old Norse vindauga, from vindr wind
 (akin to Old English wind) + auga eye; akin to Old English Eage eye -- more at EYE
Date: 13th century

1:  any of the areas into which a computer display may be divided and on which distinctly 
different types of information are displayed

Online Dictionary     www.m-w.com   

	 Here is an example of a multi tasking screen.  You'll notice the different 
programs that are running by looking at the task bar on the bottom of the page.
The bottom right corner shows my web page in Microsoft FrontPage.  Above
 this is Netscape displaying the Yahoo website.  Top right corner shows a 
picture I am working on using Paint Shop Pro 6, and below that is a screen 
from one of my favorite web sites, No Doubt.
Logo Keystroke Definition
Ctrl + X Cut       Removes selected item from doc     
Ctrl + C Copy     Makes copy of selected item
Ctrl + V Paste     Will show copy made with copy tool
Ctrl + S Save      Saves work done for later use
Ctrl + P Print      Prints a copy of work
Alt + F4 Close     Closes screen you are viewing
------- Restore     Restores screen to previous size
------- Maximize   Makes screen larger
------- Minimize    Makes screen smaller
 1.  Click on this arrow to have a box drop down showing all choices
	as to where you want to save your file.
 2.  This button allows you to move up one folder from where you are.
 3.  Click this to create a new folder to save your file in.
 4.  This button shows icons with the headings.
 5.  This button shows details with headings.
 6.  Change the file name as you see fit, this is how you locate your 
	work later.
 7.  Click this arrow to choose which type of file you want to save
	 your work as.
 8.  This will save your work into the folder and under the name you chose
	as well as the file type you indicated.
 9.  If you want to get into more detail, the options button may help you
	to save your work in a more personalized manner.
10.  Notice this box is highlighted.  You can change the name of your folder
	by fight clicking on the name and choosing rename.
Windows NT Skills
Display Save As Rename File
Printer Settings Navigation Taskbar
Find File File Type Create Folders
Online Resources:
    Company Overview
Online Tutorials:
        .NET Platform 
         Business Value Advisor 
Careers using Windows NT skills: 
         Stock Broker
         Computer Engineer

Hey!! email me @  Lennibaybe@yahoo.com
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