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Towards a Perfect Democracy "Alternatives"

Preface to the second edition

I am thankful to the thousands of people including the readers of the hardcopy and the internet edition, who have supported my views and opinion, in general. There may be slight disagreement on certain subjects/topics, but that is a welcome sign and a  indicator of thinking people.

Certain changes, mostly cosmetic, have been made in the second edition but the essence is the same and most of the contents remain unaltered.

I would love to keep on receiving the encouraging/critical/ suggestive feedback from all the wonderful readers of my book, be assured, all will get a reply.

Hemant Goswami
January 20, 2001



Preface to the first edition

This work is a natural reaction to my surroundings. I have been thinking since last seven years to write something which could ignite the process of deliberation among some of the responsible people around me. I do not know to what level I shall be successful in my objective, but an attempt has been made.

Though this work is influenced by the Indian conditions, but a lot of Countries in the World face similar kind of problems after they adopt a new democratic structure. The latest example is that of South Africa, which is passing through a similar phase.

India had a peculiar problem at the time of gaining independence from the colonial British. At the time of independence, India had around 600 princely States and all of those States were surviving till that time only because they were a party to the oppression of Indian people along with the Britishers. In other words they were the traitors of the Country. These aristocrats had surplus resources and unlimited wealth, which they had acquired over the years with the assistance of the foreign oppressors. After the proclamation of independence, most of these aristocrats became an indispensable part of the Indian democracy. These aristocrats had surplus material resources and a large chunk of followers, who could still not free themselves from the slave mentality, this helped them to reach the Parliament either directly or through their sponsored candidates. Once they regained power, they were again at their old habits of manipulating their way to the desired positions for personal gains and interests. In the new setup they could even control the law and the legal authorities. This process is still being carried forward and is playing doom for India.

This work is only a beginning and I know that with the passing time and added knowledge, I may be required to make certain amendments in my proposals. I would be accepting any proposal for amendment provided it suits the long and short term requirements of the Countries passing through this kind of situation.

I wish the general public too would have been a little more aware, experimental, innovative and responsive to the surroundings. Wishes are wishes and only the reality  real.

Over the years, I have learned and acquired knowledge in varied subjects, I may not have consciously retained any and claim not to be influenced by anyone but still I realise that my actions and thoughts are not divine. Though I may think that I have excreted all the material which I have eaten and digested over the years, but still a small part of it always becomes a part of oneself and aids in one’s growth. I express my gratitude and thankfulness to all the people who over an unknown time frame have contributed to make savage beings into civilised human beings which has resulted in the possibility of any thinking process to exist in each and every human being.

Hemant Goswami
November 1999

Words like State, Nation and Country have been used as inter-replaceable, though in my Country which is officially a Union of many different States, call the smaller units as States, so it should not be confused. I must also clarify lest I may be called a male chauvinist, he, him or his or such otherwise masculine genders wherever used includes all people both male as well as female.


[ Content | Preface | It Pains | The Obituary | The Objective of a Government | The form of Government
The People |The Representatives | The Political Parties | Elections | The Government | The Legislative
| The Executive |The Judiciary |
Thoughts | About the Author | Views and Opinions | Order and Join ]