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Towards a Perfect Democracy "Alternatives"

Chapter 2

The Obituary

The first paragraph of the obituary of my Country was written when it gained the much sought after independence from the colonial rule, my Country was tortured, stabbed and cut into two and later into three. Serving the selfish interest of that time, provisions crept in which made it possible to stab and cut it in future to the desires and will of ambitious demons of all future ages.

The new Constitution was another paragraph to the obituary of a strong Country with immense power of 700 million hands (at the time of independence), unparalleled philosophical and cultural heritage and other resources which would make any area of this World prosperous and a power to reckon with.

The so called intellectuals who drafted and finalised the Constitution were not more than a bunch of plagiarist, emotionally unstable and muddle headed dogmatic people who lifted articles and law from here and there and compiled it to make a document to be followed, the Constitution of my Country.

The spine of the Constitution is as flexible as that of the Constitution framers, it is resting on over 150 years system left by the foreigners who slyly invaded my Country and made laws always favouring a small minority, that of the wealthy and the rulers. The system was cumbersome which could be practised only under dictatorial conditions and which aided the corrupt, resourceful and the powerful. My plagiarist countrymen who made Constitution based the entire burden of the Country on the very same system which they inherited from none other than their foreign oppressors.

Little care was given to the long term interest of common people of my Country by the aristocrats and sycophants of that time. It was not realised by any one that my Country have passed through a traumatic phase of oppression and exploitation and the immediate demands of my Country were different and adopting  the same system will only change the oppressor and not the oppression. The conditions prevailing in my Country at that time were entirely different from the conditions prevailing in a foreign land (however prosperous and successful it may be) and their system could not be adopted.

The needs of my Country were different from the needs of any other Country, my Country and its people had their peculiar difficulties and problems. My Country or for that matter any Country needs some innovative restructuring after such a turbulent period to cope up with the World, but alas no one was innovative enough to give this chance to my Country and instead loaded it with a plagiarist structure.

That was the beginning. The termite of selfish laws and weak Constitution is now eating the complete edifice and bringing it down. Over the years by practising selfish politics and drafting laws in a way so that it become difficult to implement them and by leaving loopholes for the powerful to make their way. Ordinary people have been victimised and made coward. They are made to believe in the present structure, they have been inculcated with the feeling that nothing can be done, the system can not be changed, it is criminal to talk about it. They have started believing in quieta non movere. The feeling of selfishness over the years has become so potent that everybody is interested in getting his own things done by hook or by crook, regardless of the general state of affairs.

People are stuffed with a false feeling of national pride, a false feeling of religious richness and moral supremacy, a false feeling of a strong cultural, literary and scientific supremacy. Anybody who can analyse the things can easily see the lie, which is more transparent than the air.

There are people of high profile (mostly the present day politicians) who talk about national pride, cultural heritage, religious richness and scientific and literary supremacy but themselves do not understand what it means.

The politicians and the power brokers who speak about my Country, about a National setup do not understand what a National/State setup means and what is its purpose (apart from being a powerful person in Government and enjoying it), they talk about cultural heritage but have no idea what is it ? What is the significance of culture.? What is tradition and what is culture ? They are talking about preserving the culture and traditional wisdom, without even having a figment of understanding about such matters.

Then there are politicians and power broker who ride the wagon of religion. They talk about religion, divine pleasure, sin, moral right and wrongs. They talk about divine displeasure but these people do not have even the slightest idea even about the literal meaning of the religious scriptures leave apart the relevance of religion (which 99% would not even have touched in their lifetime) Though the awareness these people have about the purpose it serves to their selfish interest can not be doubted and that is the reason because of which these people quote extracts from different scriptures and books. Since the majority of the people are not virtuous enough to understand the ploy so they fall into the trap and are impressed by the rhetoric and are pleased by the selected extracts quoted by power seeking people. All this influence the emotions of the impressionable people.

As for the scientific excellence of my Country during the last 50 years, It is shameful to even talk about it. My Country has not given the World more than a couple of genuine scientific innovation, which are not plagiarist in nature, and that too have come from the assistance and philanthropic aid of people outside my Country’s political boundaries. It is good to have association with foreign lands but innovativeness and optimum utilisation of one’s own resources is a reflection of efficiency and open-mindedness, which is much needed. Apart from this every Nation must contribute at least as much to the World as it takes from it.

It is often that you hear about extracts of philosophical wisdom of my Country proving a point, but all practising syllogism know that anything can be proved by quoting extracts and by using its hidden power of ambiguity. The people who are doing so and claiming to educate and spread awareness about the religious and philosophical wisdom are the people exploiting others, especially the more vulnerable uneducated class for their own selfish interest. They are responsible for spreading confusion and anarchy.

This is the pitiable condition of my Country and its (once upon a time) dynamic people. Advocating, writing off of all such religious scriptures and philosophical work is beyond the scope of the present discussion.

My Country needs some basic changes in its structure, the outline of some of the proposals helpful in breaking these shackles are being discussed here, this is more of a start than a final structure.

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[ Content | Preface | It Pains | The Obituary | The Objective of a Government | The form of Government
The People |The Representatives | The Political Parties | Elections | The Government | The Legislative
| The Executive |The Judiciary |
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